



Wednesday 12 December 2018



                                     The concept of slow poisoning to kill a person is different from killing a person by poisoning. Killing a person by poisoning is blindfold, and involves obsessive feelings but on the contrary slow poisoning involves cleverness and waiting for the person to die normally in due course and making the death appear natural.
But an autopsy can reveal the truth in both cases.
Usually, an autopsy is performed when the death occurred in a doubtful situation. This happens in normal poisoning which brings immediate death of an otherwise healthy young or old victim.
But in slow poisoning, an autopsy is unusual as the death may not be immediate, and appears natural.
For poisoning, the killer always uses deadly poisons like cyanides, insecticides, and any other dangerous drugs.
But in the case of slow poisoning, the killer does not need any dangerous chemical or poisonous drug. A normal water and table salt can be fatal
to any kidney patient if he is overdosed by that.
Paracetamol a common pain killer used to relieve headaches and fever by common people could be fatal if overdosed and prolonged overuse. Its daily limit is 4 grams.
Every time when someone consumes paracetamol a 10% of it is converted by the liver to form a dangerous metabolite known as N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NABQI), which is a liver poison. It will damage the liver cells. But luckily this is detoxified by an antioxidant known as glutathione present in the liver. But an extra overuse of paracetamol can overact the glutathione and thereby damage the liver.
White sugar and sweets are all dangerous to a sugar patient if he is not protected by proper medications 
Allergens,  that are allergic to a person can kill that person not immediately but in due course, if he is continuously exposed to that allergen.
Now our question is can steroids be used as slow poisoning as being doubted by the Suspected Death of our Former CM Miss. Jaya Lalita Enquiry Commission by the former C.J.Mr.Arumugasamy.
The Commission has got a medical report that Ms.J.J was allegedly ingested with oral or parenteral steroids for long periods in spite of her diabetic condition. 
But another report from another doctor confused the E.Commission that the steroids were given for her back pain for about 5 days only.
The Commission cannot come to a conclusion because there are confusing statements regarding this and all of them are contradicting each other.
So the inquiry is going on 
The question is can a diabetic patient be treated with steroids for such a long period with or without a doctor's advice. The answer is No
Because there are alternative medicines such as NSAIDs are available to treat back pain or any other inflammatory or rheumatic conditions.
Before starting to blame steroids first we must know about steroids, their chemistry, and their pharmacology.
It is very easy and interesting to understand the bio-data of steroids.
Though there are thousands of compounds in this group with variable chemical and physical characters still there are many similarities among them including their molecular structures.
It is not our purpose to go deeply into the chemistry of steroids but one thing we must know that there are many steroids that are endogenous and are familiar to our human body such as corticosteroids, sex hormones, and cholesterol.
Chemically all of them are interrelated with many similarities including their structural construction with the peculiar arrangement of 17 carbon atoms.
All endogenous steroids are not harmful to otherwise healthy people. But if any of them were ingested into the body from outside then the problem arises as our body does not wish anything from outside. Even an endogenous steroid if ingested into our body it will be treated as a foreign body and will be rapidly metabolized and eliminated.
Cortisol and hydrocortisone are two important corticosteroids, endogenously secreted from adrenal glands in their cortex regions.
Both of them are concerned with the glucose metabolism of our body against insulin hence known as glucocorticoids. They elevate blood sugar powerfully in case of emergency, alertness, and stress by the action of adrenaline. The elevated sugar level is controlled by insulin in stress relief.
A diabetic patient if ingested with such glucocorticoids for a long time will certainly suffer from many complications such as 
1.Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)
2.Immunity Deficiency
3.Fluid Retention
4. Weight Gain as a fluid collection in the body and Hypertension
5.Pneumonia and other infections due to lack of immunity
6.Moon Face
7.Ulcers in the stomach.
There are many comorbidities due to elevated blood pressure and blood sugar level.
There are other steroids such as sex hormones like testosterone in males and estrogens and progestins in females. A few of them to be mentioned briefly. They are testosterone in males, progesterone, estrone, estradiol, and estriol in female.
As long as they are endogenous they do not do much harm to our health.
But they are harmful if taken into the body from outside without a reasonable cause and doctor's supervision.
Male sex hormones like testosterone if overdosed can be harmful to our health. Chronic use shall precipitate prostate cancer along with other comorbidities listed above.
Synthetic male hormones like nandrolone as decanoate(Deca-Durabolin),nandrolone phenylpropionate(Durabolin), methyltestosterone(Methyl test),and
methandrostenolone (Dianabol) and many more.
They are available in the market as bodybuilders, weight gainers, and power retainers.
But the black sides of these synthetic steroids if used carelessly and chronically are life-threatening.
Those who are involving sports and games are using any one of the above to gain victory in the sports events shall certainly encounter bad side effects later.
Methyltestosterone which is the oldest and simple synthetic form of testosterone is nothing but testosterone itself with a methyl radical at its 17th position. The drug is the most powerful anabolic steroids among all bodybuilder steroids. But due to its severe side effects of estrogenic conversion by the body the drug is less marketed. These types of steroids are used as slow poisoners in criminology and forensic science.
All steroids except the mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone are elevating blood sugar levels.
Aldosterone on the other hand is concerned with the minerals metabolism like sodium and potassium.
Aldosterone increases blood pressure by increasing blood sodium and water level by stimulating potassium excretion by the kidneys.
If this drug is overused without any care for a long time it will produce electrolyte imbalance, the elevation of sodium(hypernatremia), and a decrease in potassium level(hypokalemia) with the results of many cardiovascular complications.
Slow poisoning to kill a person is socially awkward and needs personal awareness.
It can be performed in any place, house, public places, or even in the hospital.
Sugar patients can safely consume fruits if they select fruits with a low glycemic load that does not matter how much their glycemic index.
Usually, 1 to 10 is the safer glycemic load range
Please check the glycemic load scale in the net
All creatures of God have the right to live.
Their rights should be respected.
Slow poisoning is a foolish way to solve problems.
God is the best and super planner of planners.
He is watching everywhere and everybody else.
If you plane against anyone then you will be trapped one day with the powerful plan of God.

