



Tuesday 12 February 2019



New research has suggested that transplanting stools with balanced gut microbial flora from a healthy person called "super donor" to an unhealthy person can have many curative effects from Irritable Bowel Syndrome to Alzheimer's Syndrome.
In this way even diabetes can be safely cured.
The research is even though still in a Lab test level in rodents a few tests have been done with human models successfully.
Many studies are going on about the possibility of curing many diseases with balancing gut microbiome.
The studies have shown many evidenced links between cancers, diabetes, obesity, depression, allergies, IBS, cardiovascular diseases, and traumatic stress disorders with imbalanced gut bacterial flora. This imbalance is technically known as Dysbiosis.
Researches have proved that dysbiosis is in many ways linked with allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, and heart, and vascular disease.
A recent research study report revealed that there are many connections between the gut bacterial flora and age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's Syndrome.
The important highlight of these studies is there are people with healthy gut bacterial flora which contains the so-called bacterial "KETONE SPECIES" which are the microbial species that produce protective chemicals such as butyrate without which the body cannot maintain its immunity.


Recently some researches from the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, in Germany have studied the competing dominance of the left and right hemispheres of the brain to overtake the other. They concluded that the process is common in the whole animal kingdom including the insects. They have published there reports in the journal Cell Reports.
The technique is known as Lateralization of the Brain Functions
A detailed one example is the language expertise such as grammar, vocabulary, and literal meaning are typically lateralized to the left half of the brine to all right-handed people which is normal
But these experts are lateralized 50:50 to the two halves or 90% into the right half of the brine to all left-handed people.


Basophils are kind of white blood cells (WBC) produced by the bone marrow.
Basophils play an important role to keep our body immunity to function correctly.
If basophil levels are below normal that indicates allergies developed in the body.
If basophil levels are above normal then there is an over the function of the autoimmune system with some blood disorders.
Basophils are a kind of granulocytes like neutrophils and eosinophils.
The granules inside the basophils produce certain important chemicals such as histamine and heparin that cause allergies, and inflammations.
The functions of basophils are to produce allergic reactions to resist  harmful allergen invaded in our body 
Also heparin is helpful as a blood thinner to prevent clotting and ensure smooth blood circulation.
Usually granulocytes are at a low level in normal conditions. The normal blood basophil level is around 0.4 to 0.6 percent of the total WBC count.
Their level rises when the body tries to resist an invading allergen to eliminate.
Hence when doctors test for a total WBC count by which if the result showed an abnormal rise in granulocytes levels such as basophils, neutrophils, or eosinophils then it means there are some underlying chronic disorders in our body such as allergies, asthma, and other inflammatory conditions.
High levels of Basophils (Basophilia) indicates the following disorders:-
1.Rheumatoid Arthritis
3.Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Crohn's Syndrome
4.Diabetes Mellitus
5.Asthma and other inflammatory allergic conditions.


This is a kind of blood test to find out the liver function 
1.ALT or ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE is one of the vital enzymes produced in the liver. The enzyme breakdown proteins into minute small amino acid molecules to help our body to utilize them easily.
2.ALT helps the liver to produce bile in order to assimilate fat by the body.
3.ALT helps the liver to filter out toxins from the blood.
4.ALT helps our body to store nutrients and iron.
Usually most of the ALT is present in the liver. But a damaged liver releases ALT into the blood.
Hence an abnormal rise of ALT in the blood indicates there is a liver disease.
Comprehensive metabolic panel tests include glucose test, liver test, and kidney test which is a routine health test which can be done by any individual to check his overall health in a lab.
But an ALT test should be performed if the Doctor doubts about the kidney function if the patient has the following symptoms:-
2.Upper Abdominal Pain (Right Side)
3.Pain at the right shoulder
4.Easy bruising or bleeding
6.White or pale-colored stools
7.Abdominal or foot swelling
These symptoms are usually to indicate the following liver morbidities:-
2.Non-alcoholic fatty liver
3.Liver Cirrhosis
4.Celiac Disease (An immune reaction to Gluten)
5.Thyroid dysfunction
6.Infections like sepsis and mononucleosis
7.Wilson's Disease (Disorder in Copper Metabolism)
8.Polymyositis (Muscle tissue damage)
9.Liver Cancer
A healthy liver may indicate a normal range of ALT in the blood as follows:
Male     ----  8 to 60 units per liter
Females have a lower upper limit.
Age can affect the normal range.
Including the above list, the following disorders also raise the ALT
1.Liver cell damage
2.Insufficient liver blood circulation
3.Hemochromatosis or iron buildup at the liver
4.Mononucleosis (Epstein Barr viral infection)


Food additives such as emulsifiers in bakery and confectionaries are used by the manufacturers to keep the food items in well-textured and last for longer periods in other words to extend their shelf life.
Emulsifiers are very common in biscuits, chocolates, processed meats, and many more.
Now researches on additives especially emulsifiers draws fires.
Recent research on mice shown that emulsifiers destroy gut bacterial flora and cause inflammations in mice.
The research continues to show that chronic ingestion of packed food items can cause obesity, and metabolic disorders because of their added additives especially the emulsifiers.


