Healthy Lifestyle And Cholesterol
Everybody in the world wants to enjoy a longer but healthy life.To lead a healthy life our over all body fitness our healthy mind,our food and family atmosphere all plays important roles.Hence Body Fitness is one important factor to have a healthy prolonged enjoyable life.In our body to keep it fit over all Cholesterol plays an imporant role.
Cholesterol Sructure
Cholesterol is chemically a steroid as it is having the typical four ringed portion which is known as cyclo pentano perhydro phenantherenn ring or steroidal ring indicated by two arrows and carved by a circle in the picture above.Typically any compound which if it has this four membered ring in its chemical sructure is known as a steroid.But the word steroid was derived by a different methodology as follows.In greek stero means stone like solid.These compounds are mostly oily in nature oil soluble and easily solidyfy into stones in nature.The name cholesterol is derived from the Greek word Chole means bile and stero means solid and ol means an alcohol as first first cholesterol was identified from the extracted gall stones.But later on amazingly they find out that our entire body which is made out of numerous cell units which are all made out of cholesterol.
Humen and any animal cells in general cells of any vertebrates (The bony Living Things) are differing from the plant and bacterial cells by devoid of a cell wall and instead of cell wall they contains cholesterol which covers the entire cell and protect the inner cell content.That is why humen and animal cells are more flexible and movable than the plant and bacterial cells which are more rigid.
Cholesterol is available in our body in various forms as alcohol which is soluble in water and is esterified with our body fatty acids to form water insoluble fats.Cholesterol in our body available in high concentration in Liver,Spinal Cord and Brain.
Humen and any animal cells in general cells of any vertebrates (The bony Living Things) are differing from the plant and bacterial cells by devoid of a cell wall and instead of cell wall they contains cholesterol which covers the entire cell and protect the inner cell content.That is why humen and animal cells are more flexible and movable than the plant and bacterial cells which are more rigid.
Cholesterol is available in our body in various forms as alcohol which is soluble in water and is esterified with our body fatty acids to form water insoluble fats.Cholesterol in our body available in high concentration in Liver,Spinal Cord and Brain.
Fats are
storable substances which are oily in nature and are water insoluble are mostly
stored in Adipose (Fatty) tissues for later consumption in emergency in energy starving
situation and in end stage ketonic Type-1 Juvanile
Diabetes Mellitus.
Our body
is getting fats mainly in two ways.First is the synthesis of Triglycerides,which are the esters
formed by the esterification reaction between our body glycerol with three
molecules of fatty acids.This synthesis is mostly performed in liver catalysed
by insulin.Secondly the
esterification of Cholestryl Alcohol
or Cholesterol with a molecule of a
fatty acid.This synthesis is performed in the entire body tissues especially
Adipose Tissues,the tissues which is more vulnerable to become fatty
most of our body steroids such as Adrenocorticosteroids and sex hormones are
all prepared from Cholesterol as a base.Vitamin D3(Chole-calciferol) the important and more tolerable type than D2(Ergo-calciferol) in humen body is
prepared from our body cholesterol when our body skin is exposed to the evening
sun light
As we have seen our body contains cholesterol in the form of soluble alcohol and fatty esters especially in the Adipose tissues,in he Liver,in the Brain in the Spinal chord and in the entire nervous systems.But on contrary in our cardio vascular system or simply in our blood cholosterol is circulating in a packed particles known as Lipoproteins.Esterified cholesterol and glycerol are naturally having a molecular structure similar to minute powdered small pieces of glass and they have sharp edges and hence they may damage the inner wall of the blood vessels if they circulate as they are without packed in as lipoproteins.See below the structure of a Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
and note the arrows pointing the fat particles looking like broken glass pieces with sharp edges nicely packed inside with apolipoproteins,phopholipids and unesterified cholesterol.
Liver is one of the important organ which is synthesizing and releasing fatty esters in various form into the blood as LDL,HDL,VLDL,etc.The above figure is giving an outline diagrammatically.When we take fatty food especially dietary foods the fat in the food is first saponified by the alkaline inestinal juice and absorbed along with the food as large chylomicrons and enter first into the lymphatic circulation and hen into the blood stream.These chylomicrons are large but very very thin packets of fatty lipids mostly triglycerides covered by thin layers of lipoproteins,phospholipids and unesterified cholesterol. and carry them into tissues.Tissues hydrolyze the triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids by the action of he enzyme Lipoproteinlipase.The free fatty acids are absorbed by the tissues and the remaining chylomicron remnents are taken by the liver.Thus liver gets milk fats.Thus chylomicrons carry exogenous fat in the blood for metabolism.
