



Sunday 28 April 2019



Heel bruises or heel cracks are the most annoying problems in our daily life.
The main causes of the bruises are crushed blood vessels in the soft heel muscle due to crashes or wearing ill-fitting and rough shoes and dry weather.
Further the problem can be escalated by jogging in ill-fated shoes.
A sudden blow to the heel such as during a fall can cause a contusion or injury to the muscle in and around the heel.
Heel bruise can some times cause bleeding under the skin even though the skin is not broken.
In some cases, the crack at the heel that looks like a bruise is actually maybe something else such as plantar fasciitis
A heel bruise can take several weeks to heal depending on their severity by its own course.
The following home remedies can be used to reduce their time course of heal and pain.
1. Apply a cold compress in the bruised area for 15 to 30 minutes daily for several times. This may help to reduce painful inflammation and healing time.
2. Some times applying heat may be helpful
3. In some cases applying heat and ice alternatively may be useful in reducing the inflammation and pain. You can choose any of the above according to your suit.
4. Elevate the foot often above your heart while you are lying on the bed in the day time and keep the foot above your heart with the help of a pillow while sleeping at night. This may help to reduce the healing time, pain, swelling, and inflammation due to free blood flow.
5. Avoid any activities such as exercises, playing on the ground, running, or walking fo a few days. Resting is very important for a quick heal.
6. Give gentle massages daily several times.
7.Apply a plaster which can give a gentle pressure if the skin is not broken
8. Use comfortable shoes
9. Avoid walking with barefoot in rough and hot surfaces
10. Severe unbearable pain can be relieved by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Brufen) and naproxen (Proxen).

When To See A Doctor:-

Even though a heel pain is a common complaint some times there may be some underlying serious causes such as injuries at the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves.
A doctor can use x-rays or MRI scans to assess the real cause.
Plantar fasciitis which is due to the inflammation of the band of tissue, known as fascia may not heal its own butt needs a surgery.
Other conditions such as heel fractures, Achilles tendinitis, muscle or bone infections, and arthritis also require a doctor's attention.
See a doctor if you have the following conditions:-
1.If the pain lasts for more than 10 days
2.Intense pain
3.Less blood circulation due to swelling
4.Difficult walk or moving foot.
5.A fever following the pain.


As a general in case of any injuries especially in the foot can affect the growth and development of the children. Hence see a doctor within a couple of days.
Home remedies are helpful only to adults.

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