



Monday 27 September 2021


 Prostate Health

(Prostate gland and its effects only on men.
Read this pamphlet and follow the specific methods in it, especially the eating habits.
Useful for all men over 40)
Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) or, in simpler terms, harmless prostate enlargement. Useful article/talk about this neoplastic condition. Also, this can be classified into a kind of harmless neoplasm. The main part of the control mentioned in this article is food, food can be brought under our control and it will definitely be beneficial.
Is this the Wrong title? Is the prostate definitely for men?
Yes, for men only. Men over the age of 40 are especially prone to prostate enlargement. But this health enlightenment article is common to all.
Mainly concerning health promotion. 
Responsible health promotion should provide three things:-
1. Information
2. Commitment
3. Action Plan.
Let’s start with the background of prostate health:-
Everyone has a pair of kidneys. The job of the kidney is to remove waste. It is an important waste management company for your body. Your blood is filtered through the kidneys several times each day. As the blood is filtered, urine is formed and stored in a temporary storage tank called the bladder.
 If without only there is no bladder, when a man walks on the road, the urine will continue to flow.
Now think of plumbing work in your home. Consider the bladder as an overhead storage tank.
From the storage tank, a good plumber will lay the pipes to other parts of the house, including the kitchen. In the same way, the miraculously wise plumber, God has set up a tube from our bladder to the tip of the penis based on his wisdom. That tube is called the urethra. A small organ below the bladder and around the urethra is called the prostate gland.
The prostate gland is the size of a walnut and weighs about 20 grams. Its job is to produce semen. The fluid is stored in the SEMINAL VESICLES.
After the age of 40, the prostate gland begins to enlarge under the influence of a type of hormone called di-hydro testosterone, which is converted from testosterone secreted from the male sex organs the testes. This conversion is performed by the prostate itself. The prostate can grow from 20 grams to almost 100 grams. As it gets bigger, it compresses the urethra. So man begins to feel changes in the way he urinates.
Terminal Dripping:
Even after urinating, the man begins to notice urine flowing in his pants. After an old man urinates, this is why he has to ring the bell. A younger man simply drips off to the last drop. Look at an old man coming out of the bathroom. Sometimes he would hold the newspaper close to cover urine stains, especially to cover the stains on normal colored trousers.
You may have to wait a long time for urine to start flowing at this point. You need to open 2 valves to urinate - inner and outer loops. Both are open but you have to wait a long time for the urine to come out as there are obstructions in the urethra.
Inability to urinate completely
You have this feeling as soon as you urinate.
 When all of this happens, the bladder begins to work harder to compensate for the blockage in the urethra. The frequencies of urination increase. The water begins to tighten. Sometimes you have to run to the toilet. Nocturia also becomes common during this problem. You wake up more than 2 times a night to urinate. Your wife starts to complain.
Men not being able to tell anyone about it even at this time due to shame or indifference can then lead to more serious problems.
Chronically stored urine can stay in the bladder and cause a burning sensation when urinating, leading to infection.
Stored urine forms crystals. The crystals together form a stone in the bladder or kidney. The stones further clog the urethra.
Chronic urinary retention further weakens the bladder. The bladder also stores more urine. The volume of the bladder is 40 - 60 cubic liters. The volume of a coke bottle is 50 cubic liters. The bladder can increase up to 300 cubic liters as it stores more urine. The excessively filled bladder may leak, leading to wetting / urinary incontinence. Furthermore, this volume can put pressure on the kidneys and lead to kidney damage.
Bringing the man to the hospital is severe urinary retention. It is the inability of him to urinate when he wakes up one day and tries to urinate
Everything I described above is related to prostate enlargement, which is technically called benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH.
Other diseases of the prostate include:
1. Prostatitis - Inflammation of the prostate
2. Prostate cancer.
But here we can only look at prostate enlargement (BPH)
There is bad news and there is good news.
The bad news is that prostate enlargement is more common if every man lives longer.
The good news is that there are lifestyle changes that can help maintain optimal prostate health in men after the age of 40.
Nutrition / Diet: -
Watch what you eat. According to the American National Cancer Institute, 33% of all cancers are related to what we eat.
Every day consuming red meat triples your chances of prostate disease. Consuming milk every day doubles your risk. Not consuming fruits/vegetables daily increases your risk fourfold.
Tomatoes are very good for men. If the only thing your wife can offer in the evening, eat it with pleasure. It contains a lot of lycopene. Lycopene is a very powerful natural antioxidant.
Zinc-rich foods are also good for men. Pumpkin seeds can be recommended for zinc. (Ug Bogulu)
Zinc is the most important nutrient for male sexuality and fertility.
Men need more zinc than women. Each time a man loses 15 milligrams of zinc during ejaculation. Zinc is also important for alcohol metabolism. Your liver needs zinc to metabolize alcohol.
Alcohol consumption
When urinary symptoms associated with prostate enlargement begin to occur in men, it is important to monitor their alcohol consumption. Drinking more fluids will flush out more fluid.
Drink less. Or gradually stop drinking.
Exercise helps build muscle tone. Every human being needs to exercise. Men over the age of 40 should avoid high-impact exercise such as jogging. This puts pressure on the knees. Cycling is bad news for the prostate. Can recommend a brisk walk.
When we sit, two-thirds of our weight rests on the hips. Prostate symptoms are more common in men who sit for long periods of time. Do not sit for long. Walk as often as you can. Sit in comfortable chairs. You can use a detached saddle chair if you want to sit for a long time.
Wearing clothing
Men should avoid tight underwear. This affects the circulation around the waist and heats up slightly. While the physiological temperature is 37 degrees, the pelvis has an optimal temperature of about 33 degrees. Bond is not good for men. Wear thin loose-fitting ventilated clothing.
Avoid smoking. It affects the blood vessels and affects the blood circulation around the waist.
Regular intercourse is good for the prostate.
Celibates are more prone to prostate disease. Although celibacy is a moral decision, it is not a biological health system. This is because your prostate gland is designed to constantly empty its contents.
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