



Wednesday 12 December 2018



                                     The concept of slow poisoning to kill a person is different from killing a person by poisoning. Killing a person by poisoning is blindfold, and involves obsessive feelings but on the contrary slow poisoning involves cleverness and waiting for the person to die normally in due course and making the death appear natural.
But an autopsy can reveal the truth in both cases.
Usually, an autopsy is performed when the death occurred in a doubtful situation. This happens in normal poisoning which brings immediate death of an otherwise healthy young or old victim.
But in slow poisoning, an autopsy is unusual as the death may not be immediate, and appears natural.
For poisoning, the killer always uses deadly poisons like cyanides, insecticides, and any other dangerous drugs.
But in the case of slow poisoning, the killer does not need any dangerous chemical or poisonous drug. A normal water and table salt can be fatal
to any kidney patient if he is overdosed by that.
Paracetamol a common pain killer used to relieve headaches and fever by common people could be fatal if overdosed and prolonged overuse. Its daily limit is 4 grams.
Every time when someone consumes paracetamol a 10% of it is converted by the liver to form a dangerous metabolite known as N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NABQI), which is a liver poison. It will damage the liver cells. But luckily this is detoxified by an antioxidant known as glutathione present in the liver. But an extra overuse of paracetamol can overact the glutathione and thereby damage the liver.
White sugar and sweets are all dangerous to a sugar patient if he is not protected by proper medications 
Allergens,  that are allergic to a person can kill that person not immediately but in due course, if he is continuously exposed to that allergen.
Now our question is can steroids be used as slow poisoning as being doubted by the Suspected Death of our Former CM Miss. Jaya Lalita Enquiry Commission by the former C.J.Mr.Arumugasamy.
The Commission has got a medical report that Ms.J.J was allegedly ingested with oral or parenteral steroids for long periods in spite of her diabetic condition. 
But another report from another doctor confused the E.Commission that the steroids were given for her back pain for about 5 days only.
The Commission cannot come to a conclusion because there are confusing statements regarding this and all of them are contradicting each other.
So the inquiry is going on 
The question is can a diabetic patient be treated with steroids for such a long period with or without a doctor's advice. The answer is No
Because there are alternative medicines such as NSAIDs are available to treat back pain or any other inflammatory or rheumatic conditions.
Before starting to blame steroids first we must know about steroids, their chemistry, and their pharmacology.
It is very easy and interesting to understand the bio-data of steroids.
Though there are thousands of compounds in this group with variable chemical and physical characters still there are many similarities among them including their molecular structures.
It is not our purpose to go deeply into the chemistry of steroids but one thing we must know that there are many steroids that are endogenous and are familiar to our human body such as corticosteroids, sex hormones, and cholesterol.
Chemically all of them are interrelated with many similarities including their structural construction with the peculiar arrangement of 17 carbon atoms.
All endogenous steroids are not harmful to otherwise healthy people. But if any of them were ingested into the body from outside then the problem arises as our body does not wish anything from outside. Even an endogenous steroid if ingested into our body it will be treated as a foreign body and will be rapidly metabolized and eliminated.
Cortisol and hydrocortisone are two important corticosteroids, endogenously secreted from adrenal glands in their cortex regions.
Both of them are concerned with the glucose metabolism of our body against insulin hence known as glucocorticoids. They elevate blood sugar powerfully in case of emergency, alertness, and stress by the action of adrenaline. The elevated sugar level is controlled by insulin in stress relief.
A diabetic patient if ingested with such glucocorticoids for a long time will certainly suffer from many complications such as 
1.Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)
2.Immunity Deficiency
3.Fluid Retention
4. Weight Gain as a fluid collection in the body and Hypertension
5.Pneumonia and other infections due to lack of immunity
6.Moon Face
7.Ulcers in the stomach.
There are many comorbidities due to elevated blood pressure and blood sugar level.
There are other steroids such as sex hormones like testosterone in males and estrogens and progestins in females. A few of them to be mentioned briefly. They are testosterone in males, progesterone, estrone, estradiol, and estriol in female.
As long as they are endogenous they do not do much harm to our health.
But they are harmful if taken into the body from outside without a reasonable cause and doctor's supervision.
Male sex hormones like testosterone if overdosed can be harmful to our health. Chronic use shall precipitate prostate cancer along with other comorbidities listed above.
Synthetic male hormones like nandrolone as decanoate(Deca-Durabolin),nandrolone phenylpropionate(Durabolin), methyltestosterone(Methyl test),and
methandrostenolone (Dianabol) and many more.
They are available in the market as bodybuilders, weight gainers, and power retainers.
But the black sides of these synthetic steroids if used carelessly and chronically are life-threatening.
Those who are involving sports and games are using any one of the above to gain victory in the sports events shall certainly encounter bad side effects later.
Methyltestosterone which is the oldest and simple synthetic form of testosterone is nothing but testosterone itself with a methyl radical at its 17th position. The drug is the most powerful anabolic steroids among all bodybuilder steroids. But due to its severe side effects of estrogenic conversion by the body the drug is less marketed. These types of steroids are used as slow poisoners in criminology and forensic science.
All steroids except the mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone are elevating blood sugar levels.
Aldosterone on the other hand is concerned with the minerals metabolism like sodium and potassium.
Aldosterone increases blood pressure by increasing blood sodium and water level by stimulating potassium excretion by the kidneys.
If this drug is overused without any care for a long time it will produce electrolyte imbalance, the elevation of sodium(hypernatremia), and a decrease in potassium level(hypokalemia) with the results of many cardiovascular complications.
Slow poisoning to kill a person is socially awkward and needs personal awareness.
It can be performed in any place, house, public places, or even in the hospital.
Sugar patients can safely consume fruits if they select fruits with a low glycemic load that does not matter how much their glycemic index.
Usually, 1 to 10 is the safer glycemic load range
Please check the glycemic load scale in the net
All creatures of God have the right to live.
Their rights should be respected.
Slow poisoning is a foolish way to solve problems.
God is the best and super planner of planners.
He is watching everywhere and everybody else.
If you plane against anyone then you will be trapped one day with the powerful plan of God.


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