It is surprising to note that smoking with tobacco is reducing the prevalence of Parkinson's Disease to about 40%. Thus the medical profession is shocked at the beneficial effect of smoking to reduce P.D. prevalence.
Usually pandemic diseases are infectious diseases that can spread by physical contacts or any other communications from one person to another person by the microbes.
But non-infectious diseases such as Diabetes and P.D are also pandemic because of the changes in atmosphere and lifestyle.
In 1850 only 22 people died in the U.K out of P.D.
But today according to the estimation of the National Institute Of Health (NIH) half a million people live with the disease in U.S.alone.
How and Why?
The scientists surprisingly revealed the truth that it is because tobacco smoking is considerably reduced to about 50% which has the inverse effect on the prevalence of P.D


Recent research findings published in the journal Nature Communication revealed that panic swings in some protein concentrations alert the body to prepare protection against certain diseases like cancers and diabetes.
The protein is named as Nuclear Factor-kB (NF-kB).
These proteins activate the gene by its ups and down fluctuations and thereby correcting and inhibiting the signaling pathway proteins in order to suppress the proliferation of cancer cells.


Macrophages are kind of white blood cells that are designated to eat unwanted cells such as dangerous foreign bodies bacteria and cell debris.
Cancer cells cheat this system by sending a message "don't eat me" through a special protein called CD47 to the macrophages and thereby escapes from eaten up by the WBC.
Researchers from the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, have found out a method to prevent the cheating of the tumor cells to the macrophages by the method of macrophage priming.
They found that simply inhibiting CD47 is not working. Hence they discovered the method of priming the macrophage
In this method in a mouse model they injected a short stranded synthetic DNA molecule known as CpG along with a CD47 inhibitor.
It worked well as along with CpG molecule and the CD47 inhibitor the macrophages are stimulated well to ignore the "don't eat me" signal by the cancer cells and they effectively attack the tumor cells and destroy them.


Researchers at the Netherlands Institute Of Neuroscience have found out that there are 5 sub-types of insomnia each differs with their personality traits, the risk for depression, brain activity, and response to treatments.
A study paper has been published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry
Dr.Tessa Blanken of the Department of Sleep and Cognition has told that "while we have always considered insomnia is a single disorder, it actually represents 5 subtypes of disorders"
These 5 types differ in personality traits, the risk for depression, brain activity, and response to treatments.
Still treatments for insomnia is inconsistent because these subtypes are not well recognized.


A newer hypothesis has been developed by the scientists at the University of Buffalo in Newyork by sample test conducted on a small sample group consists of 16 persons. The study has been published in The American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, and Integrative and Comparative Physiology
16 persons were subjected to run on the treadmill for about 30 minutes followed by a 15-minute labor work under a hot sun in paddy fields.
After these 45 hours of hard work in hot weather after a relax for 15 minutes some of them were given soft citrus drinks with high fructose and caffeine and soda bicarbonate and the rest were only water.
After at least one week the participants returned and performed the routine work once again and this time those who drank soft drinks were given to drink only water and wise versa.
Tests were conducted before, immediately after, and after 24 hours after the session for various parameters, such as body weight, B.P., heart rate, and core body temperature.
They found that there is an increased level of creatinine and reduced glomerular filtrate, in the recently soft drink consumed the group. These two parameters are markers of Acute Kidney Insufficiency (AKI)
AKI is normal and no harm during and immediately after physical exercise due to reduced renal blood flow to retain sodium and water in order to keep up our body temperature and B.P normally. The kidney function is reduced mildly during physical exercise with some dehydration.
But the study has shown that soft caffeinated and carbonated soda drinks actually deepen the dehydration further instead of rehydrating our body.
It is very safe to drink water only while you feel thirsty and dehydrated.


BRAIN MEANDERING PATHWAY                                                                         Maturity, the thinking goes, comes with age...