Cholesterol is produced in the liver as by the following map:-
In the liver the Acetyl Coenzyme-A is converted to mavalonic acid by HMG Co-A reductase and the mavalonic acid after underwent into various step is converted to cholesterol.Thus the increased cholestrol would supress the mavalonate pathways.Then again the cholesterol gets esterified to form various lipo proteins.Thus a reduction in cholesterol gears up the pathways on one side and the increase in LDL would induce more and more LDL receptors in the liver on he otherside and the cycle repeats.
As we have seen previously our body contains cholesterol through out all the entire tissue cell units as the cell-wall,the entire nervous system including the brain and spinal chord the liver, the adipose tissues, and the blood.Out of our total body cholesterol 90% produced by the liver endogenously and the remaining 10% only coming from food intake.Total cholesterol of our body should be at the range of 160mg to 200mg. see the chart.
Always remember that only total cholesterol may not be a correct indicator for you that you have CHD.Because some people have total cholesterol little out of range such as >260 but <400 may not have the risk of CHD.
On the otherhand CHD or Coronary Heart Desease is a fatal condition in which the coronory artery which supplies blood and energy to the heart may have some blocks due to athrosclerosis which is mainely due to the elevation of LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol.Hence in your lipid profile you must watch the LDL and Triglyceride levels.Remember Triglycerides are not cholesterol but they are fatty esters formed by the esterification reactions between glycerol with three molecules of fatty acids
The normal levels of the Lipid Profiles are as follows:-
Total cholesterol > 190 and < 210
LDL-C > 90 and < 110
Triglycerides > 100 and < 150
HDL-C > 40 and < 65
If LDL-C elevated above the level then the symptoms are Pancreatitis tiredness fatigue and symptoms of CHD
Here are formulas for finding out LDL-C cotents:-
LDL- Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol-(HDL-C+VLDL-C) VLDL=means very low density choles- - terol whic is produced by live endogen- -ously
LDL-Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol - (HDL-C+ TG) TG=means Triglycerides
If the Triglyceride levels are >400 then the above formula should be calculated with non HDL-C as follows:-
LDL-Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol - (HDL-C+ nonHDL-C)
non HDL-C = Total cholesterol - HDL-C
On the otherhand CHD or Coronary Heart Desease is a fatal condition in which the coronory artery which supplies blood and energy to the heart may have some blocks due to athrosclerosis which is mainely due to the elevation of LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol.Hence in your lipid profile you must watch the LDL and Triglyceride levels.Remember Triglycerides are not cholesterol but they are fatty esters formed by the esterification reactions between glycerol with three molecules of fatty acids
The normal levels of the Lipid Profiles are as follows:-
Total cholesterol > 190 and < 210
LDL-C > 90 and < 110
Triglycerides > 100 and < 150
HDL-C > 40 and < 65
If LDL-C elevated above the level then the symptoms are Pancreatitis tiredness fatigue and symptoms of CHD
Here are formulas for finding out LDL-C cotents:-
LDL- Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol-(HDL-C+VLDL-C) VLDL=means very low density choles- - terol whic is produced by live endogen- -ously
LDL-Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol - (HDL-C+ TG) TG=means Triglycerides
If the Triglyceride levels are >400 then the above formula should be calculated with non HDL-C as follows:-
LDL-Cholesterol = Total Cholesterol - (HDL-C+ nonHDL-C)
non HDL-C = Total cholesterol - HDL-C
Ischemia is the condition in which blood flow to a particular area of the heart is blocked so that the area becomes dimmed or blackish in colour because of there is lesser oxygen supply than the demand by the tissues of that area and the area is known as Ischemic
Reversible Angina is a condition in which there is a temporary insufficiency or blockade of blood and oxygen supply due to restlessness,stress,anxiety.The condition would releive after taking sufficient rest.
Acute Heart Attack(AMI) is a condition if Reversible Angina is allowed to persist for prolonged time without taking rest or medications like Nitroglycerin then the ischemia damages that part of the heart in which it occured may presipitate Irreversible ischemia Or Acute Reversible Myocardial Infarction
Sudden Death is a condion in which if the acute reversible myocardial infarction is allowed to persists for prolonged time without proper hospitalization the result will be Irreversible Heart Attack or Sudden Death due to the fatal ventricular fibrillation
The first symptems of the CHD is chest pain or angina which will elevate from the chest and radiate to the left arm and further radiate to neck jaws and back followed by sweating, unconciousness and heart attack which indicates that there is a complete blockade of the coronary blood circulation
A partial blockade will leads to a minor angina which will be similar to the symptoms of hyper acidity.
A mild or moderate angina is common in stressfull,and hard work,or sleeplessness condition but will be relieved by taking rest.But a severe angina as a result of complete blockade of arteries will eventually leads to Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction which will damage the heart muscle permanently if not treated immediately may cause death.The severe anginal pain which means a heart attack will not be releived by taking rest or nitro glycerin.
