



Thursday 29 September 2022

Doctors running inside our bodies- Autocoids

Doctors running inside our body- Autocoid hormones

Autacoids are biological factors (molecules). They act like hormones in specific areas of the body. They are short-lived and act close to their area of synthesis and secretion. The word autacoid comes from the Greek words "autos" (self) and "acos" (relief; ie, medicine).

Consequences & Effects

The effects of autacoids are primarily localized to the area where they are secreted, although sometimes larger quantities are produced depending on need and may be transported by the bloodstream to other sites of circulation. But mostly autocoids like histamine, prostaglandin, and serotonin are not secreted into the bloodstream. They are secreted locally. Autacoids can have systemic effects in many parts of the body when transported through the bloodstream.
Some autocoids are characterized mainly by their effect on specific tissues such as smooth muscle. 
As for vascular smooth muscle autocoids, they are classified into two categories: vasoconstrictors and vasodilators. The vasodilator autocoids are released during exercise. Their main effect is found in the skin, where they facilitate heat loss.
When they act as local hormones, they have a paracrine (cellular interaction) effect. That is, the cells communicate with each other through these hormones.


1. Eicosanoids, (prostaglandins) 
2. Angiotensin, 
3. Neurotensin,
 4.NO (Nitric Oxide),
 5. Kinins,
 6. Histamine,
 7. Serotonin,
 8. Endothelins and 
 9. Palmitoylethanolamide
are some notable autocoids.

Side Effects of Blocking Autocoids:-

Disabling autocoids is like trying to silence a crying baby without caring what the problem is.
Most of the time our body solves small problems through autocoids, but sometimes when the problems are not solved our body will cry out the pains that speak through autocoids. In this case, if the autacoid secretions are blocked by taking an autocoid blocker, the pain will temporarily stop. But the problem is not solved. It stays inside the body.
Let's take histamine as an example as seen in the table above. Side effects of using histamine blockers are described in the table. Similarly, the effects of disabling other autocoids are also explained in the table.


In 2015, a new definition of autocoids was proposed, which helps to describe autocoid medicine more specifically: '"Autocoids are modulating factors, produced in specific areas. They affect the function of cells and/or tissues in specific areas, they are produced on demand, and then by the same cells and/or tissues they are metabolically destroyed.


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