



Sunday 22 May 2016



This post is meant to help the couple who want to have a child. The following time table may help them provided that if their variable health conditions are otherwise normal.
Any couple at least a minimum of five years after the marriage if they do not conceive then they can come to a decision to seek medical help.
Basically, all pregnancies from fertilization to deliveries are all according to the ultimate decision and will of the Almighty. We must basically accept this. Life and Death are in his hand and up to his wish. But our responsibility is to try and leave it in the hand of God. Accept both the ends of success and failure are all for our good and benefits. 
A pregnancy starts with the fertilization of a mature ovum by the sperm. There are many variables that can affect pregnancy. Age, health,  lifestyles, climate, mental cooperation, and various other factors are all affecting the probability of conceiving in each cycle. Our control of these factors is person to person vary.
The factor most importantly that you have to control is the time programmed frequencies of coitus or intercourse.
As we have already known that the menstrual cycle is made of three phases such as the follicular phase, the ovulation phase and the luteal phase. Among this, the ovulation phase is the important one to be noted exactly as it lasts for only one day and the life cycle of an ovum is only 24 hours. But God helps us in another way by giving a lifetime to a male sperm about 72 to 120 hours that means approximately a sperm can live about 3 to 5 days in the healthy cervical fluids while an ovum lives for only 24 hours.
A fertile window is the days during which if intercourse performed may have a high probability to result in conception. The 5+1 (more exactly the 3+1) is the total lifetime of the sperm and the ovum and that is the fertile window's duration. Hence your time table of intercourse should be within these 6 days of the fertile window
More illustratively an intercourse performed roughly before 5 days and more exactly before 3 days of the ovulatory phase may have a high possibility of pregnancy.
On the contrary, if intercourse performed one day before or exactly on the day of ovulation may have a higher possibility to get pregnant.
The fertile window duration is very important. But this may vary depending upon any one of the life partner's health conditions. 
In short, the pregnancy is technically possible if intercourses are performed during the 6 (and most probably 3)days duration of the fertile window.
The chances of pregnancy are increased by multiple intercourses during these days provided your health and sperm counts are normal or higher as the frequencies of intercourses on the same day may reduce the number of sperms in the ejaculate.
To find out the exact time of ovulation and to calculate the fertile window duration is a myth as it is varying according to the individual's variables such as age, weight, BMI, food and so on
One possible indicator is the temperature rise at the time of ovulation. But it is a challenge as at the time when it was felt and expressed by our body to note by us, the time of the fertile window may already be passed.
To find out the fertile window in advance prospectively is finding the early signs of ovulation by examining the cervical fluid. The cycle statistics such as a noted time of ovulation in the previous cycle can also help.
But in a retrospective way, the method is simple. Once a clear and sustained temperature change is identified and ovulation is detected in your chart, you can see that your fertile window occurred during the six days prior to the thermal shift and your most frequent fertile days are three days prior to the shift.
But once you see the shift as we already saw, it is almost the fertile window has passed. Hence by keeping the above calculation as the base to have a trial and error method in several cycles will give an exact sense of knowledge to find out the fertile window.
Conclusively the intercourse must be accordingly programmed and timetabled.
Most of the ovulations are happening at the midcycle that means from 12th to 14th day. If the intercourses are programmed from the 10th day for every alternative day up to 16th day or from the day at which more LH are detectable in the cervical fluid and in urine may be a convenient time table for coital fertility. See the following videos
But everything is according to God's wish.
The following video may explain our body's readiness for fertilization
The healthy foods for good to get a conception
Please any comment on this subject you are warmly welcome in order to improve my knowledge and this site. Thanking you.


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