



Saturday 10 February 2018


Fatty Liver

1. A recent study revealed that a chemical present in Kiwi fruit, Papaya, and Celery is known as pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
is preventing the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in mice whose mothers were fed with high fatty food.
2.NAFLD is a condition in which there is heavy fat build up around the liver and the liver functions are damaged.
3. Obesity, high cholesterol level, hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, are the main causes of NAFLD, and these conditions often arise as a result of taking high fatty diet.
4. It is well-established proof that a child can get NAFLD if its mother took high fatty food when it was in her womb.

Breast Cancer

5. A new study has shown that fats derived from fish liver oil and soy can able to prevent breast cancer as well.
The omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish liver oil such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are well established in reducing LDL cholesterol third omega-3 fatty acid derived from soy known as a-linolenic acid (ALA) also plays an important role in preventing cholesterol-based cancer tumors.
6. A new research study published in the magazine ONCOGENE has revealed that some macrophages present in the breast cancer tumor's microenvironment cause the tumor to spread to other parts by secreting insulin-like growth hormones (IGH). 

Weight Loss

7. A new finding regarding weight loss has been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that worries about weight gain and thinking of hardness to lose weight may psychologically helpful to shed off your weight successfully. Albeit it is a joke but serious.


8. Treatments for this mental disorder sometimes become difficult for some people who are refractory to antipsychotic drugs or they may need heavy doses to be controlled. To prevent this a Taiwanese Doctor Hsien Yuan Lane from the China Medical University of Taiwan with his team has found out that a common food preservative Sodium benzoate can enhance the effect of the anti psycho drug clozapine if taken along with it and thereby one can reduce the dose of clozapine an atypical antipsychotic drug.

Collagenous Colitis

9.A rare noncancerous inflammatory bowel disease in which a thick nonelastic band of collagen has formed under the lining of the bowel. 
The symptoms are as follows:
.Watery non-bloody diarrhea
.Stomach ache
.Weight loss
.Nausea, and Vomiting 
.Fecal Incontinence
.Reduced nutrition

Itchy Mole-Melanoma(Skin Cancer)?  

10. Not all itchy moles are necessarily cancerous but sometimes it may be one of the first signs of melanoma fatal skin cancer. Hence if your mole becomes itchy, change color, irregular border, larger than the hole of a pencil eraser, painful bleeding, and anything abnormally disappear or reappear on your skin should be diagnosed by a skin specialist.

Thursday 1 February 2018



Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

1. A study conducted by Dr.Eric S.Musiek an assistant professor of Neurology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St.Luis has reported that chronic insomnia and those who have long time sleep disturbances should possibly have markers of Alzheimer's Syndrom even though they show no symptoms.
2. In 2017, a group of scientists from the University of Southern California at Los Angels has reported that about 1 in 3 cases of Alzheimer's Disease can be preventable through lifestyle changes.
The WHO is recommending men aged above 65 years should undergo regular to moderately intense aerobic exercises for 150 minutes per week or high-intensity exercises for 75 minutes per week can keep AD at the bay. 


3. A study at the Newyork University School of Medicine, Newyork City revealed that e-cigarettes smoke caused damages in DNA configurations when tested in mice. Hence it is known that they are carcinogenic and can cause cancers and heart diseases.

Multiple Sclerosis

4. A recent study of the interaction between testosterone and the immune system in the male mice at North Western University in Chicago has discovered a Guardian molecule that seems to protect against multiple sclerosis


5. Researchers have found that clove oil is having the following health benefits:
Cure oral infections such as gingivitis
Tests in mice with clove extract along with its active ingredient nigericin shown some positive results in reducing insulin resistance by the tissues and hence good for diabetics.
1/2 teaspoon of the grounded powder of clove contains plenty of antioxidants, as per a report in Today's Dietitian.
Extract of Cloves has proved to prevent and cure obesity.
6. It is shown that chewing and swallowing raw cloves can be some times fatal if it goes into the airway by catching flames.
Also, clove oil can cause skin rashes, respiratory irritations, eye irritations, and allergy according to the National Center For Biotechnology Information


7. The following proportions of diets are recommended for those who intend a weight loss
Carbohydrates   40%
Proteins             30%
Fats                     30%  


8.Lordosis Behavior-At the time of ovulation a female finds a particular male more attractive and makes a move available for having sex and mating.
A recent study says that a peptide known as Kisspeptin plays a vital role in this lordosis behavior.