Sunday 23 September 2018



Recently on the news a woman poisoned her children and killed them. She used birth control pills for that purpose. Five pills killed the younger child in one dosage while five more pills needed to kill the elder one. Luckily the husband escaped from the plot.

Birth control pills are generally safe if used correctly and under the doctor's advice.
If misused and overdosed especially to children with underdeveloped sex systems they are harmful and life-threatening.
Estrogens and progesterone overdosed will surely result in cardiac arrest due to pulmonary embolism and hepatic adenoma (Fatty Liver)
Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which there are clots or emboli formed in the pulmonary blood circulation such as pulmonary arterial circulation
These clots may spread from anywhere in the body especially from the legs and carry to the lung system usually from the legs.
Using progesterone overtime or overdose may directly cause blood clots in the pulmonary artery and can cause cardiac arrest.
                       Birth control pills or contraceptive pills are pills that usually contain synthetic forms of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogens are meant for preventing the endogenous secretion of estrogen and thereby stopping ovulation and progesterone is meant for maintaining a condition of pseudopregnancy and thereby stopping ovulation.
There are various types of packages by which the pills are available in the market.

21 pills package

These types of packs contain 21 pills only and women who wish to prevent pregnancy should take the first pill from the first day of the period and continue to take one pill per day up to the last pill at the last 21 st day.
After that there are seven pills free days. The natural period occurs in these days.
But on the 29th day the first day of the next period will start and the next package should be opened without forgetting.
Also 21 days pills are used by some women continuously by taking the pills without seven days gap to skip periods for some month according to their wish due to travels or some festival and celebrity events.

28 pills package

These packages contain 28 pills in which there are 21 active pills that contain hormones and the last seven pills which are placebo pills or pills with no hormones.
These placebo pills usually contain sugar or vitamins, iron, and folic acid.
These pills are useful for some women who may not have strong memory to take the pill exactly in the first period of the next period to keep them pregnancy free if there is a pill-free seven days gap.
Since the placebo pills contain no hormone during when the women start to take placebo pills on the 22 nd day of the periodic cycle the periodic bleeding should start.
If not started better to go for a home pregnancy test or see a doctor.
Sometimes there may be minor spots instead of bleeding due to long time uses of the pills.
This is due to 
1.stopping ovulation
2.Thickening of the cervix
3.Keeping the uterine linings thin and insufficient to shed of cells enough to get bleeding.

