



Sunday 28 May 2023



Maturity, the thinking goes,
comes with age. However, this
the journey from childhood to
adulthood is uneven: some
mental attributes surface faster than others, some are
more pronounced in girls,
and poverty and trauma have
an outsized influence on cognitive development, says one
of the largest studies of its
kind, spanning nearly 9,000
children and young adults
from India.

The C­Veda

The study is part of a long-term project called the ‘Consortium on Vulnerability to
Externalizing Disorders and
Addictions’ (C­Veda). It aims
to follow up on those tested over
decades, and evaluate the effect of biological and environmental risk on cognitive
Brain development progresses from childhood to early adulthood with wide­ranging connections among
neurons in multiple parts of
the brain. This connectivity significantly influences abilities such as temporarily holding chunks of information,
called ‘working memory (for
instance, memorizing a phone
the number before writing it
down) and ‘set shifting’ (iterating multiple ways to solve a
puzzle). These skills are classified as executive functions.
Another category of functions, called social cognition
help mediate relationships.
A consortium of psychiatrists, neurologists, and psychologists from India and the U.K.,
investigating the Role of Environment and Genetics on
brain development analyzed
four kinds of executive functions: verbal working memory, visuo­spatial working memory, response inhibition (the
ability to stop one task and begin another), set­shifting and
two kinds of social cognition:
faux pas recognition (inferring
social cues) and emotion recognition (inferring another’s
state of mind).
They report, in the April
2023 edition of the peer­reviewed Asian Journal of Psychiatry, that ‘working memory’ develops first, followed by
inhibitory control and finally
cognitive flexibility. However,
certain abilities such as visual
and verbal reasoning stabilized by late adolescence and
didn’t rise as people aged, whereas cognitive ability and
emotional cognition continued to develop even after
adolescence, Eesha Sharma,
the lead author of the study, Senior Resident Department of Psychiatry National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences Bangalore - 560029. 
The studies, spanning a
range of socio­economic
groups, ages, urbanization
and gender also found that
children who manifested certain traits to a high degree outperformed their peers in that
skill even as they aged, while other traits didn’t constitute a
permanent advantage.
“Response inhibition has a
ceiling. If you are low performing early on, you will
catch up as you grow older. It
was the other way, however,
in verbal working memory. Those who did well in early
childhood continued to significantly outperform their
peers,” said Dr. Sharma, an assistant professor at the National Institute of Mental Health
and Neurosciences, Bengaluru. “However, what all this
means in the real world is a
question that we are still analyzing.”  
Complex abilities
The more ‘complex abilities’ —
response inhibition, cognitive
flexibility, and emotion recognition — are “maximally impacted” by environments
such as poverty or childhood
adversity. “No matter which ability
you are looking at, children in
wealthier households do better,” she said. 
C­Veda expects to map the
brains of those participating
in the study and evaluate and
compare neurologically
development. “If we can generate brain development charts across ages, just like how there are
charts for physical growth, it
could be a valuable tool in
schools and mental health assessments,” Dr. Sharma said.

Saturday 20 May 2023

English Medicines - Things to watch out for

 Allopathic Medicine -Caution


What are the limitations of allopathic medicine?

Risks of Allopathic Medicine

1. Harmful Drug Interactions:
This can happen when a drug reacts with food or supplements a person has taken.
2. Allergic Side Effects:
One does not know that one is allergic to a particular ingredient until the medicine is consumed.
For example, a person who buys a soda at the store and drinks it for gas can cause a reaction if the person is allergic to sodium.
He also takes antacids and eats them. If he is allergic to calcium, magnesium, or aluminum, he will definitely experience allergic reactions.
3. Unexpected Side Effect:
This condition occurs when the medicine works differently than the doctor expected.
A situation like this can happen very rarely in English Medicine.
Most English medicines are chemicals. When these are used carelessly, internal organs like the heart, liver, and kidney are affected.
For example, excessive use of paracetamol can lead to liver damage.
Excessive use of non-steroid pain relievers can lead to complications such as stomach ulcers, kidney failure, and liver damage.
Steroid medications such as beclomethasone, prednisone, and others are very useful for asthma. However, if consumed regularly, they destroy the body's immune system.
Medicines taken orally or by injection provide faster relief but also cause harm faster.
On the other hand, ointments applied to the skin and drugs absorbed by inhalation have slower results but less harm.
For example, oral asthma medications such as prednisone may provide permanent relief but can have very serious side effects.
On the other hand, oral inhalers such as beclomethasone are less harmful but less effective.
Thus none of the English medicines are without side effects.
Thus the medicine you take to cure one disease can produce other diseases in your body due to its side effects.
So the basic aim of English medicine is that you should always be patient and die dependent on medicine. It is a corporate business strategy.
Arms dealers celebrate when there is always a conflict between countries.
That If you are always patient, celebrations with the drug dealer.
Sleeping pills and anti-anxiety drugs should not be sold without a doctor's prescription. In some pharmacies, these controlled medicines can be obtained without a prescription directly on the counters
This shows the irresponsibility of the pharmacies whose business objective is the main one.
These can cause deadly drug addiction. Due to this, the nervous system is affected when they are eaten regularly.

Disadvantages of allopathic medicines

✊It does not focus on absolute health.
Allopathy treats only a part of the disease but does not completely eliminate the root cause of the disease. Therefore, allopathy is not a holistic approach to best-practice medicine. The disease may recur after allopathic treatment, leading to the expenditure of both money and time.
✊Allopathic medicines can destroy good bacteria.
Allopathic medicines can interact with other medicines and cause adverse effects that reduce the effectiveness of other treatments. They kill normal protective bacteria in the body while allowing bad bacteria to grow.
✋Blind-taken-pill approach
Doctors don't get much attention and information about your nutrition or healthy lifestyle. So they can only offer a little advice on diet and exercise, but they don't care about major lifestyle changes. In emergency situations, the patients are told to take pills or medicine without any basic medical advice.
✊Drugs do not cure disease, they only control it
Medicines prescribed by allopathy often do not cure the disease causing the problem, instead, they suppress the disease for some time or change the function of the body. Long-term use of allopathic medicines may cause some chronic latent side effects which may later become life-threatening.
✊Draconian treatment procedures in allopathy can be dangerous.
Overdoses are very common to hear. But it can cause fatal incidents. These quick-relief drugs can make you addicted, and an overdose of such drugs can lead to organ failure or even death sooner or later.
✊Allopathy does not judge pros and cons
Allopathic medicines are usually prescribed only for the superficial symptoms, not for the underlying symptoms or underlying causes. Different body type medicines are often overlooked by doctors. Quick but temporary relief drugs are the main essence of the allopathic medicine market.
✊Does not examine the entire issue calmly
Most of the time doctors are too busy with hectic schedules and long queues of patients, and they miss correct diagnoses and minute details. There is also a chance of being misdiagnosed and receiving the wrong treatment or wrong allopathic medicines

Outcome (Conclusion)

This is because of the natural human tendency to get rid of problems as quickly as possible. People resort to allopathy to get rid of ailments quickly, even if it is temporary. Due to this haste and impatience, they often undermine and completely ignore the major drawbacks of allopathic medicines, which is why the continued use of such medicines leads to side effects that become long-term problems.


BRAIN MEANDERING PATHWAY                                                                         Maturity, the thinking goes, comes with age...