10.A psychological disorder in which the patient is afraid of being touch by others.

Monday 29 January 2018


1. Anxiety suffered by men is mostly given by their close relatives especially by female relatives like mother, wife, or sister. A new study by the psychological medicos from the University of California, Berkeley, and Bar-Ilan University of Ramat Gan, Israel.
2. Doctors prescribe Metformin for Type-2 diabetes as it reduces blood glucose levels by improving glucose utilization by the tissues. But there is a wider belief that metformin also causes weight loss in patients who use medicine. Hence the drugs also prescribed by some doctors to patients who are overweight and obese. But the FDA does not approve this as the weight reduction by metformin is virtual. Also the FDA does not approve the use of metformin to treat the polycystic ovarian syndrome.
3.Type-1 diabetes is a condition in which a destructive gene activated by the environment that stimulates the body's autoimmunity which kills the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Hence it is purely insulin-dependent and usually occurs in children.
Type-2 diabetes is a condition in which insulin production or its release or its peripheral utilization by the tissues is insufficient by some unknown mechanism. It is associated with mental health and lifestyle.
It is important to know that Type-2 diabetes fortunately never become Type-1 (Juvenile,insulin-dependent) diabetes by taking insulin injections.
4. A recent article published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that Vitamin-D has a beneficial effect in the alleviation of IBM, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The symptoms of IBM are stomach ache, diarrhea, and bloating.
5. Symptoms of Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) which may be considered as a subtype of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are as follows:
a)Difficulty sleeping, nightmares, insomnia
b)Intrusive fears about the abuse
c)Silence about the abuse
d)avoid situations prone to the abuse
e)Feelings of sorrow, anger, hopelessness, worthlessness
f)Intence fear
g)Flashback imaginations of abuse
Even though this symptom is usually suffered by woman this may be experienced by any gender and hence can be named as Battered Person Syndrome.
6)Doctors from the University of California have found out that high cholesterol can cause intestinal cancer tumors 100 fold faster.
7)A man carried
 oxygen cylinder inside the MRI scanner room got fatally sucked and twisted by a tremendous magnetic force towards the huge MRI machine and killed.
It is not advisable to carry any metallic materials especially iron materials inside the MRI scanners. Iron is a powerful electromagnetic conductor and it will get magnetized as soon as it enters the magnetic field across the MRI scanner followed by a twist to align the electrical charges positive to negative.
So it is the radiologist's responsibility to check the patient for the metallic materials before the entry such as shoes, belts, spectacles, wristwatches, pens, pencils, implants, earrings, ornaments etc.etc. 
8. The Indian spice Turmeric is having high medicinal values because of its rich content of curcumin an antioxidant that can protect our body cells from harmful oxidations by various free radicals. Thereby turmeric is good for inflammations, stroke and Alzheimer's Disease-A new study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
9. Researches from the Queen Mary University of London have found that modified flu viruses can destroy tumors. They successfully tested on pancreatic tumors in vitro.
10. Hidden culprit influenza can cause a heart attack  

Tuesday 28 November 2017


Recent research has proved that the anticoagulant warfarin which is used for cardiovascular problems such as arrhythmias, stroke, and heart attacks can also be used to prevent the formation of cancer cells. This is acted by blocking AXL receptor tyrosine kinase and thereby inhibiting a vitamin-K dependant protein known as G.A.S-6.   This G.A.S-6 is a Growth Stop (or suppress) Specific gene coding protein. It is a gamma-carboxy glutamic acid domain-containing protein. Warfarin inhibits this gene coding protein and thereby blocking the spreading of cancer cells.


Creatinine is a metabolic waste of an amino acid called creatine. Low creatinine level is a matter of concern. Creatine is an amino acid formed from the body muscle and from the food. The body uses creatine as energy. Decreased creatinine levels in the blood indicate muscle weakness, underweight, and liver problems. But a decreased level of blood-creatinine is normal in the older age and lean body.


Doctors warn that just two sugary drinks per week may considerably increase blood sugar to a level of concern.


The American Heart Association in their journal has published an article. In that article, they said that women who become mothers for the first time at their teenage are at higher risks of getting heart diseases. But there are fewer risks if a woman attains their first motherhood at normal old age.