Skipping Periods

Skipping periods may vary from harm to benefit depending upon the body's health and the necessity.
You can skip the periods for several months to prevent mood swings, migraines,abdominal cramps, period pain, and tiredness. Also during travels and functions you can skip periods to avoid inconvenience. But consult with your gynecologist before you decide.
Skipping periods for several months have its own demerits as follows:
1. It may affect your overall health
2. It may affect your regular periodical cycle and system
3.Breakthrough bleeding

Friday 31 August 2018



Pistachios are a kind of tree nuts that has a lot of health benefits including high protein contents, antioxidants, and fibers. Because of its high protein content it is a good source of protein to vegetarians and vegans.
According to the US Agricultural Department, one ounce of the pistachio nuts contains:-


1.Calories           -159
2.Protein             -5.72 gms
3.Fat                   -12.85 gms
4.Carbohydrates -7.70 gms
5.Fiber                 -3 gms
6.Sugar                -2.72 gms
7.Magnesium      -34 milligrams
8.Potassium         -291 milligrams
9.Phosphorous     -139 milligrams
10.Vitamin b-6    -0.480gms
11.Vitamin-B-1   -0.247mgs


The recommended daily intake of Vit-B-6 is 1.3 mg and an ounce serving of pistachio contains one-seventh of the recommended daily need of Vit-B-6.
Pistachio nuts have very low calories of energy that is 159. When compared with other nuts such as macadamia nuts (204 cal); and pecan nuts (196 cal) pistachio contains very low calories such as 159.


Antioxidants are substances that have benefits of reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases by preventing cell damage.
When compared with other nuts such as cashews and almonds pistachios contains more antioxidants.
Pistachios contain the following antioxidants:-
3.Xanthophyll carotenoids
Practically a small research involving 28 participants who were given 1 or 2 services of pistachios for one month shows a considerable increase in the antioxidant levels of lutein, zeaxanthin a-carotene, and b-carotene, compared with those who ate none.


Pist contains an abundance of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial effects towards eye health.
According to the American Optometric Association lutein and zeaxanthin have good preventive effects towards Age-related Macular eye Disease (AMD) and Cataracts.


All nuts including pistachio contain rich fiber contents that help the food moves easily down at the gut and thus it relieves constipation.
Also, pistachio is rich in prebiotics which increases the population of good gut bacteria over bad bacteria


Pistachio nuts are rich in protein which can contribute to a vegan's daily protein need.
Taking one ounce of pistachio can supply 6 gms of protein per day.


Because of the high protein and fiber content followed by a low-calorie value pistachio nuts are a very good diet for those who wish to reduce their body weight.


Regularly taking pistachios may reduce blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Hence it is very protective and safe to heart patients.


Pistachio has a low Glycemic Index value and hence they would not cause a sharp rise in the blood glucose level after someone consuming them.
Fortunately pistachios are low in both Glycemic Index and as well as Glycemic Load.

"The Glycemic Index is the number associated with the carbohydrate content of a particular food item that shows the effect of these carbohydrates on a person's blood glucose levels.
A value of 100 is the standard that is the GI of pure glucose"

"Glycemic Load is a measure more accurate and dependable 

The Glycemic Load (GL) of a food is the number that estimates how much the food will raise a person's blood glucose level after eating it."
(GI/100) multiplied by the (label content of total carbohydrates minus fiber)=Glycemic Load
The GI of a particular food is 22=22/100=0.22
Total carbohydrates in the label=42
Fiber content mentioned in the label =12
Hence  Active carbohydrates   =  42-12 =30
Glycemic Load is                      =0.22 x 30 =6.6

Saturday 18 August 2018




New research by scientists from the University of Exeter in the UK discovered an important phenomenon of reversing the aging cells which interestingly involves minute traces of hydrogen sulfide gas 
Usually during aging cells slowly lose their activity and decline to multiply. These inactive cells accumulate and exceed the number of younger active cells as our age ascends. The process is known as senescence and the inactive aged cells are known as senescent cells


It has been well understood that common skin cancer like melanoma can predict future cancers which may develop in other parts of the body.


A group of scientists from Australia now undergo researches on a class of drugs that are arresting the spread of cancer cells by inactivating two proteins such as KAT6A and KAT6B which are the driving forces for the cancer cells to multiply.


1.Benign Tumors which are noncancerous, harmless, and will not spread but rarely they may become premalignant and then malignant.
2.Premalignant Tumors which are cancerous but yet to become harmful. They may not spread at this stage.
3.Malignant Tumors which are at full cancerous state harmful and spread easily to other parts


Scientists at Keele University in the UK have studied the effects of sleep duration on our cardiac health.
They found that both reduced and too much sleep can produce harmful effects such as atherosclerosis, plaque formation, and inflammations.
But they wondered about their findings that excess sleep more than 9 hours is more harmful than reduced sleep.


It was an old idea that traditional smoking like Hookah in which smoke is sucked through water bottles is lesser harmful than cigarette or cigar smoking.
But the idea is nullified by a recent statement by WHO which is supported by the researches from California University Los Angels that fruit and candy mixed tobacco crush which is used in hookah like traditional waterpipe smoking are also as dangerous as cigarette smoking.


