



Thursday 13 August 2020



Royal jelly is a special milky product produced by the nursing or house bees to feed the larvae. Larvae are the worm-like structures hatched from the eggs. 
The queen bee is capable of laying at least 2000 eggs per day in its lifetime. The high egg-producing ovarian capacity of the queen bee is believed to be attributed to its lifetime feeding of Royal Jelly.
The eggs after grown into larvae are identified by the nursing bees as queens, drones(kings), workers, or nurses bees and are placed in separate compartments accordingly. (See Fig-1)
After that, the nursing bees feed them with a light white jelly-like substance known as Royal Jelly.
The Royal Jelly is secreted from the glands at the hypopharynx(lower portion of the throat and the entry into the food canal) of the nursing bees.
The nursing bees feed the larvae with Royal Jelly for three days without discrimination.
But after three days they stop to feed the drone larvae, and the worker larvae but continue to feed the queen larvae with Royal Jelly until it is a well-developed queen bee with healthy ovaries. The queen bee eats Royal Jelly as its food for its entire lifetime. The other worker larvae and the drone larvae are continued to feed with honey.
Fig 2

There are three types of honey bees. They are the queen bees, the drone bees, and the worker bees. The worker bees are some times called as nurse bees or house bees.
The queen bees are the largest in size and have the longest life span. 
They are fertile females with strong well-developed ovaries that can able to lay down up to 2000 eggs per day in their lifetime. 
The queen bees have a smooth sting at its back without a barb and venom. Usually, it would not come out of the hive, and they get fewer chances of biting a human being. But often it may bite other bees. Queen bee can bite repeatedly and it would not die. (See Fig-2)
The drone bees are the next largest in size and have the shortest life span.
The drone bees are fertile male bees with the strongest sexual mating power. But during mating with the queen bee when they attain the climax the erection and ejaculation would burst its male parts and the insect dies. Hence the drones would have only one chance of having sex in its lifetime.
Drone bees have no sting at their back. (See Fig-2)
The worker bees are smaller in size than the queen and the drone bees but larger in number and have higher in the job work. They are sterile females.
The worker bee is capable of traveling long distances to collect honey.
Some worker bees stay in the hives to do domestic jobs such as preparing food and feeding the queen bee and the young larvae. 
When the worker bee brings honey the nursing or house bee receives it by mouth to mouth sucking or sucking directly from the stomach of the honey collecting bee and store it in the combs.
The worker bees are venomous and dangerous. They are very furious and curious. They are the defending soldiers of the hive. They have a strong sharply barbed sting with venom. But they will bite only once in their lifetime and they will die.
The source of Royal Jelly is the pollen grains of the flowers. While the worker bee sucks the nectar from the flower it also contaminated with pollen grains. The pollen grains are the best source of protein for honey and Royal Jelly. The worker bees are manipulating honey by adding many additives like enzymes, minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals, fatty acids, and antioxidants along with proteins from the pollen grains.
A gland at the throat side of the worker bee prepares a protein-enriched jelly with the high nutritional value from the pollen grains to feed the larvae  The food is known as the Royal Jelly. (See Fig-2)
The Compositions Of Royal Jelly:-
Water                                                     67%
Protein                                                   13%
Simple sugars(Glucose+Fructose)         12%
Fatty Acids                                             06%
10-hydroxy,2-decanoic acid (HDA)       02%
Antibiotic components                            Traces
Minerals                                                   Traces
Pantothenic Acid     (Vitamin B5)           Traces
Pyridoxin                  (Vitamin B6)          Traces
Ascorbic Acid           (Vitamin C)            Traces
But the RJ contains none of the fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E, or K.
Proteins give the RJ much food value. There are five types of proteins in the RJ. They are known as Major Royal Jelly Proteins. They are MRJP-1 to 5.
The MRJP1 occupies the major position among the MRJPs. All these proteins are made by the worker bee and added to the RJ.
These proteins are attributed to be involved in differential development of the larvae into a queen and a worker bee.
Cultivation of Royal Jelly:-
Royal Jelly is produced or harvested by stimulating bees colonies with movable artificial hives to produce more queen bees. 
Several queen cells are made in the artificial hives by placing 4 days of matured queen larvae in each chamber. At least 18 days old worker bees are carefully isolated and placed in each queen chambers to secrete RJ.
The queen larvae cell contains large quantities of RJ as deposits.
A well-managed hive with more queen cells during a season of 5 to 6 months can give 600gms of RJ.