There are other symptoms also common in heart attack such as 1.nausea 2.sweating 3.restlessness 4.loss of conciousness 5.breathlessness,
A severe chestpain lasting for more than 15 minutes indicates it is a heart attack.Usually a mild angina will relive if you take a rest or a nitroglycerin tablet.But heart attack would not get relieved by these.The heart attack can happen at any time even at rest.Some times without any painor symptom a heart attack may occur this is known as Silent Heart Attack .This is common in patients with Diabetes Mellitus
2.Bile acid binding resins such as Cholestyramine and Colestipol
Bile acids are acting by forming insoluble complexes with bile acids which are the cholesterol raw materials and the insoluble complexes lateron would be excreted in stools.
3.HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors (HMGCAR) such as various statins.To study further about STATINS clic here.
4.Fibric Acid Derivative such as Clofibrate,Gemfibrozil.For Mechanisms of actions and Side effects please click on the hyperlinks
3.Strawberrys are beleived to have good anti oxidant properties and a recent researches by some Italian scientists also proved that strawberries are powerfully reducing bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides as they enriched with mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fatty acids.
A mild or moderate angina is common in stressfull,and hard work,or sleeplessness condition but will be relieved by taking rest.But a severe angina as a result of complete blockade of arteries will eventually leads to Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction which will damage the heart muscle permanently if not treated immediately may cause death.The severe anginal pain which means a heart attack will not be releived by taking rest or nitro glycerin.
There are other symptoms also common in heart attack such as 1.nausea 2.sweating 3.restlessness 4.loss of conciousness 5.breathlessness,
A severe chestpain lasting for more than 15 minutes indicates it is a heart attack.Usually a mild angina will relive if you take a rest or a nitroglycerin tablet.But heart attack would not get relieved by these.The heart attack can happen at any time even at rest.Some times without any painor symptom a heart attack may occur this is known as Silent Heart Attack .This is common in patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Treatment Options For Dyslipidemia And CHD
The treatment according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Guidelines (NCEPG) should be based on the LDL-C level in the blood.Accordingly the base level line they fixed is = or > 190mg/dl.If a patient is having LDL-Cholesterol equals to or above the base level if he has no CHD or one or two strokes of CHD.
Usually hyperlipidemias are classified as per the causes of occurrence.
Primary Hyperlipidemias are caused by either genetic factors or environmental factors e.g.Hyperchylomicronemia;Hypercholesteremia;Hyperlipidemia and Hyperglyceridemia
Secondary Hyperlipidemias are caused by other metabolic disorders such as Diabetes,Hypothyroidism ,
Renal Desease,and Alcoholism.
1.First intervention is food control and exercises.Relaxed Walkings,and very light Aerobic Exercises2.Bile acid binding resins such as Cholestyramine and Colestipol
Bile acids are acting by forming insoluble complexes with bile acids which are the cholesterol raw materials and the insoluble complexes lateron would be excreted in stools.
3.HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors (HMGCAR) such as various statins.To study further about STATINS clic here.
4.Fibric Acid Derivative such as Clofibrate,Gemfibrozil.For Mechanisms of actions and Side effects please click on the hyperlinks
Fish Oils
Fish oils especially from Cod and Salmon fish livers are major sources for unsaturated fatty acids such linolenic acid and omega 3 fatty acids such as eicosapentanoicacid(EPA) and docosohexanoicacid(DHA).These linonenic acid also acids on consuming is converted into eicsapentanoicacid(EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA).
Fish oils because of their omega 3 poly unsaturated fatty acids contents are believed to reduce the synthesis of VLDL-C and LDL-C but enhance the metabolism of VLDL-C to LDL-C and thereby increase the LDL-C paradoxically The effect on HDL-C is uncertain.
Fish oil treatments are of little value unless the patient has to consume twice or thrice diets contains fish in a weak.
But the fish oils are reducing the risk of CHD because of their anti arrhithmic effect and less because of their lipid lowering effect.
The EHA and DHA competes with arachidonic acid for cyclo oxigenase enzyme to form the more potent platlet anti aggregator thromboxane A3 by which the blood becomes more thinner to fecilitate the circulation and thereby reduce the risk of CHD
Fat Management Programmes
2.Apples are really wonderful and miraculous fruits to lower LDL bad cholesterol.The researchers from the Florida State University in 2011 explained this in The Experimental Biology Meeting in Washington DC.Fish oils because of their omega 3 poly unsaturated fatty acids contents are believed to reduce the synthesis of VLDL-C and LDL-C but enhance the metabolism of VLDL-C to LDL-C and thereby increase the LDL-C paradoxically The effect on HDL-C is uncertain.
Fish oil treatments are of little value unless the patient has to consume twice or thrice diets contains fish in a weak.
But the fish oils are reducing the risk of CHD because of their anti arrhithmic effect and less because of their lipid lowering effect.