The following are the health benefits of Goji-berries:-
1. They are very beneficiary in reducing the risk of glaucoma
2. They contain a high content of antioxidants such as zeaxanthin which protect our body from UV radiation, oxidative stress, and free radicals.
3. They are rich in vitamins like A and C which improves our body immunity and help to fight cancer
4. They improve skin health as they contain beta carotenoids.
5. Goji berries improve insulin and cholesterol management of our body
6. They improve depression and mental health.


Lice are external parasites lives in various parts of our and accordingly, they can be classified as follows:-
1. Head Lice:- They live in our head and settled at the base of the hair. Mostly they are harmless but can cause itching. They do not cause primary infections. Head lice feed on our blood by sucking. There are chewing lice which live on the skin and chew tiny debris present on the skin 
Lice infestation can be treated shampoo or lotion which contains pyrethrins(e.g: Permethrin), spinosad a natural insecticide present in bacteria, and ivermectin.
There are harmless natural remedies like Tea tree oil which can kill all the lice


Phantosmia is a kind of mental condition in which a patient feels some smell which actually not present. Phantomsmell or Phantosmia is mainly caused by sinusitis, bronchitis, and some problem in the nose or problem in the brain and nervous systems such as migraine,stroke, or schizophrenia.


3.Healthy Fats
Heavy exercises such as weight lifting may cause minute tears in muscles which can be replaced by eating proteins such as, Eggs Greek yogurt, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, and kefir.
Heavy exercises such as running can fastly deplete glycogen stores which can be replaced by eating or drinking carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, fruits, grains, and cereals which are the preferable source for carbohydrates.
Heavy exercise needs healthy fats to replace consumption.
Fatty fishes such as salmon fish are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

Friday 27 July 2018



There are more than 100 carcinogens or cancer factors are existing in our lifestyle and the major factor is tobacco smoking.
Tobacco when it is burned is producing too many toxins. The major toxin which contributes to about 75% is NNK or Nicotine derived Nitrosamine Ketone.
Nicotine itself may not be a single factor that causes carcinoma but when it gets burned as in cigarette smoking it is converted to its ketone form the NNK which is highly carcinogenic.
The chemistry of nicotine converted to NNK:-
 The above-shown nicotine when burned or heated or treated with some chemicals such as nitrous acid (HONO) structurally changed as follows by opening its pyrrolidine ring into NNK which is represented by the structure given below 
The ketone at the end represented by (C---C==O)is a potent mutagen which attacks DNA molecule to misread its content to form irregular developments and forming cancerous tumors 
Tobacco smoke contains 75% NNK and the person who inhales the smoke is more in danger than the smoker himself.
Perhaps there is another carcinogen in tobacco smoke known as NNN (N-nitroso Nornicotine)which is also equally potent in producing cancer.
NNK is a mutagen hence it needs activation in our body to mutate the DNA.
Our liver contains many groups of enzymes one of which is the cytochrom450 which activates NNK to produce is harmful effects on DNA.


From the above diagram note the difference between the normal and the diseased lungs.

Types of Lung Cancers

1. Large Cell Lung Carcinoma-it is the most common form of lung cancer. It is also known as squamous cell carcinoma or non-small cell carcinoma. It is slow in spreading or metastasis and easily treatable.
2. Small Cell Lung Carcinoma-it is uncommon and can spread rapidly make it difficult to treat.
3.Lung Carcinoid Tumor.-A rare form of lung cancer and the most dangerous which affects nerves and endocrines.


Early signs of lung cancer are silent and undetectable however in advance stage some of the following symptoms are evident.
1.Vocal change
4.Frequent respiratory infections
5.Medically unresponsive chronic cough
6.Blood spitting during cough
7.Painful coughing with thick mucus which makes difficulty in swallowing.
8.Shortness of breath
9.Pain in bones
10.Weight loss


1.Prolonged exposure of our lungs to harmful carcinogens in smokes including tobacco smoking, radon radiation, etc
2. In immune compromising situations such as suffering from HIV infection, prolonged use of steroids, etc.


1.Difficulty in breathing due to pleural effusion or fluid accumulation in the respiratory pathway 
2. Spreading of cancer to other parts such as the brain and skeletal muscles through lymphatic circulation.
3.Mouth infections, tooth decay, dry tongue, etc.
4. Stomach upset, loose motion or constipation due to the disease spread into the digestive system 


0 stage:-it is just above the normal as still cancer not established but there are attacks on the DNA. The small bits of tumors appear on the inner linings of the alveoli but not still spread to the lymph nodes
Stage-1: The tumors grown into cancerous but still at the starting level and not spread.
Sage-2: The tumors at this stage develops further distinctively and still localized, and can be removed by surgery without complications 
Stage:3: The tumors grew further and can reach metastasis but still localized.
Stage-4: The tumors attain metastasis and spread to other parts especially to lymph nodes, followed by bones, visceral parts, and brain.


