



Thursday 19 April 2018




Morning diarrhea sometimes disturbs our daily life and work power.
Morning diarrhea signals us by the urgency of going to the bathroom in the morning wake up. Watery stools may drain up important body electrolytes such as sodium potassium, calcium, and magnesium, etc which leads to tiredness and weakness. There will be a rapid put down of body mass.
Occasional morning diarrhea may be a sign of temporary illness due to lifestyle habits or may be due to diet changes.
But regular morning diarrhea can be a sign of some serious underlying causes.

Lifestyle Habits

1. Smoking before going to bed at night or after woke up in the morning on an empty stomach may cause diarrhea in the morning.This due to nicotine
which causes ganglionic stimulation which leads to rapid cholinergic intestinal movements.
2. Drinking too much alcohol at night can cause loose stool in the morning
3. Another cause for morning diarrhea is getting up at midnight and have a spicy snake
4. Drinking too much coffee at night may also cause diarrhea in the morning.
5. If you take heavy breakfast in the morning too may some times cause morning diarrhea
6. Taking antibiotics may also cause morning diarrhea

Other Causes

1. Morning diarrhea can be possibly caused by ingesting shelf life expired food materials, unhygienically handled edibles, sweets, junk foods, improperly cooked foods, etc.
2. Viruses such as H.Influenza may cause diarrhea.
3. Bacterial infection may also cause diarrhea
4. Changing hormone level such as during pregnancy also may cause morning sickness such as diarrhea.
5. Usually, stress may not cause loose motion instead it may cause constipation due to sympathetic bowel relaxation but there may be some exception 
6. Dehydration may cause electrolyte imbalances which in turn causes diarrhea.
7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition usually occurs due to chronic anxiety and stress often causes morning diarrhea
8. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases such as Crohn's disease also causes chronic diarrhea.
9.Allergens such as peanut, eggs, some fruits, milk, etc.


If you found any irritable diet causes diarrhea to avoid that item in your diet. (e.g.) rotten fruits, rotten eggs, fermented milk.
If you found the diarrhea is due to allergy exclude that food item causes allergy. (e.g.) dry fish, citrus fruits, tomato
If you find any symptoms of IBS (Irritated Bowel Symptom) such as
bloating, stomach pain, gas, mucus then avoid irritable foods mentioned above and go to a doctor
If you find any symptom of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) such as
stomach pain, weight loss, fatigue, blood in stools then go to a doctor.
Most of the IBD symptoms can be controlled by taking some steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but with the supervision of a doctor.
Aminosalicylates are used to treat Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease.
Antibiotics are also used as per the Doctor's direction to treat IBD.
Most of the IBS symptoms can be treated with some anticholinergic drugs such as, scopolamine or tincture of belladonna but with doctor's advice. Loperamide, a synthetic opioid may also help if an infection is excluded.
Other simple morning diarrheas can be treated with simple diets and lifestyle changes


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