



Wednesday 30 June 2021



(Disclaimer: - The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical treatment.)


This drug is available in pharmacies under the names ELIWEL, TRYPTOMER, and many other brands. They can be listed as follows.

Amichlor             Amitrol DS        Amilin
Amichlor-H         Amitrol              Eliwel
Amidon               Amixide             Emotrip
Amitone              Amixide-H         Libotryp
Librodep             Sarotena              Tadamit

This drug is usually given for depression but is also prescribed by doctors as a pain reliever. Further, Although amitriptyline works through serotonin, it also acts through noradrenaline, unlike SSRI drugs (Figure-3). So although it is more powerful than SSRI drugs it has more side effects.
This prevents the reabsorption of not only serotonin but also other hormones between the nerve endings. So this cannot be called SSRI.
As for amitriptyline, it is used for depression but in very small doses it is also recommended by doctors as an analgesic.
Doctors rarely prescribe amitriptyline after the introduction of modern antidepressants such as SSRIs and SNRIs (We will see later about this in the headline SNRI)


1. Depression (use approved by the drug control system)
2. Migraine.
3.Body and back pain
4.Diabetes neuropathy.
5.Nerve pains.
All of the above applications (2 to 5) are not approved by the Drug Administrations.

Side Effects:

1.Anticholinergic reactions.
2.The following α-adrenergic blocking reactions, viz
  Orthostatic Hypotension - A change in blood pressure 
 when the position is changed from a sitting position to a standing position
3. Weight gain
4. Insomnia.-Some doctors also prescribe it as a sleeping pill. But too much amitriptyline can cause insomnia. So focus.
5. Anorexia
6. Fatigue.-Doctors prescribe this medicine to stimulate the mind and body. But at the same time overuse can cause fatigue and tiredness in the body. So beware.
7.Nausea &Vomiting


This drug should not be used spontaneously in the following conditions except under the supervision of a doctor.
1.Pregnancy period (especially the first trimester.
2. Breastfeeding period.
3.People with Kidney and Liver Disorder.
4.Patients with heart and blood pressure.

Other drug interactions with this drug: -

1. Do not take this with ulcer medicine like cisapride. Eating like that can damage the heart.
2.Quinidine drugs (heart disease)
3.SSRI Drugs,
(Examples) Fluoxetine (Flunil, Fludac)
             Paroxetine (Paxidep, Pexep)
             Fluvoxamine (Fluvoxin CR, Fluvator)
4.Quinapril (Q-press) -B.P. Drug
5.Chlorpheniramine, Phenylephrine (allergy and cold medicine)
6.Cimetidine-ulcer drug.
7.Zolpidem (Nightrest) -Sleeping.
We should not take amitriptyline with any of the above drugs.

Do not take amitriptyline under any of the following conditions:

1. Heart disease
2. Heart failure
3. Gallbladder disorder.
4. Liver disease
5. Irregular heartbeat
6. Heart attack
7.Kidney cancer
Frequently Asked Questions about Amitriptyline
1. Does this drug cause addiction?
2 Is it possible to drive or operate heavy machinery after consuming this medicine?
Definitely not.


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