Is RJ is beneficial to human beings?
There are many controversial and confused beliefs regarding this. There are very little medical proofs available about the benefits of RJ in people.
The compositions of RJ include proteins, fats, sugars vitamins, minerals, and many things that are good for health but most of them are present in traces which is sufficient only for a small insect, like the honey bee.
There is a belief that the transfat present in the RJ yields health benefits to the heart. Doctors recommend RJ as cardioprotective.
The protein and fat of the RJ are believed to be improving male sexual vigor and potency. 
Some researchers say that there are possible beneficial relieving effects from menopausal sufferings.
RJ may improve feelings of well being in menopausal women.
Insufficient pieces of evidence of benefits for the following discomforts:-
1.Diabetic foot ulcers
Some early researches showed that applying a mixture of RJ and panthenol in a cream or ointment base for six months after cleaning and removing dead tissues may give beneficial relief.
It was believed in early days that applying a mixture of RJ, honey, and bee bread to the vagina for two weeks may increase the rate of pregnancy in couples with fertility problems due to reduced sperm movement (asthenozoospermia)
3.High Cholesterol
It is suggested by early research that taking RJ by mouth, by injection or by sublingual may reduce blood cholesterol.
4.Premenstrual Syndrom (PMS).
It is suggested by early research that taking products containing RJ, bee pollen, pollen and pistil extract by mouth for two menstrual cycles seems to relieve symptoms of PMS such as irritability, weight gain, and swelling.
6.Liver Diseases
8.Sleeping trouble
9.Stomach ulcers
10.Kidney Disease
11.Bone Fractures
12.Skin Disorders
Shreds of evidence are not sufficient to rank the efficacy of RJ for the above uses.
Safety Concerns.
Royal Jelly and its combinations may cause allergic reactions such as respiratory distress in asthma patients.
Usually, RJ is skin-friendly but when applied to the scalp it often produces allergic reactions such as inflammations and rashes.
It often causes swelling of the throat and death if a person is allergic to it.
Royal Jelly lowers blood pressure. Patients with low B.P. and those who take B.P. medicines for hypertension should not take RJ.
People with skin irritation and swelling should better avoid the use of RJ.
RJ may produce stomach pain and diarrhea.
1.Warfarin-An anticoagulant similar to clopidogrel
2.B.P.medicines-like atenolol,metoprolol,enalapril,amlodipine,nifedipine,
3.Co-enzyme Q-10-Food supplement
4.Fish oil           - Food supplement
5.Casein protein-Food supplement
L-Arginine         -Aminoacid,-Food supplement
Lycium               -Food supplement
Stinging nettle    -Food supplement
Theanine             -Amino acid
Proved Benefits of Royal Jelly:
1. If you are otherwise a healthy person not using any B.P control medicines RJ is perfect for you to maintain your blood pressure
2. Royal Jelly is good for heart functions through its hypotensive effect.
3. Royal Jelly antioxidants and hence reduce the risks of cancers.
4. Royal Jelly has anti-inflammatory effects.
5. Royal Jelly is a protein food supplement which is good for blood pressure.
6. Regulate blood sugar levels.
7. Royal Jelly is believed to have anti-bacterial effects.
8. Royal Jelly may provide relief from menopausal symptoms. (150mg/day for 3 months may improve cholesterol levels in menopausal women)
9. Some study results have shown that RJ is reducing blood glucose levels.

