



Sunday 23 September 2018



Recently on the news a woman poisoned her children and killed them. She used birth control pills for that purpose. Five pills killed the younger child in one dosage while five more pills needed to kill the elder one. Luckily the husband escaped from the plot.

Birth control pills are generally safe if used correctly and under the doctor's advice.
If misused and overdosed especially to children with underdeveloped sex systems they are harmful and life-threatening.
Estrogens and progesterone overdosed will surely result in cardiac arrest due to pulmonary embolism and hepatic adenoma (Fatty Liver)
Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which there are clots or emboli formed in the pulmonary blood circulation such as pulmonary arterial circulation
These clots may spread from anywhere in the body especially from the legs and carry to the lung system usually from the legs.
Using progesterone overtime or overdose may directly cause blood clots in the pulmonary artery and can cause cardiac arrest.
                       Birth control pills or contraceptive pills are pills that usually contain synthetic forms of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Estrogens are meant for preventing the endogenous secretion of estrogen and thereby stopping ovulation and progesterone is meant for maintaining a condition of pseudopregnancy and thereby stopping ovulation.
There are various types of packages by which the pills are available in the market.

21 pills package

These types of packs contain 21 pills only and women who wish to prevent pregnancy should take the first pill from the first day of the period and continue to take one pill per day up to the last pill at the last 21 st day.
After that there are seven pills free days. The natural period occurs in these days.
But on the 29th day the first day of the next period will start and the next package should be opened without forgetting.
Also 21 days pills are used by some women continuously by taking the pills without seven days gap to skip periods for some month according to their wish due to travels or some festival and celebrity events.

28 pills package

These packages contain 28 pills in which there are 21 active pills that contain hormones and the last seven pills which are placebo pills or pills with no hormones.
These placebo pills usually contain sugar or vitamins, iron, and folic acid.
These pills are useful for some women who may not have strong memory to take the pill exactly in the first period of the next period to keep them pregnancy free if there is a pill-free seven days gap.
Since the placebo pills contain no hormone during when the women start to take placebo pills on the 22 nd day of the periodic cycle the periodic bleeding should start.
If not started better to go for a home pregnancy test or see a doctor.
Sometimes there may be minor spots instead of bleeding due to long time uses of the pills.
This is due to 
1.stopping ovulation
2.Thickening of the cervix
3.Keeping the uterine linings thin and insufficient to shed of cells enough to get bleeding.

Skipping Periods

Skipping periods may vary from harm to benefit depending upon the body's health and the necessity.
You can skip the periods for several months to prevent mood swings, migraines,abdominal cramps, period pain, and tiredness. Also during travels and functions you can skip periods to avoid inconvenience. But consult with your gynecologist before you decide.
Skipping periods for several months have its own demerits as follows:
1. It may affect your overall health
2. It may affect your regular periodical cycle and system
3.Breakthrough bleeding


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