The EHA and DHA competes with arachidonic acid for cyclo oxigenase enzyme to form the more potent platlet anti aggregator thromboxane A3 by which the blood becomes more thinner to fecilitate the circulation and thereby reduce the risk of CHD
Fat Management Programmes

For a complete pharmacology of Fat management to down load into your computer please click here
See the following video
ConclutionTotal cholesterol along with LDL-C and
Triglycerides should be controlled within the limits as they are major causes
for the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD).
Diabetes Mellitus should be avoided.CHD may lead to fatal Myocardial Infarction
if left untreated.
Do regular excercises especially a morning and evening walks.
Thank you.
1.Avocados a large berry type fruit with a central stone like seed is rich in Mono Unsaturated and Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids very similar to olive fruits.Scientists beleive that 75% of the unsaturated fatty acids are responsible for reducing LDL cholesterol![]() | ||||||
3.Strawberrys are beleived to have good anti oxidant properties and a recent researches by some Italian scientists also proved that strawberries are powerfully reducing bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides as they enriched with mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fatty acids.
4.Oranges are though not having cholesterol but they have good fiber contents which is responsible for lowering cholesterol.Eventhough oranges are not placed in the top ten fruits to lower the cholesterol it is of having high beneficial effects to reduce cardio vascular insufficency,coronery heart disease because of its antioxidant properties.Oranges are rich in vit-C,flavenoids and enormous fibers.
5.Pineapples are found to be good for reducing bad cholesterol.Pineapple is rich in vitamins,minerals and fibers.Its main cotent Bromelin is said to be good for digesting,assimilating and metabolising proteins and fats.It also prevent excess fats hovering into the blood.
6.Grapes are tasty sweet juicy fruit available as black and green grapes.Grapes contains a chemica known as Pterostilbene this can reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood just as a priscription medicine known as Ciprofibrate according to Dr.Agnes Rimendo,Ph.D of Department Agricultures National Products Utilization Research centre in Oxford,Mississippi.
7.Pomegranate not only reduce bad cholestrol it also protects HDL from damage.This is very important to those who are under metabolic woes such as overweight,obesity,devolopimg DM in which there are unprotected good cholesterol like HDL.Paraoxonase an enzyme which is helping HDL to absorb LDL before it gets broken and thus protecting the arteriolar wall.Pomegranate as well as Grapes are acting through this enzyme.
8.Lemon contains pectin an enzyme which is good for reducing bad cholestero along with Vitamin-C a powerful anti oxident and fibers which makes Lemon is a perfect fruit in the fight for bad cholesterol.
9.Grape fruit is one kind of a citrus fruit,Like other citrus fruits such as orange ,and lemon grape fruit also contains pectin,Vit-C,and fibers to lower the bad Cholesterol
10.Blueberry is the fruit very similar in appearance and taste to grapes and hence they too have the wonderful cholesterol reducing enzyme Pterostilbene which work very similar to the commercially available cholesterol lowering drug Ciprofibrate said by Dr.Agnes Rimendo,Ph.D of Department Agricultures National Products Utilization Research centre in Oxford,Mississippi.Also the blueberrys are rich in Vit-C and fiber contents which are also help to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
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5.Pineapples are found to be good for reducing bad cholesterol.Pineapple is rich in vitamins,minerals and fibers.Its main cotent Bromelin is said to be good for digesting,assimilating and metabolising proteins and fats.It also prevent excess fats hovering into the blood.
6.Grapes are tasty sweet juicy fruit available as black and green grapes.Grapes contains a chemica known as Pterostilbene this can reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood just as a priscription medicine known as Ciprofibrate according to Dr.Agnes Rimendo,Ph.D of Department Agricultures National Products Utilization Research centre in Oxford,Mississippi.
7.Pomegranate not only reduce bad cholestrol it also protects HDL from damage.This is very important to those who are under metabolic woes such as overweight,obesity,devolopimg DM in which there are unprotected good cholesterol like HDL.Paraoxonase an enzyme which is helping HDL to absorb LDL before it gets broken and thus protecting the arteriolar wall.Pomegranate as well as Grapes are acting through this enzyme.
8.Lemon contains pectin an enzyme which is good for reducing bad cholestero along with Vitamin-C a powerful anti oxident and fibers which makes Lemon is a perfect fruit in the fight for bad cholesterol.
9.Grape fruit is one kind of a citrus fruit,Like other citrus fruits such as orange ,and lemon grape fruit also contains pectin,Vit-C,and fibers to lower the bad Cholesterol
10.Blueberry is the fruit very similar in appearance and taste to grapes and hence they too have the wonderful cholesterol reducing enzyme Pterostilbene which work very similar to the commercially available cholesterol lowering drug Ciprofibrate said by Dr.Agnes Rimendo,Ph.D of Department Agricultures National Products Utilization Research centre in Oxford,Mississippi.Also the blueberrys are rich in Vit-C and fiber contents which are also help to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
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