



Wednesday 1 May 2019



              In this article we study the effects of low-level potassium in our body.
As we know that potassium is an inhibitory ion if its level becomes low in our body then naturally the excitatory effects of other ions such as sodium and calcium may predominate but that is not always the case in practice.
If the blood level of potassium is below 3 million mol per liter then it is said to be low-level potassium or Hypokalemia.
Junk foods such as processed fast foods are low in potassium. People who diet more with processed food only as their daily routine diet may likely to get potassium deficiency.
While taking fresh fruit we must ensure maximum to consume the whole fruit unpeeled. Most of the green vegetables and fruits are enriched with potassium on their skin.
Lake of potassium in our blood may lead to many complications such as cardiac fibrillation including both atrial and ventricular, which is due to uncontrolled heartbeats tachycardia and arrhythmias may follow.
Potassium is controlling healthy muscle contracts, healthy nerve functions, and regulating fluid imbalances.
Low-level potassium will affect almost all body organs and their functions including heart, liver, kidney, and lungs.


1. Fatigue and dullness, these are the first signs of potassium deficiency. Because potassium maintains muscle contraction and low-level potassium may lead to weaker muscle contractions such as the muscles of the heart, lungs, and kidney. Weak heart contractions produce low blood circulations, low insulin production etc.etc.which leads to weakness and fatigue.
2.uncontrolled muscle contracts may lead to sudden muscle cramps.
3.Constipation and bloating because low potassium causes uncontrolled weak muscular contracts in the digestive system. Hence food movements inside the alimentary canal are very slow or almost nill.
4. Irregular and weak heart contractility leads to palpitations.
5.Muscle weakness and cramps
6.Tingling and numbness of the muscle. This condition is known as Paresthesia which usually occurs in fingers, legs, and arms.
7. Severe potassium deficiency may cause respiratory depression because of the weakened muscle contractions of the lungs.
8. Low potassium levels may also cause serious mental and mood swings.
9. The most important is potassium deficiency can cause more insulin secretions (Hyperinsulinemia)and serious hypoglycemic episodes.


1.Urine Tests:-As a general theory sodium and potassium are competitive to each other in reabsorption and excretion. That means if more sodium is reabsorbed by the body then more potassium is excreted out and vice versa.
These games are controlled by aldosterone from the adrenal cortex and thiazide diuretics at Distal Convoluted Tubules (DCT) and loop diuretics(Lasix) at the Ascending Loop of Henle (ALH) of the nephron.
Aldosterone is the hormone secreted from the adrenal cortex, the only mineralocorticoid from our body plays a role in reabsorbing sodium with the excretion of a little potassium (2%) at the DCT.
Hence if more aldosterone secreted that means more potassium will be wasted out. In other words Hyperaldosteronism may also be a cause for potassium depletion from our body.
In urine usually if the sodium level is lower than 16 mEq/L then there is a high level of potassium is excreted out due to secondary hyperaldosteronism.
Urinary potassium assessments can be made from a 24 urine collection. The normal potassium excretion should not exceed 25 to 30 mEq of potassium per day. This an accurate method. If this method is not possible then follow the spot urine test involving the ratio of potassium to creatinine can be done as an alternate. In this method, if the ratio of potassium to creatinine is greater than 12 mEq/g creatinine (1.5 mmol) then there is an apparent loss of potassium 
2. Random Urine Potassium Concentration Tests can also be used. In this test the measured results should show a figure above 15 mEq of potassium per liter.
3.Tests of Acid-Base Balances:-
After the urine diagnosis the patients of uncertain origin can be subjected to these tests for confirmations.
Diarrhea due to G.I distress or laxative abuses may lead to loss of potassium.
Metabolic acidosis or alkalosis is common during diarrhea, diuresis, or vomiting.
Metabolic acidosis means the blood is more acidic due to heavy loss of alkaline ions such as sodium or potassium and more secretion of acidic ions such as bicarbonate and chloride with hydrogen ions.
On the contrary alkalosis is the vice versa. But in both cases there may be potassium loss due to sodium, and bicarbonate reabsorption.


Treatments should be based on the etiology of the condition.
Hypokalemia is of two types
The real hypokalemia is due to the actual loss of potassium due to diarrhea vomiting, diuresis by the loop, and thiazide diuretics or aldosterone hyperactivity.
In severe depletion a potassium infusion may be helpful. Otherwise potassium supplements are prescribed by the doctor.
Foods enriched with potassium such as unpeeled vegetables and fruits, potato, sweet potato etc.etc.
The other type is pseudo-hypokalemia in which even though there is no potassium loss but the blood potassium level is lower due to high potassium redistribution within the body cells as in the case of hyperthyroidism, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hyperinsulinemia.
In these cases the respective corrective treatments should be given.

Potassium Supplements:-

1.Potassium Gluconate
2.Potassium Iodide
3.Potassium Citrate
4.Magnesium and Potassium Supplements
 In all the above preparations potassium is supplied per dose not to exceed 100 mg for safety.

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