1.When any one of the symptoms mentioned above such as vocal change, coughing with blood and thick mucus occurs go to a specialist and diagnose thoroughly.
2. Cessation of smoking is a must.
3. Usually there are no proper diagnostic methods to detect lung cancer in early stages. But treatments can be with chemotherapy and
antibiotics to control the early symptoms.
4. Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) is easily treatable as it is not usually spread to the brain.
5. Treatment is based on preventing irregular fusion of the DNA brands. This can be achieved by inhibiting a special gene protein known as Abnormal Fusion Protein. This is known as ALK Gene Rearrangements.
Three drugs namely Crizotinib ( Xalkori), Ceritinib (Zykadia), and Alcetinib (Alecensa)are developed to prevent the abnormal fusion protein.


Thursday 28 June 2018



Iron is an important mineral our body needs to keep us healthy.
About 65% of our body iron is present in hemoglobin which is the boat used by the body to carry oxygen to the needed organs through blood circulation.
For this vital and critical oxygen transport hemoglobin must contain sufficient iron.
In simple words hemoglobin is a protein -iron complex.
Iron present in this complex is in ferrous (Fe++) form which then comes in contact with oxygen while blood circulates in the lungs during breath in the process the ferrous pick oxygen and become ferric (fe+++) iron.
When this oxygenated blood circulates in the peripheral organs it gives up its oxygen and the ferric return back to ferrous.
The rest of the iron is stored in the liver. 
Myoglobin is a protein iron complex which supply oxygen to the skeletal muscles for physical activities.
Iron is of two types.
1.Heme Iron.
2.Non-heme iron
Haem iron is very important which can be easily consumed by our body.
Animal meat is a full source of heme iron and may contain little nonheme iron also
Liver, red meat such as mutton, beef are good sources for heme iron
Similarly, white meat like seafood and chicken are also rich in heme iron.
Non-heme iron is mostly present in vegetable foods.
Our body is less likely to consume non-heme iron when compared with heme iron.
Hence those who are non-vegetarians are less likely to get iron-deficiency anemia and vise versa
Those who are vegetarians are very likely to get iron-deficiency anemia as their food contains non-heme iron which our body could not consume fully and easily.
These people should take periodical consumption of iron supplements as per doctor's advice.
There are some edibles which can make our body to easily assimilate food iron. They are vitamin C and Phytates
Vitamin C is enriched in all green vegetables, salads, and fruits such as oranges, berries, and tomatoes
Phytates are enriched in nuts such as cashew, walnut, and almonds.
Consuming these items after a meat or vegetable meal may help the body to consume and assimilate iron from the foods. Phytate containing nuts is better soaked or fermented before taking, otherwise, they may interfere with the iron consumption of body from the diet.
Drink an orange juice after a strong meal.
Conversely caffeine tannin and other tea contents disturb and reduce our body's ability of taking and consuming iron from food.
Hence avoid taking coffee or tea immediately after a strong meal at least within an hour gap.

Iron enriched food(Heme + Non-heme)

2.Mutton and any other red meat.
4.Seafood like fishes and any other like white meat
6.Poultry products.

Vegetarian Iron Supplements(Non-heme)

2.Dry fruits such as figs and apricots
5.Soya beans
6.Potato molasses
7.Dark green vegetables and leaves such as broccoli, water crest, seaweeds, asparagus, and parsley.

Daily Individual Needs

1. Females aged between 19 -50 yrs =20mgs.
2. Males aged between   19 -50 yrs =10mgs 
3.Pregnant ladies                             = 30mgs
4.Breastfeeding ladies                    = 10mgs

Anemic Levels (WHO)

1.For female:- less than 119 gms per liter of the blood
2.For male:- less than 129 gms per liter of the blood

Symptoms of Anemia

1.Fatigue and Tiredness
2.Weakness and Dizziness
3.Pale skin
5.Hair loss
6.Craving to eat sands, stone, bricks, and dirt
7.Leg restlessness
8.Brittle and pale nails

Iron Overload

This is a medical condition due to genetic disorder 
known as hemochromatosis in which the body absorbs more iron above the limit of its storing ability.
People who have this condition should avoid iron consumption should seek medical advice.
According to the National Institute for Health (NIH)
the daily intake of iron should not exceed 45 mg.
Symptoms of Iron Overload includes,
1.Stomach upset
2.Abdominal pain

Thursday 19 April 2018




Morning diarrhea sometimes disturbs our daily life and work power.
Morning diarrhea signals us by the urgency of going to the bathroom in the morning wake up. Watery stools may drain up important body electrolytes such as sodium potassium, calcium, and magnesium, etc which leads to tiredness and weakness. There will be a rapid put down of body mass.
Occasional morning diarrhea may be a sign of temporary illness due to lifestyle habits or may be due to diet changes.
But regular morning diarrhea can be a sign of some serious underlying causes.

