



Monday 29 January 2018


1. Anxiety suffered by men is mostly given by their close relatives especially by female relatives like mother, wife, or sister. A new study by the psychological medicos from the University of California, Berkeley, and Bar-Ilan University of Ramat Gan, Israel.
2. Doctors prescribe Metformin for Type-2 diabetes as it reduces blood glucose levels by improving glucose utilization by the tissues. But there is a wider belief that metformin also causes weight loss in patients who use medicine. Hence the drugs also prescribed by some doctors to patients who are overweight and obese. But the FDA does not approve this as the weight reduction by metformin is virtual. Also the FDA does not approve the use of metformin to treat the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
3.Type-1 diabetes is a condition in which a destructive gene activated by the environment that stimulates the body's autoimmunity which kills the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Hence it is purely insulin-dependent and usually occurs in children.
Type-2 diabetes is a condition in which insulin production or its release or its peripheral utilization by the tissues is insufficient by some unknown mechanism. It is associated with mental health and lifestyle.
It is important to know that Type-2 diabetes fortunately never become Type-1 (Juvenile,insulin-dependent) diabetes by taking insulin injections.
4. A recent article published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that Vitamin-D has a beneficial effect in the alleviation of IBM, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The symptoms of IBM are stomach ache, diarrhea, and bloating.
5. Symptoms of Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) which may be considered as a subtype of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are as follows:
a)Difficulty sleeping, nightmares, insomnia
b)Intrusive fears about the abuse
c)Silence about the abuse
d)avoid situations prone to the abuse
e)Feelings of sorrow, anger, hopelessness, worthlessness
f)Intence fear
g)Flashback imaginations of abuse
Even though this symptom is usually suffered by woman this may be experienced by any gender and hence can be named as Battered Person Syndrome.
6)Doctors from the University of California have found out that high cholesterol can cause intestinal cancer tumors 100 fold faster.
7)A man carried
 oxygen cylinder inside the MRI scanner room got fatally sucked and twisted by a tremendous magnetic force towards the huge MRI machine and killed.
It is not advisable to carry any metallic materials especially iron materials inside the MRI scanners. Iron is a powerful electromagnetic conductor and it will get magnetized as soon as it enters the magnetic field across the MRI scanner followed by a twist to align the electrical charges positive to negative.
So it is the radiologist's responsibility to check the patient for the metallic materials before the entry such as shoes, belts, spectacles, wristwatches, pens, pencils, implants, earrings, ornaments etc.etc. 
8. The Indian spice Turmeric is having high medicinal values because of its rich content of curcumin an antioxidant that can protect our body cells from harmful oxidations by various free radicals. Thereby turmeric is good for inflammations, stroke and Alzheimer's Disease-A new study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
9. Researches from the Queen Mary University of London have found that modified flu viruses can destroy tumors. They successfully tested on pancreatic tumors in vitro.
10. Hidden culprit influenza can cause a heart attack  


BRAIN MEANDERING PATHWAY                                                                         Maturity, the thinking goes, comes with age...