Monday 3 August 2020



Honey is a thick dark brown sweet syrupy secretion by the honey bees (Apis mellifera). The bees suck nectar from the flower and consume it as their food.
Honey is a wonder by nature. Its preparation by the queen bee is really a great wonder.
The worker bee travel within a circle of 5 to10 kilometer radii from its hive and when it gets attracted by a flower on the way for pollination it sucks the nectar (1/12 of a teaspoon/bee) from that flower contaminated with some pollen grains.
During the return journey, the process of digestion begins in various stages.
During the consumption and digestion, the nectar undergoes various processes and manipulations in the stomach of the bee such as reformations, additions of some specific substances, deposits, dehydration to a syrupy form, and finally secreted out and stored in the honeycomb.
The wonderful honey is made by concentrating the flower nectar so that 80% of the contents are in a simple 18% water by the worker bee and transferring it to the tiny house bee. The tiny house bee receives the concentrated honey and places it into the hexagonal compartment of the honeycomb. The honey is hygroscopic and the bee flaps its wings to ventilate the compartment and thereby let the honey to absorb some more moisture from the atmosphere in order to expand its water content from 18 to 36%. Finally, the house bee seals the compartment by wax to prevent further absorption of moisture.
The total carbs in 100gm of honey:-
Total carbs                                        =80gm (80%)
Free Glucose (Active carbs)            =35gm
Free Fructose   (Non-Active carbs) = 40gm
Sucrose (Glucose+ Fructose)          =5gm
Only glucose from sucrose (60%) =[60/100]x5
Hence total active carbs (n)35+3   =38gm
The glycemic index (GI)of honey =55
ஃThe glycemic load (GL) = [nxGI]/100
                                    =[38x55]/100  =20.9
For 100gm honey the GL                =20.9
Hence for 40gm        [20/100]x40  =8✔️
Therefore a diabetic can take pure raw honey up to 40gm. Logically one can take 2 tablespoonfuls twice daily mixed with juices, tea, milk, or water.

Honey is available as pure and natural raw honey and adulterated processed honey.
Pure and unprocessed honey is a dark-colored and viscous syrup.
It contains 30 to 40% fructose. Its glucose content is lesser than sucrose (60%). Hence its glycemic index is 30 to 55 while the GI of sucrose is 60 (fixed). But honey's calorific value is 65 and table sugar's calorific value is only 39 albeit honey is the better choice for a diabetic patient than table sugar because of its glycemic index which is lesser than that for the table sugar.
Moreover honey contains molasses that act like fibers, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals while the table sugar contains only sugars.
Honey's GI value is varying according to the source from which it is obtained.
Some variety of honey contains higher concentrations of natural fructose. The more the fructose concentration the less the glucose concentration and the less GI value. Because glucose is the active carb and it gives the GI value for honey.
Much of the honey's sweet taste is due to the presence of fructose as fructose is five times sweeter than glucose.
But in the market honey is mostly available in adulterated and processed form.
The processed honey looks like a clear, light, and pale brown or brownish-yellow color. This is because of the filtration and the addition of syrupy fructose to it.
Added sugars in any form like fructose, glucose, or sucrose are not good for health in general.
Natural fructose is not harmful rather it is more beneficial. The presence of natural fructose decides the GI and GL values of the sweet. But added fructose produces many harmful effects such as fatty- liver, obesity, and suppress and damages insulin-secreting cells.
Hence when you buy honey from the market take care of its texture and color.
Check the label for its contents. If it contains more natural fructose its glucose content must be within the range so that the total carbs are  60 to 80% of fructose + glucose.
For example if 
If fructose is 40% then the glucose must be within 30-35%. But if either or both of them exceed this limit then it is to be considered as either or both of them are added sugars and the honey is processed and diluted. 
Pure and natural honey contains protein, fat vitamin, enzymes, and minerals but in fractional quantities.
Hence honey is better than table sugar because table sugar contains only sugars with calories and has no vitamins and minerals.
Honey contains many enzymes and other phytochemicals which give the benefits of antioxidant, antiseptic, antimicrobial properties that contribute to a better immunity system.
Raw honey is a good cough suppressant and relieves sore throat.
Pure honey can also promote better digestion and sleep.
Honey should not be heated directly or mixed with any hot drinks as heat destroys most of the honey's nutritional values.
The maximum heat level allowed for honey is 95´-130 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating honey more than this limit will destroy its nutritional values may turn the product into poison which will have detrimental effects on the body's health. 
Pasteurized Honey:-
Honey can be pasteurized but within 140 deg.F. As honey is more acidic (pH=<4) it is not necessary to heat honey at higher temperatures during pasteurization. Pasteurized honey is good for children but it must be raw honey. Almost all microbes can be killed at <140 deg F including the spores of Clostridium Botulinum which is the main bacterial contamination in honey. Pasteurizing honey can be done by heating honey in water or steam to 130deg F for 3 to 10 minutes and rapidly cooling it by storing it in a cool and dry place. Do not refrigerate. Honey should not be heated directly on fire.
Some Health Recipe by Honey:-

