



Sunday 8 May 2016




Basically the female sexual system differs from male sexual system by the separation of the genital pathways from the urinary path ways where as in males both are united at the outlet level to form a combined urino-genital system.Here we will see the entire pharmaco-gynaecology of women comprehensively in parts by parts.

 Ovaries are major female reproductive parts situated at either side of the trunk embedded in the pelvic cavities of the female as tiny glands.These glands composed of tiny follicles known as Graafian Follicles.They are the main secreters of the female sex hormones known as estrogens.
The estrogens are mainly responsible for all changes at the age of puberty of the females and account for the secondary sexual characters of the females.
The direct action of estrogens causes the healthy development of the ovaries,fallopian tubes,uterus vajina and breast.
Also estrogens causes the shiny and soft female skin and structrure by evenly distributing the fat of the body.
Neuroendocrine Regulations of Mensuration
The hypothalamus which is situated at just below the thalamus in the brain secretes a hormone known as Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) in a pulsative manner.Then the GnRH act pulsatively on the anterior pituitary and stimulate it to release pulsatively the Gonadotropic Hormones or Gonadotropins which are the two hormones similar to male,the LH(the leutinizing hormone) and the FSH (the follicle stimulaing hormone).These two hormones act in a pulsative manner on the ovaries and causes the maturation of the follicle into ovum,and the secretions of the ovarian hormones estrogens and progesterone.
Progesterone exert a feed back mechanism on hypothalamus and pituitary whereas estrogen is having a feed back mechanism on pituitary only.
The full development of the follicle into ovum takes a theorital period of 11 to 14 days which is the mid cycle of the menses.At this this point the matured ovum detach itself from the ovary and enter into the fallopian tube and wait their for fertilization by a single spermatozoa.The ovum's life time is only 24 hrs whereas the sperm's life time is 72 hrs.The empty space occuppied by the detached ovum develops into a yellow gland known as Corpus Luteum which begins to secrete more progesterone and estrogen by the action of LH which  by feed back mechanism stop the stimulation of the overy further by the hypothalamus pituitary axeses until the cycle ends with fertilization or empty completion.If the ovum get successfully fertilized the progesterone and the corpus luteum will function throughout the entire period of pregnancy to protect the fetus.If not during the next half the cycle the corpus luteum begins to caese.The progesterone prepare the endometrium of the uterus like a cushion convenient for the reception of the fertilized ovum into it for stay.If no fertilization at the end of the period the entire things whould be shed off as menses.Then the next cycle would be resut.In the entire process the secretions of the steroids from the hypothalamus and pituitary axes must be pulsative with a regular intervals otherwice a continue secretion may cause continue stimulation of the ovaries which will result in painfull amenorrhea.


BRAIN MEANDERING PATHWAY                                                                         Maturity, the thinking goes, comes with age...