Lifestyle Habits

1. Smoking before going to bed at night or after woke up in the morning on an empty stomach may cause diarrhea in the morning.This due to nicotine
which causes ganglionic stimulation which leads to rapid cholinergic intestinal movements.
2. Drinking too much alcohol at night can cause loose stool in the morning
3. Another cause for morning diarrhea is getting up at midnight and have a spicy snake
4. Drinking too much coffee at night may also cause diarrhea in the morning.
5. If you take heavy breakfast in the morning too may some times cause morning diarrhea
6. Taking antibiotics may also cause morning diarrhea

Other Causes

1. Morning diarrhea can be possibly caused by ingesting shelf life expired food materials, unhygienically handled edibles, sweets, junk foods, improperly cooked foods, etc.
2. Viruses such as H.Influenza may cause diarrhea.
3. Bacterial infection may also cause diarrhea
4. Changing hormone level such as during pregnancy also may cause morning sickness such as diarrhea.
5. Usually, stress may not cause loose motion instead it may cause constipation due to sympathetic bowel relaxation but there may be some exception 
6. Dehydration may cause electrolyte imbalances which in turn causes diarrhea.
7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition usually occurs due to chronic anxiety and stress often causes morning diarrhea
8. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as Crohn's disease also causes chronic diarrhea.
9.Allergens such as peanut, eggs, some fruits, milk, etc.


If you found any irritable diet causes diarrhea to avoid that item in your diet. (e.g.) rotten fruits, rotten eggs, fermented milk.
If you found the diarrhea is due to allergy exclude that food item causes allergy. (e.g.) dry fish, citrus fruits, tomato
If you find any symptoms of IBS (Irritated Bowel Symptom) such as
bloating, stomach pain, gas, mucus then avoid irritable foods mentioned above and go to a doctor
If you find any symptom of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) such as
stomach pain, weight loss, fatigue, blood in stools then go to a doctor.
Most of the IBD symptoms can be controlled by taking some steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but with the supervision of a doctor.
Aminosalicylates are used to treat Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease.
Antibiotics are also used as per the Doctor's direction to treat IBD.
Most of the IBS symptoms can be treated with some anticholinergic drugs such as, scopolamine or tincture of belladonna but with doctor's advice. Loperamide, a synthetic opioid may also help if an infection is excluded.
Other simple morning diarrheas can be treated with simple diets and lifestyle changes

Tuesday 13 March 2018




Some times we get itchy palms because of any one of the following causes.


The itchy palm due to eczema may have the following distinct features:-
1.Redness of the skin
2.cracking of the skin
3.Skin dryness
A sub-type of eczema known as Dyshidrotic Eczema may be featured by small itchy blisters specifically on hands and sometimes at the feet. 


The following professionals may be affected by palm eczemas
4.Medical professionals


The itchy palms due to diabetes may have the following distinct features:-
High blood sugar level may produce osmolar diuresis which causes extensive loss of water from the extracellular compartments to produce dry skin that results in itching palms 
The itching may appear with or without inflammations bumps or bruises


The following are the distinct features of palm allergies
Palm allergy or contact dermatitis may appear within 48 to 96 hours after the hand comes in contact with the following allergens
1.Metals such as hand jewelry like rings, bangles including metal, plastic or rubber bands
3. Hand gloves specifically made out of latex
6.Antiseptics and antibacterials
8.Chlorinated liquids
Even though the allergic reactions may not be immediate, the reactions develop step by step within a few days as the body may take enough time to release itchy histamine.

Allergic Medications

Itchy palm may also be a result of some ingested medicines rather than a result of direct skin contact of medicine at the palm.
When a person takes an allergic medicine even at a mild dosage the stimulated body mast cells release histamine which tends to concentrate more in the palm and at the feet. Hence these areas will be affected first to show itching symptoms.


