



Friday 25 January 2019



1)  Risk Factors Control     
 Controlling 7 risk factors for maintaining a healthy heart can also reduce the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.
The risk factors are 1.Smoking Factor
                                2.Physical Activities
                                5.Blood Glucose
                                7.Blood Pressure
The above risk factors mentioned above are modifiable by proper controls.
At least a man has to control any 5 of the above factors can be within the safe circle from getting heart problems and diabetes

2) Alzheimer's Disease   (AD)      
Alzheimer's Disease is the severe form of dementia caused by the damage of brain cells by an irregular build-up of a protein called beta-amyloid. A modified form of blood C-Protein known as 3K3A-APC which has been tested as brain cells protective factor in several pathological conditions like multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, traumatic brain injury in mice successfully.This modified protein which a 90% reduced anticoagulant activity from its parent protein also now under trial as blood cells protective from the amyloid build up and give some hope as a preventive or prophylactic against AD
A lack of deep sleep in the old age may sometimes be an indicator of the development of AD.
Research led by Dr.Sabrina Islamoska from the Dept.of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark has revealed that Stress has a strong link with AD and may raise the risk. 
3.Bone Broth
A recent study has shown the health benefits of Bone Broth.
Bone broth is a soup made by slow boiling of bones and connective tissues.
It has been well proved that bone broth soup is good for health.
When preparing the soup a little vinegar should be added while the bones are boiling to release all its beneficial proteins.
Borax is a naturally occurring mineral which is chemically a sodium salt of boric acid(Sodium tetraborate)
It is commonly used as a household cleaning agent
Also, it is used in cosmetics, like detergents soaps, and talc.
Some people use it as children's toys such as homemade slimes without knowing its harmful side effects. If children ingest it the following side effects can occur:-
So beware of a smile made out of borax while giving to your child as a toy.
5.The Gut Bacterial Flora
The human gut is having a surface area of approximately 300 to 400 sq.meter which is one of the largest interfaces between the human body and the environment.
Around 50 metric tons of food passing through the human G.I tract in an average life span.
This includes a huge quantity of microorganisms passing through the gut which sometimes could be life-threatening.
Healthy human babies have good gut bacterial flora which may protect them from developing allergies to various food including cow's milk.
An earlier study by Dr.Nagler has found that the presence of caccae a bacteria belongs to the family of clostridium in the gut prevents allergy to nuts.
From this, they conclude that  the metabolic products of the healthy microbiome can be used to produce drugs to relieve food allergies
6.Aging And Hydrogen Sulphide
Interesting research by scientists from the University of Exeter, in the U.K, has inched us a little closer to understand the aging process. The study has found out that the chemical Hydrogen Sulphide can retard the aging process. They discovered the mitochondrial or the organelles that supply the power to the cells to grow. The power is in the form of a minute dose of hydrogen sulfide to the mitochondria which in turn gives the power boost to the senescence cells to grow.
Aging is technically known as senescence.
Cells that are aging and with reduced growth are known as senescent cells.
Mitochondria are the rod-shaped organelles that are functioning as the powerhouse of the cell. They convert oxygen, phosphorous, and other nutrients into Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is the energy by reduction into Adenosine Di Phosphate (ADP) for the cell to grow.
On aging Mitochondria becomes less active and eventually the cells retard to grow. Almost all organs and parts of our body are made out of cells with mitochondrial
Averagely each and every cell contains about 2000 to 4000 mitochondria. Liver cells contain the maximum.
There are two proteins known as the splicing or triggering factors such as SRSF2 and HNRNPD 
Scientists have found that these proteins are linked with cellular changes during aging.
The scientists designed three compounds known as AP39, AP123, and RT01 which would deliver a trace quantity of hydrogen sulfide gas into the cell mitochondria and thereby fires up the splicing factor to boost cell growth.
For this research a small samples of cells from the inside endothelial layers of the blood vessels.
The study yielded encouraging results that have been published in the magazine AGING.
People should not be confused with the idea that hydrogen sulfide is a healthy gas for inhalation.
This is purely a Lab Experiment.
Hydrogen sulfide is a poisonous gas and not to be inhaled.
7.Breast Cancer
The latest research at the University of Basel in Switzerland has proved that in breast cancer the metastasis (spreading) of the diseased cell can be prevented by transforming them into fat cells in mice. For this process they used Rosiglitazone an anti-diabetic drug with a MEK inhibitor such as Arcitgenin.
The research that appeared in the European Heart Journal describes that regular exercise can reduce the risks of heart attack, liver failure, and many vascular problems. They also found that regular exercise can boost peripheral utilization of insulin by the tissues and thereby cure insulin resistance.
9.Dental Floss
It has been proved that regular dental flossing may lead to the regular exposure of our body to a dangerous chemical such as Poly Fluro Alkyl Substances (PFAS)
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), frequent exposure of our body to PFAS may lead to serious health problems such as high cholesterol, kidney, and testicular cancer, and thyroid defects.
Recently a group of scientists from the University of California has studied the health effects of intermittent fasting on our circadian rhythms


BRAIN MEANDERING PATHWAY                                                                         Maturity, the thinking goes, comes with age...