



Thursday 29 December 2016



The answer is yes, says a recent study at the KG Jabsen Center For Diabetes Research at the University of Bergen
The saturated fats intake rather increases the good cholesterol and not increases the risk of heart attack, the researchers say.
The above concept is totally against the old concept of the intake of saturated fats such as red meat, butter and cheese increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
In the new Norwegian Fat Intervention study (FATFUNC) published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study leader asst prof. Simon Nitter Dankel et al have overturned and questioned the older dietary concept that taking saturated fat is unhealthy for the population which dominated the medical literature for more than 50 years.
The notion of reducing saturated fat intake to keep the body weight in control and to prevent many chronic illnesses such as heart attack, blood pressure, and many diseases. But the scientists and many health organizations however contrasted with this theory with recent studies.
The American Heart Association (AHA) goes with the government warnings and echo that consuming too much-saturated fat may cause heart attack and other problems.
But The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics however recommend de-emphasizing the role of saturated fat in causing heart problems as there is no established link between the two.
The majority of the foods containing saturated fat comes from animal sources and dairy products.
The AHA recommends reducing the intake of these foods based on the strong science they believe behind the old concept.
Daniel and his colleges tested the harmful effects of saturated fat on 38 men with abdominal obesity. The participants were divided into two groups. Group A was given a diet rich of high fat with low carbohydrate and group B was given a diet rich of low fat and high carbohydrate for 12 weeks.
The researchers measured the fat mass in the abdomen and also assessed cardiovascular risk factors.
They found the result was negative towards the current theory of the group which was with the diet of high fat and low carbohydrate diet should be at higher risk of getting cardiovascular problems than the other group.
However that was not the case, there was no difference between the groups. 
"The very high intake of total and saturated fat did not increase the calculated risk of cardiovascular disease", the researchers said.
On contrary the participants under high saturated fat diet shown substantial improvements in several cardiometabolic risk factors such as ectopic fat storage (Fat deposits around the organs in the abdominal cavity such as liver and pancreas, skeletal muscle, heart and mainly as triglycerides with very little adipocytes), blood pressure, blood lipids, insulin, and blood sugar.

The Overriding Principle

Finally from the study, we could understand it is not the quantity of saturated fat but it is the quality of the saturated fat that may affect our health.




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