



Monday 6 March 2017



Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a form of sexual impotency that occurs when a man cannot attain a perfect erection sufficiently enough time to perform intercourse to satisfy his partner.
It often ends with depression and an unsatisfied relationship between the couple.
ED cannot be considered to be a disease unless it is not associated with a pathological or physiological defect.
Stress and mental depression can play important roles in affecting a person's sexual performances.
Age is another factor that plays an important role in sexual performance. Men over 75 years are reported more as having erectile disorder according to American Acadamy Of Family Physicians(AAFP). However, men can also have ED at younger ages too.
Nitric oxide produced in the body as a by-product of protein metabolism plays an important role in performing penile erection.
Nitric oxide production from the amino acid L-arginine is a complex process by the group of enzyme nitric oxide synthase.
Nitric oxide has many neuronal functions one of them is vasodilation. Through this effect it dilates the blood vessels of the muscular system of the penis known as corpus cavernosum,to get more blood supply. The corpus cavernosum relaxes leads penile erection.
If the above Nitric Oxide passage disturbed by any means then the penile erection will be disturbed.
There are many prescribed medicines available with some naturally available herbal medicines in the market. Among the natural herbal medicines Red Ginseng occupies an important place.
Red ginseng technically known as Panax ginseng is a Korean herbal remedy for ED.
But this is a traditional older form of remedy practiced in Korea and China. The plant takes at least six years to attain maturity for harvesting.
Red ginseng is available in medical practice in powder, capsule,and syrup formulations.
The main active ingredient in this herb is a glycoside known as Ginsenoside which is responsible for various biological benefits of Ginseng.
Researches still cannot come to a clear understanding of the mechanism of action of these herbal remedies.
In 2008 various study results have been published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology which revealed that six of the studies proved that ginseng consumption improves sexual activities and penile erection by an unknown mechanism on the comparison. But all the studies could never come to a clear conclusion regarding the definite mechanism of action of ginseng to cure ED.

Other generic medication for ED.

There are a number of medications in generic forms have been invented for ED therapy.
They are sildenafil(Viagra by Pfizer), tadalafil(Cialis by Eli Lilly), vardenafil (Levitra by Bayer), and so on. All these drugs work by the route of nitric oxide pathway to improve penile erections


3.Stomach upset

Other Herbal Remedies For ED

1.Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA):-
A supplement of this hormone is available with the dosage forms of 75 mg but should be consulted with the doctor.
It is assumed that DHEA works through the stress hormone Adrenaline which helps the body to produce various hormones to improve the body, sexual abilities.
2.Horney Goat Weed (Epimedium)
Chinese herbal medicine which the doctors believe that can cure various sexual dysfunctions including ED.
Ginkgo Biloba is herbal medicine is believed to be correcting the ED by dilating the blood vessels of corpus cavernosum.


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