An autoimmune disorder known as Primary biliary cholangitis or Primary biliary cirrhosis a kind of liver disease can also develop itchy palms as one of the symptoms. The itchy may be characterized by blotchy palms. The other symptoms are 
3.Abdominal pain
4.Bone pain
5.Black urine
This symptom is more common in women and there are no known causes for this disorder.


Some times nerve damages at hands may also cause itchy palms. This etiology can be mostly attributed to diabetes because high blood sugar can cause peripheral neuropathy. This may affect sensations like pricky itches.
Another etiology is attributed to Carpal Tunnel Syndrom caused by pressure on the hand medial nerve leads to numbness, itching, and pain in the palm. This has been already discussed in another post in this blog.
The syndrome is caused by repeated workload by the same hand and can be relieved by rest.

Treatments for Pricky Palms

Generally treatments are based on the etiology(causes) or the origins of the discomfort.
1. Placing a cool damp cloth or an ice pack at the palm for 5 minutes can relieve the itching.
2. Corticosteroid creams or ointments can relieve redness and itching of the palm if its due to allergy. But care should be taken in case of diabetes.
Avoid frequent usages as steroids can cause thinning of the skin.
3. Refrigerated moisturizers can often help to relieve the itching and it is good for diabetics and patients with eczema.
3.U.V.radiation is more effective in eczematous itching.


1. Always use hand gloves made of natural origins such as cotton
2.Wash hands with lukewarm water
3.Use soaps free from any fragrance
4. Apply any moisturizer whenever after drying the hand.
5. Use soft cotton or natural rubber gloves whenever working with chemicals or detergents
Synthetic gloves can be used if their inner linings are made out of cotton.
6. Avoid alcohol rubbings and gels contain high concentrations of alcohol.



Saturday 10 February 2018


Fatty Liver

1. A recent study revealed that a chemical present in Kiwi fruit, Papaya, and Celery is known as pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
is preventing the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in mice whose mothers were fed with high fatty food.
2.NAFLD is a condition in which there is heavy fat build up around the liver and the liver functions are damaged.
3. Obesity, high cholesterol level, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, are the main causes of NAFLD, and these conditions often arise as a result of taking high fatty diet.
4. It is well-established proof that a child can get NAFLD if its mother took high fatty food when it was in her womb.

Breast Cancer

5. A new study has shown that fats derived from fish liver oil and soy can able to prevent breast cancer as well.
The omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish liver oil such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are well established in reducing LDL cholesterol third omega-3 fatty acid derived from soy known as a-linolenic acid (ALA) also plays an important role in preventing cholesterol-based cancer tumors.
6. A new research study published in the magazine ONCOGENE has revealed that some macrophages present in the breast cancer tumor's microenvironment cause the tumor to spread to other parts by secreting insulin-like growth hormones (IGH). 

Weight Loss

7. A new finding regarding weight loss has been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that worries about weight gain and thinking of hardness to lose weight may psychologically helpful to shed off your weight successfully. Albeit it is a joke but serious.


8. Treatments for this mental disorder sometimes become difficult for some people who are refractory to antipsychotic drugs or they may need heavy doses to be controlled. To prevent this a Taiwanese Doctor Hsien Yuan Lane from the China Medical University of Taiwan with his team has found out that a common food preservative Sodium benzoate can enhance the effect of the anti psycho drug clozapine if taken along with it and thereby one can reduce the dose of clozapine an atypical antipsychotic drug.

Collagenous Colitis

9.A rare noncancerous inflammatory bowel disease in which a thick nonelastic band of collagen has formed under the lining of the bowel. 
The symptoms are as follows:
.Watery non-bloody diarrhea
.Stomach ache
.Weight loss
.Nausea, and Vomiting 
.Fecal Incontinence
.Reduced nutrition

Itchy Mole-Melanoma(Skin Cancer)?  

10. Not all itchy moles are necessarily cancerous but sometimes it may be one of the first signs of melanoma fatal skin cancer. Hence if your mole becomes itchy, change color, irregular border, larger than the hole of a pencil eraser, painful bleeding, and anything abnormally disappear or reappear on your skin should be diagnosed by a skin specialist.

Thursday 1 February 2018



Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

1. A study conducted by Dr.Eric S.Musiek an assistant professor of Neurology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St.Luis has reported that chronic insomnia and those who have long time sleep disturbances should possibly have markers of Alzheimer's Syndrom even though they show no symptoms.
2. In 2017, a group of scientists from the University of Southern California at Los Angels has reported that about 1 in 3 cases of Alzheimer's Disease can be preventable through lifestyle changes.
The WHO is recommending men aged above 65 years should undergo regular to moderately intense aerobic exercises for 150 minutes per week or high-intensity exercises for 75 minutes per week can keep AD at the bay. 


