



Wednesday 11 January 2017



Cashew trees came to India from their homeland Brazil. The wonderful shrubs may some times called as trees can grow a maximum height of 14 meters in an extraordinary growth.
It belongs to the botanical family Anacardium accidental. It is indigenous to South America especially to Brazil. It looks very greenery.
It is very common on the east and west coast of southern India.
The tree yields cashew apple which is attached with the nut at its bottom tip. According to a botanist the nut is originally the fruit and the fruit like upper part is originally the pearl millet or a swollen stem attachment of the fruit to the tree.
The apple and the nuts are having huge benefits for our health.
1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), in a case study revealed that eating cashew nuts on a daily basis has many cardiovascular benefits by their rich omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Cashew eating can lower LDL and increase HDL.IN 2003 the FDA also confirmed that cashews help lower LDL and decrease cardiovascular defects.
The Heart Association recommends a fist full of cashew nuts per week can be beneficial for heart diseases but warns against taking too much cashew nut as they are heavy in calories.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has also confirmed the association of eating cashew nuts with a lower incidence of death due to heart diseases, cancer, and respiratory diseases due to their rich content of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and anti-carcinogenic agents.
The study stated that cashews are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, fibers, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
2. Cashew nuts are preventing iron deficiency anemias by their rich in copper content. Copper facilitates the absorption of iron and its metabolism.
3. Cashew contains a powerful antioxidants pigment known as Zeaxanthin. This pigment is directly absorbed by our retina. Zeaxanthin is one of the major retinal components mostly present in the central macular retina.
4. Cashewnut oil is rich in zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorous. Because of these elements along with protein and antioxidants cashew oil is good for the skin.
5. Since cashew nuts are rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids they are good for weight reduction. The rich unsaturated fatty acids help excess fats to burn fast. They improve excess fat metabolism. Many studies have proved that those who consume cashew nuts on a regular basis have reduced and healthy BMI.
6. According to many studies cashews are rich in dietary fiber carbohydrates. The two important dietary fibers are oleic acid and palmitic acid which the body cannot be produced by the body. Cashewnuts are found rich in oleic acid and palmitic acid which helps digestion and absorption.
7. Cashew oil which is rich in zinc, copper, and selenium using this oil on a regular basis is good for hair growth and their health.



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