



Wednesday 8 July 2020



Many diabetics are afraid of eating sweets, sweet fruits, or any kind of edibles and foods which contain or make with more sugar. 
Diabetics are afraid of sweets like Halwa, Rossogulla, Gulab Jamun, and fruits like mangos, bananas, and dates as they can cause a sudden and immediate raising of blood glucose level.
A diabetic is not necessarily to avoid sweets and white sugar. They can enjoy any kind of sweets without a miss but to a certain limited quantity.
For example, a diabetic can eat a sweet mango but within a limited serving quantity in grams. Not as a whole but a portion of mango or any sweet whose glycemic load is within the upper limit (ஃ less than or <10) can be safely and freely taken by a sugar patient.
That limit of the amount can be calculated very easily.
For that calculations the required parameters are,
1.Total carbohydrates of the sweet in any serving amount. (By google search)
2. Fiber content.  (By google search)
3. Calculate the available carbohydrates by subtracting the fiber content from the total carbohydrates.
4. Glycemic Index of the sweet. (By google search)
5. Calculate the glycemic load (GL) for that serving quantity.   [ GL= (nxGI)/100,n=the amount of available carbohydrates]
If the GL is higher than the upper limit (>10) then cut the serving portion accordingly. 
(Example) The GL for a certain sweet is 15 for the serving quantity of 150gm.
 For GL 15, the serving quantity               =150gm
then for GL 10, the serving quantity=(150/15)x10 
                                                          =  100gm
That means the sweet can be safely taken by a diabetic up to a limit of 100gm daily.
This formula can be applied to any kind of sweets.
The total carbs in a 50gm pure glucose =50gm
Fibers                                                    =0
Available carbs                      50-0      = 50gm
The GI of pure glucose                         =100
The GL for 50gm   (50x100)/100     =50 (>10)
Hence the GL of 10gm of glucose        10  (=10)
Therefore a diabetic can take pure glucose up to 10gm in alternate days because there is no fiber content.
Many diabetics are afraid of taking fruits like mangos because of their sweetness and more sugar content (High GI). [Sudden and immediate raising (spikes) of blood glucose levels damage the insulin-releasing beta islets in the pancreas. This may cause a healthy person to become diabetic and a diabetic person to become more serious.] But some fruits contain fibers also. Fibers are carbohydrates that are not easily digested and absorbed and hence they restrict and control the rapid absorption of sugar from the intestine into the blood and thus prevent immediate and sudden blood glucose rises. Hence any food that has more fibers is safer to take disregarding its high total carbohydrate contents.
In the following examples, it has been shown how to calculate the grams of fruits with high GI values like mangos to be consumed safely by a diabetic.
1. Mangos-Medium sized (170gms):-  contains,
Total carbohydrates                                   = 28gm
Fibers                                                         = 6gm
Available carbs      28-6                             =  22gm
100 gms of mango contains (22/170)x100=13gm
GI of mango is                                           =56
The GL =(n x GI)/100 = (13 x 56)/100     =8.28
8.28 or 8.3 is less than 10 (<10)
Hence a diabetic can safely take 100gms of whole or sliced mango once in alternate days.
2.Watermelon (120gms)
120 gm of watermelon is a safe serving size for a diabetic.
100 gm watermelon contains sugar =6gm
Total carbohydrates                          = 8gm
Fibers                                                = 0.4gm
Available carbohydrates           8-0.4 = 7.6gm
GI of watermelon                              =72
GL for 100gms of watermelon is     = (7.6x72)/100
                                                          = 5.47
5.47 is lesser than 10 and hence a diabetic can safely consume 100 to 150 gms of watermelon safely.
3.Banana (100 gms):-
Total carbohydrates are                   =23gm/100
Fibers                                              = 2.6gm
Available carbs       23-2.6              ≈ 20gmapprox
GI of banana                 = 62
The GL of 100gm (20x62)/100      =12.4 (>10)
The GL of 80gm   (12.4/100)x80  =9.92 (<10)
hence a diabetic can safely take up to 80gm (<100gm) of banana daily. The glucose content of 100 gms banana is 12gm.
4.Dates (100gm):-
100 gms dates contain                   =100gm sugar
Total carbohydrates                       = 100gm
Fibers                                             =  0
Available carbs 100gm                  =100gm
Available carbs in 23gm                =23gm  
The GI                                            = 42
The GL   = (23x42)/100                 =09.66 (<10)
Hence a diabetic can take up to 23gm of dates in alternate days.
5.Grapes (100gms):-
Total carbs                                        =17gm
Fibers                                                =01gm
Available carbs    (17-01)                 = 16gm
GI of grapes                                      =  59
GL of 100gm grapes = (16x59)/100 =9.44 (<10)
Hence a diabetic can safely take up to 100gm of grapes daily.
6.RAISINS (100gm):-
100gm raisins contain 60gm of sugar.No matter still a diabetic can safely take raisins according to the following calculations.
Total carbs                                                = 79gm
Dietary fibers                                            =3.7gm
Available carbs       79-3.7                       = 75.3gm
GI of raisins                                             =64
∴ GL of 100 gms =(75.3x64)/100            =48.2(>10)
ஃGL of 10gm raisins is                    =4.8 (<10-safe)
and GL of 20gm raisins is                    =9.6 (<10-safe)
Hence a diabetic can safely take up to 20gm of raisins every 1 to 2 days.
In addition to the listed fruits above the following unlisted fruits which are also sweeter in taste and are afraid to take by many diabetics are described below.
7.Jack Fruits (165 gm):-
Total carbs                                               =38gm
Dietary fibers                                           =2.5gm
Available carbs including
32gm sugar        38-2.5                            =35.5gm
The GI of jack fruit                                  =75
The GL of 165gm (35.5x75)/100           =26.6
GL of 55gm (165/3) of jack fruit            =26/3≈9
   9 (less than <10-safe)
Hence up to 55gm of jack fruit can be taken by a diabetic safely.
8.Sapota Fruit (100gm)
Total carbs(including 20gm sugar) =20gm
Fibers                                             =5gm
Available carbs         20-5              =15
The GI of sapota                            =57
The GL for 100gm  (15x57)/100 =8.55 (<10-safe)
Hence sapota or naseberry can be safely taken by a diabetic up to 100gm in a day.
9.Custard Apple(100gm):-
Total carbs                                          =26
Fibers                                                  =05
Available carbs              26-5             =21
The GI of custard apple                     =54
The GL of 100gm custard apple
                     (21x54)/100                 = 11.3(>10)

