



Sunday 10 April 2016



Some women are experiencing painful periods during the end gap of one cycle for a period several days to start another cycle.The condition is known as dysmenorrhea.


It is a cyclic periodical discharge of blood and other physiological wastes through the vagina of a non pregnant woman in order clean the system at the end of one period with the duration of some days to start the next period.
Dysmenorrhea is of two types 1.Primary 2.Secondary
Primary Dysmenorrhea is a painfull mensturation with prostaglandin discharge in the absence of any identifiable pelvic disorder
Secondary Dysmenorrhea is associated with any identifyable pelvic disorders.


Nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,headache,dizziness,and lower abdominal cramping which may some times spread to back and legs.


Treatments should be based on the degree of pain experienced by an individual.Usually the pain associated with dysmenorrhea may hardly last for two three days only.If the pain continue for longer periods it must be referred to your physician as it may be due to some underlying causes.
Treatments in the beginning may start with aspirin or paracetamol.Naproxen may be a drug of choice among the NSAIDs followed by Ibuprofen.The dosage recipe can be started one or two days before the menses starts followed by another two to three days to be continued within ihe cycle duration.
The Dosage for Naproxen is mentioned in the PDR is start with 550 mg followed by 275 mg for every 6 to 8 hrs.and not to exceed 1375mg per day.
Naproxen is available on the pharmacy OTC as Aleve,Naprosyn etc with each ablet contain 220 mg of Naprosyn Sodium for women's self treatment.The label comes with the packing reads 1 tablet every 8 to 12 hrs.But a woman can follow the optional regimen of take 2 caplet at the start followed by 1 caplet every  12 hrs if pain persists.Do not exceed 12 tablets per day.
In case of Ibuprove which is also said to be effective in releiving menstural cramps is available with perfect formulation in the pharmacy OTC as Cramp Releiving Midol-IB,Cramp End Tablets,Halran,Midol-200,Pamprin and Trendar.
But a 400 mg Brufen 1 tablets 2 imes daily or a single dosage of 600 mg can solve the problem.
Mensural Migrains are also an another annoying experience during the periods are common to some women


See pains are symptoms of body language to express he underlying serious causes such as ovarian or endometrial disorders.Hence simply aking painkillers for a limitless periods may result into disaster.




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