



Tuesday 23 April 2019



  The metal potassium is an alkaline light metal with a valency of one that means on ionization it will lose one electron and will be positively charged as shown above.
Our body contains potassium usually as potassium chloride. Most of our body potassium is present in an intracellular fluid whereas sodium is present in extracellular or intercellular fluid.
Both the fluids contain the negatively charged chloride ions
Hence both the fluids contain sodium, potassium, and chloride in ionic forms only.
During when a cell is to be excited it needs to be depolarized.
Although both sodium and potassium ions are positively charged, the sodium ion is comparatively stronger than potassium, calcium, and the negatively charged chloride ion in depolarizing the cell. This can be expressed as follows:-

Na>Ca++>>K+ >  >.> Cl-
          Na+  ---- sodium ion
       Ca++ --- Calcium
       K+   ---- Potassium
       Cl--   = = Chloride ion
Hence from the above we come to know that when a cell is to be activated sodium ion should flow into the cell with the exchange of potassium ion which would effuse out. An action potential is initiated and when it reached its threshold the cell excited. After the excite the cell return to its rest by repolarization. 
During repolarization the respective ions reverse their flows.
Hence it is very clear that while sodium is considered as exciting ion potassium is to be considered as an inhibitory ion.
This is general physiology to be applied to all the voluntary and involuntary muscle actions including the heart muscles.
Now you can proceed with the following study.
When a person has higher than normal levels of potassium in the blood-the condition is medically known as HYPERKALEMIA-a dangerous life-threatening morbidity.
Generally, chronic hyperkalemia does not exhibit symptoms until to reach a critical level above 7 milliequivalents of potassium, which occurs most probably in End-Stage Kidney Disease. Hence doctors cannot do an immediate diagnosis. A milliequivalent is one-thousandth of the equivalent weight of potassium.
Usually acute hyperkalemia does exhibit symptoms seriously and immediately because the critical level is reached in a shorter period.
The normal level of potassium in our blood should be 3.2 to 5.5 mmol per liter (3 to 5 milliequivalent) of potassium.


1.Muscle Weakness
2.A general feeling of tiredness and fatigue
3.Nausea and vomiting
4.Muscle cramps
5.Breathing difficulties
6.Arrhythmias and chest pain


1.Chronic Renal Disease
2.Uncontrolled Hyperglycemia or DM
A.Pain killers such as NSAIDs like naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, and aceclofenac.
D.ACE inhibitors
F.Calcium Blockers
4.Heart diseases such as heart failure, and lower kidney functions and their treatment medications.
5. Tissue injuries can elevate the potassium level.
6. The lower level of aldosterone can elevate the blood potassium level 
Damage to the adrenal gland or genetic causes of lower adrenal function can lead to hypoaldosteronism.
7. High potassium intake by food or medication during renal insufficiency may elevate the potassium level in the blood.
8.Pseudohyperkalemia: This occurs when taking the blood using a syringe and needle or by cutting or stabbing with a knife may cause injury and hemolysis which may give a faulty reading of high-level potassium.

Foods That Contains High Potassium:-

1.Sweet Potato
2.Canned Tomato Paste, Canned Tomato Products, and Tomato Juice,
3.Beet Greens
5.Proteins such as White Beans, Clams, Halibut, Soybeans, Lima beans,
Tuna Fish and Cod Fish.
6.Unpeeled Fruits and Vegetables
8.Carrot Juice
9.Prune Juice
10.Dried Fruits such as dried prunes, apricots, and peaches.


In acute cases, doctors will usually check,
1.Kidney functions
2.Heart functions
3.Hydration Levels
In chronic cases, doctors will ask for checking,
1.blood tests, urine tests, and other routine lab tests
2. Checking medications contains a high supply of potassium 


1.In chronic cases which usually involves End-Stage Kidney Failure dialysis the choice of treatments
2. In acute cases, the following treatments may help to reduce potassium in the blood,
a)I.V. Injection of Calcium
b)I.V. Injection of Insulin (10 units) followed by I.V. Injection of 25 grams of Glucose
c)Albuterol a beta-agonist can be helpful along with other treatment options in some people. This is available as tablets.


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