Ŕ-1-To shed off extra fat.

Light warm water (<40degC)  =1glass (50ml)
Pure honey                                  =1-2 teaspoon
Mix and drink on an empty stomach every day morning and night in an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast to shed off extra fat.

Ŕ-2-As A Cough and Cold Remedy

Light warm tea                             =1glass (50ml)
Pure honey                                   =1table spoon
Lemon juice                                 =2table spoon
Ginger juice                                  =2table spoon
Mix and take every day at night after dinner to get relieved from sore throat, dry and productive cough.

R-3-As A Cold Remedy

Lemon water                             -1glass
Pure honey                                -2teaspoon
Mix and take morning and evening after meals.
Honey can be used as a skin rub for pruritus, and skin wounds. 
Thanks to its peroxide activities as honey can be used for acne treatments.
Honey can be used as a skin moisturizer.
Honey can be used as antibacterial.
Some times to some people applying pure honey may irritate the skin, in that case, it can be mixed with milk, turmeric, coconut paste, or skin creams before applying on the skin.
Applying honey on the face and leave it for a while and wash it will give a clear and fresh look.
Honey is a good humectant that can well moisturize dry and damaged skin and hair.
Disadvantages of Honey:-
1. The main disadvantage is raw and pure honey should not be given to infants of age below one year as it contains the microbial impurity Clostridium Botulinum or botulin poison.
Symptoms of Botulin Poison in infants:-
2.Unable to cry (very weak cry)
3.Muscle weakness (unable to crawl)
4.uncontrolled head shakes
7.Drooping eyelids
Clostridium Botulinum is not doing much harm to adults and babies above 1year of age.
2. Processed and refined honey is free from molasses and hence it gives more calories followed by high GI and GL values.
Normally honey has high calories in a tablespoon(21gm)   =64calories
21gm of honey contains 17gm of sugars
But in raw honey, there are molasses, vitamins, minerals, phenols, and peroxides that mask these high sugar values and its Glycemic Load is very low and hence it is safe.
3. Honey is a humectant for dry and damaged hair. But if applied to normal healthy hair it may discolor the hair in sunlight. Also, it may cause hair to fall.
This is because honey contains many enzymes like invertase and glucose oxidase.
Invertase converts sucrose into glucose and fructose. 
Glucose oxidase in the presence of sunlight oxidizes glucose into hydrogen peroxide which is a bleaching agent and will convert your hair color into white.
Pasteurization of Honey
Raw honey is good for health albeit it is pasteurized to inactivate spores of Clostridium botulinum which causes botulism poisoning in infants. 
Pasteurized honey has no nutritional values as high heat (140 to 170 F) may destroy many valuable minerals. But this can be given to babies as it has no fungus and bacterial spores
In general, honey is good if handled properly.


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