ஃ The GL of 85    [11.3/100]x85     =9.6 (<10-safe)
Hence custard apple can be safely taken by a diabetic up to 85gm (<100gm) per day which will yield the GL less than 10.
10.Pomegranate (100gm):-
Total carbs                               =19gm
Fibers                                      = 04gm
Available carbs      19-04        = 15gm
The GI of pomegranate           = 53
The GL of the pomegranate
                        (53x15)/100   =  7.95 (<10-safe)
Hence a diabetic can safely take pomegranate seeds up to 100gm daily.
11.Guava Fruit (100gm):-
Total carbs (including 19gm sugar)        =14gm 
Fibers                                                      =5gm
Available carbs        14-05                      =9gm
The GI of guava                                      =65
The GL of 100gm guava (9x65)/100  =5.85 (>10-safe).
Hence a diabetic can safely consume guava 100 to 150gm.
12.Papaya Fruit (100gm)
Sugar content                                      =08gm
Total carbs                                          =11gm
Fibers                                                  =02
Available carbs               11-02           =09
The GI is                                             =60
The GL of 100gm of papaya (09x60)/100=5.4
Hence a diabetic can papaya 100 to 200gm daily.
13.Oranges (100gm):-
Total carbs                                          =12gm
(Including 09gm sugar)
Fibers                                                  =02.5gm
Available carbs           12-02.5            =09.5gm
The GI                                                 =40
The GL                 (09.5x40)/100         =3.8 (<10)
Hence a diabetic can safely take 100-200gm daily
14.Lemon (100gm):-
Total carbs                                         =09gm
Fibers                                                =2.5gm
Available carbs             09-2.5          =6.5gm
The GI                                               =20
The GL                   (6.5x20)/100       =1.3 (<10)
A diabetic can safely take up to800gm lemon daily.
Jamun Fruit (140gm):-
Total carbs                                          =14gm
(included 5gm sugar)
Fibers                                                  =1gm
Available carbs    14-01                      =13gm
The GI                                                 =25
The GL           (13x25)/100                 =3.5 (<10)
Hence a diabetic can safely take 100-300gm daily.




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