



Thursday 26 May 2016



In the previous post, we have seen some diet formulas available in the pharmacies as OTC weight control preparations.
When you buy these slimming formulas please be careful about their contents. Because high protein is very important to protect our vital body organs and functions.
The formula branded as "Last Chance Diet" marketed in the mid 70s in U.S.caused several deaths from cardiovascular complaints and the casualties is observed due to the lack of nitrogen balance because of the product's contents of poor quality protein formula.
By keeping these important points in later years high-quality protein formulas with some proportions of carbohydrates and fat like Optifast, Medifast, and Health Management Resources(HMR) are appearing in the market. Although these products are safe and free from fatalities as they supply daily 400 to 800 calories sufficient for our body, yet maintenance of weight loss over a long term use is still in question.
Slimfast and Ultraslimfast are high-quality protein food replacement formulas that appeared in the market in later years. These proved some successes as they replace one or two main meals of the day.

Prescription Medications


All the above drugs are acting as slimming drugs by suppressing the hungry. Amphetamines are indirect adrenergic agonists by releasing norepinephrine from its stores at presynaptic nerve terminals
These medicines are no more in use because of their high potency of toxicities and drug abuse.
Drugs that are marketed later are:-
These drugs too show little drug abuse but are allowed to use for short term purposes such as for not more than a few (8 to 12) weeks on medical prescription only. 
Similar to amphetamines these drugs also act by indirectly agonizing the adrenergic nervous system in a lesser degree, but has other routes of action too such as through CNS by suppressing safe center in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus  
Fenfluramine is acting through the serotonin pathway.
Side effects
7.Dry mouth 
9.Drug abuse
In general, all the side effects are very similar to adrenergic stimulations and hence patients with cardiac arrhythmias and other cardiovascular problems should seek medical advice
For Long Term Uses
At last, a modified fenfluramine known as Dexfenfluramine is allowed by the FDA for chronic treatment of obesity on prescription. The drug suppresses the appetite and carbohydrate cravings by increasing the availability of serotonin in the brain which is safer than norepinephrine  



Obesity is best defined as the surplus body fat that causes an increase in body weight by 20% of an individual's normal weight to be according to his height and BMI
People with overweight with a large abdomen are more likely in worse health than people who have fat distributed around their hips and limbs.
Waist measurement ratios of greater than0.95% in men and 0.80% women are with a greater chance of death rates.
There is a medical belief that obesity is caused by ingesting more calories to the body than that the body can able to use itThe excess calories would be deposited as fat on the abdomen, hip, and limb.
Elevated Body Weight SetPoint
Some people who have this set point when they try to lose weight by fasting or low-calorie intake a compensatory adjustment in metabolism results in regaining their weight back. Hence even if these people are taking less food or fasting they cannot lose their instead it may increase.
Another point is heredity which is an important factor as a cause of obesity. Anyone member of the family was obese the gene will be carried out to his or her descendants.
Food cues
Obese people are more responsive to food cues such as taste, smell, and sight of food.
Many studies show that obesity can cause hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and osteoarthritis.
Women who gained 30 to 50 kg weight by her age at 18 may have a minimum 25% chance of getting a heart attack.
People who are 20% or more above their ideal body weight are having more chances to suffer the following disorders;-
3.Cancers of cervix,endometrium,colon,gallbladder,prostate and uterus.
4.Coronary Heart diseases such as Angina and MI
5.Diabetes Mellitus
6.Fatty liver
7.Gallbladder disease
11.Respiratory tract infections
12.Varicose veins
The risks of obesity can be better determined by the ideal weight and the Body Mass Index(BMI)
The BMI can be easily calculated by the following formulas
1. Weight in kgs is divided by the squared height in meters
2. Weight in pounds multiplied by 700 is divided by squared height in inches
Researches show that the overall risk of developing heart disease is related to BMI as follows:-
1.BMI of 25 or less--Low risk
2.BMI of 25 -30  - Low to Moderate
3.BMI above 30-- High
1. A weight loss goal of 1-2 lbs per week is appropriate
2. To lose 1lb per week can be achieved by expending 3500 by work or decrease calorie intake by 3500 during that week.
3. For example, a patient who normally intakes 4000 calories per day must decrease his daily intake by 500 calories per day so that in one week he can decrease his calorie intake by 7x500=3500.
Balanced diets with calories derived from carbohydrates, protein, and fat are optimal. The fat calorie intake should be minimized by 30 % from less than 10% saturated fat.
Fat contains 9 calories per gram
Carbohydrates and proteins contain 6 calories per gram.
Fewer calorie diets (300-800) can help but with proper intake of proteins in order to maintain the Lean Body Mass.
During this procedure, patients should watch for electrolyte imbalance, postural hypotension, and ECG abnormalities
Formula Diets are available at OTC of the pharmacies such as Slimfast  which contains high proteins.
These preparations are instructed to take full mealtime by replacing it. When you replace the full meals once or twice per day by these formula diets your body gets the least calories per day. Most of these preparations contain high-quality proteins with no carbohydrates and fats.
Exercises are also can help to shed some weight.


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