



Saturday 9 April 2016



Summer started.More sunny days with dryness and sweatings are ahead.Fruit Juice Malls,Juice shops are now itself started with packed crowds.Hyper Markets and Grocery shops are preparing and getting ready with their racks fillied with colourfull pakets and tins of various preserved and processed juices  and nonpreserved the so called fresh juices.On the otherhand there are big big tins and bottles of preserved and processed artificial juices both in liquid and powedered forms.
First thing we must learn how to protect our body from dehydration by this pricky summer heat.Our body is comprised of 90% water to maintain our health such as blood circulation tissue metabolism digestion absorption assimilation and excretion etc.etc.For this consuming water is very important.People likes to take water in delicious way.That is why mostly they prefer fruit juices,tender coconut water etc.etc.rather to take plain water.
There is no doubt that liquids such as fruit juices  solve our thirsty and dehydration immediately than the fruits itself.But one thing keep in your mind in general all fruits are having active sugars in various proportions.Eventhough sugar in the form of glucose is body's daily need as energy there are limitations.These limitations are provided in naturally occuring fresh fruits by the Almighty Allah as Fibers, Vitamins, Antioxidents and various natural Additives.Sugar when you take along with these additives especially fibers provided by God is totally harmless more especially for Diabetics.This is possible only by taking raw fruits as they are, rather than by juices.Because in juice shops when you order a mango juice or an apple juice or an orange juice they would prepare them in electronic juicers which would automatically remove all the healthy additives by filteration and leave a clear attractive juice with only sugar and will be given to you in a colourfull juice glass with matching coloured beautifull straw.Ofcourse by drinking this you get an immediate releif from your striking thirsty and dehydration but at the same time you  harm your body with a heavy load of sugar into your blood and an unnecessary over stimulation to your pancreas.
But still you are craving for juice bring the fresh fruits from the market and prepare juice with sufficient water and without sugar without filtering and drink it in a cloudy form.This is better than the clear juice.
Now comes to the preserved and processed juices.They all contains artificially added additives such as sodium benzoate a preservative in common practice which nowadays said to cause Leukimia,the blood cancer.
There are some packed fresh juices with a labelling of "No preservatives";"No Artificial Flavouring" and "No Additives" are available on the shelves of the Malls.Beware of these products in spite of there "No" labellings they may still contains many hidden invisible chemical additives to keep their product atleast for three days from expiry.Everythings are now commercial.So cheating is common.Hence beware of that.


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