3. A study at the Newyork University School of Medicine, Newyork City revealed that e-cigarettes smoke caused damages in DNA configurations when tested in mice. Hence it is known that they are carcinogenic and can cause cancers and heart diseases.

Multiple Sclerosis

4. A recent study of the interaction between testosterone and the immune system in the male mice at North Western University in Chicago has discovered a Guardian molecule that seems to protect against multiple sclerosis


5. Researchers have found that clove oil is having the following health benefits:
Cure oral infections such as gingivitis
Tests in mice with clove extract along with its active ingredient nigericin shown some positive results in reducing insulin resistance by the tissues and hence good for diabetics.
1/2 teaspoon of the grounded powder of clove contains plenty of antioxidants, as per a report in Today's Dietitian.
Extract of Cloves has proved to prevent and cure obesity.
6. It is shown that chewing and swallowing raw cloves can be some times fatal if it goes into the airway by catching flames.
Also, clove oil can cause skin rashes, respiratory irritations, eye irritations, and allergy according to the National Center For Biotechnology Information


7. The following proportions of diets are recommended for those who intend a weight loss
Carbohydrates   40%
Proteins             30%
Fats                     30%  


8.Lordosis Behavior-At the time of ovulation a female finds a particular male more attractive and makes a move available for having sex and mating.
A recent study says that a peptide known as Kisspeptin plays a vital role in this lordosis behavior.


10.A psychological disorder in which the patient is afraid of being touch by others.

Monday 29 January 2018


1. Anxiety suffered by men is mostly given by their close relatives especially by female relatives like mother, wife, or sister. A new study by the psychological medicos from the University of California, Berkeley, and Bar-Ilan University of Ramat Gan, Israel.
2. Doctors prescribe Metformin for Type-2 diabetes as it reduces blood glucose levels by improving glucose utilization by the tissues. But there is a wider belief that metformin also causes weight loss in patients who use medicine. Hence the drugs also prescribed by some doctors to patients who are overweight and obese. But the FDA does not approve this as the weight reduction by metformin is virtual. Also the FDA does not approve the use of metformin to treat the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
3.Type-1 diabetes is a condition in which a destructive gene activated by the environment that stimulates the body's autoimmunity which kills the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Hence it is purely insulin-dependent and usually occurs in children.
Type-2 diabetes is a condition in which insulin production or its release or its peripheral utilization by the tissues is insufficient by some unknown mechanism. It is associated with mental health and lifestyle.
It is important to know that Type-2 diabetes fortunately never become Type-1 (Juvenile,insulin-dependent) diabetes by taking insulin injections.
4. A recent article published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that Vitamin-D has a beneficial effect in the alleviation of IBM, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The symptoms of IBM are stomach ache, diarrhea, and bloating.
5. Symptoms of Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) which may be considered as a subtype of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are as follows:
a)Difficulty sleeping, nightmares, insomnia
b)Intrusive fears about the abuse
c)Silence about the abuse
d)avoid situations prone to the abuse
e)Feelings of sorrow, anger, hopelessness, worthlessness
f)Intence fear
g)Flashback imaginations of abuse
Even though this symptom is usually suffered by woman this may be experienced by any gender and hence can be named as Battered Person Syndrome.
6)Doctors from the University of California have found out that high cholesterol can cause intestinal cancer tumors 100 fold faster.
7)A man carried
 oxygen cylinder inside the MRI scanner room got fatally sucked and twisted by a tremendous magnetic force towards the huge MRI machine and killed.
It is not advisable to carry any metallic materials especially iron materials inside the MRI scanners. Iron is a powerful electromagnetic conductor and it will get magnetized as soon as it enters the magnetic field across the MRI scanner followed by a twist to align the electrical charges positive to negative.
So it is the radiologist's responsibility to check the patient for the metallic materials before the entry such as shoes, belts, spectacles, wristwatches, pens, pencils, implants, earrings, ornaments etc.etc. 
8. The Indian spice Turmeric is having high medicinal values because of its rich content of curcumin an antioxidant that can protect our body cells from harmful oxidations by various free radicals. Thereby turmeric is good for inflammations, stroke and Alzheimer's Disease-A new study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
9. Researches from the Queen Mary University of London have found that modified flu viruses can destroy tumors. They successfully tested on pancreatic tumors in vitro.
10. Hidden culprit influenza can cause a heart attack  


BRAIN MEANDERING PATHWAY                                                                         Maturity, the thinking goes, comes with age...