It is not necessarily only diabetes may cause itching. There may be other reasons but diabetes can surely produce severe itching particularly on hands and feet.
The main reason is high blood glucose levels will damage peripheral nerves which leads to diabetic polyneuropathy. Before the nerve damage occurs there are high secretions of cytokines which are inflammatory substances will lead to itching and reddening of the skin particularly at hands and feet


A piece of recent research information has warned that there are wrong uses of antibiotics that are rising to dangerous levels. Because of this even a powerful antibiotic like colistin becomes resisted by most of the gram-negative bacteria. India tops first in the consumption of antibiotics followed by China and the U.S.


 Eating soy meal is a favorite regular food but it looks not good for men. According to recent research the components of the soy known as Isoflavones produce advanced prostate cancer. These isoflavones are estrogen-like compounds. Hence they may produce negative effects on men.


 Women who took hard exercises such as brisk walking may increase their life span more when compared with those who are not so active. A U.S.research team has found out that.


A study led by researchers of Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tennesee has shown that older adults with low blood flow from the heart are tied to reduced brain blood flow which will affect their memory power. 


Recent sleep research by the psychiatrist Kenneth Lichstein, professor of psychology at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa reveals that worrying insomnia dos more harmful effects to the body than insomnia itself. Hence do not worry about insomnia. Take it sportively.

Wednesday 15 November 2017



Let us see how our body handles alcohol soon after its consumption.
Immediately after consumption alcohol passes through the liver as the first pass to be metabolized.
The liver can metabolize one ounce of alcohol per hour
After consumption alcohol can remain in the blood for several hours and in the urine for several days 
After consumption, approximately 20% of alcohol is absorbed by the stomach and the remaining 80% absorbed by the small intestine
Any remainder portion left is excreted out by saliva, sweat, and urine.
After absorption into the bloodstream alcohol goes to the liver. The liver produces enzymes to process alcohol.
But if someone is drinking alcohol rapidly the liver cannot process all alcohol and hence some alcohol may remain in the body without metabolized.
The total amount of unprocessed alcohol remained in the blood is known as Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
The higher the BAC the more pronounced effects as follows.

Pronounced Alcoholic Effects

1.Reduced Inhibitions
2.Damaged Memory
3.Slurred Speach
5.Difficult concentration
6.Respiratory depression
8. Impaired Balance and Coordination


Age influences the alcoholic usage by retaining alcohol longer time in the liver in old aged people.
The reasons are probably due to the slow blood flow in the old aged people and may be due to the intake of more medicines in old age which may interfere with the alcoholic metabolism in the liver.
As the liver process the alcohol at a smaller rate which increases the amount of unprocessed alcohol absorbed in the body.


Though it is not common to all, alcohol remains a long time in women's body than men's because the body of women have more fat and lesser water than the body of men.


Some East Asian Race people lack the enzyme necessary to break down the alcohol molecule which leads to facial flushing, nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, and headache.

Family History 

Even though gene alone may not influence alcohol individual consumption but researches have shown that gene along with the environment may affect the alcohol handling of the body.

Body Mass Index

Similar to other drugs alcoholic metabolism may be influenced by body size
A person with a lean body or smaller BMW will have a sooner effect than the person with a larger BMW.

Medicines That Influence Liver Processing Of Alcohol

Medicines that can influence alcohol metabolism are as follows:-
1.Anxiolytics like benzodiazepines, barbiturates, meprobamate
2.Antidepressants such as amitriptyline
5.Antidiabetic drugs

How long does the alcohol stay in the system 

Measurement of BAC is one of the techniques to determine how long alcohol stays in the body.
In general alcohol is eliminated 0.015 per hour. For example if a person has a BAC of 0.08 which may be illegal to drive, it will take around 5.5 hours to flush out the alcohol from his body.
It is important to note that since alcohol is absorbed by the stomach also a person who drinks alcohol in a larger amount in an empty stomach may take even more than 24 hours to flush out the alcohol from his body.


The latest and more sensitive urine tests have proved that alcohol can be present in the urine up to 80 hours or up to 3 to 4 days after the last drink.


The most sensitive tests have proved that alcohol can be present in the breath up to 24 hours after the last drink.


Hair tests have proved that alcohol can be detected in the hair up to 90 days after last drink


Tests have proved that traces of alcohol can be detected in the saliva up to 24 hours after the last drink.

6.Breast Milk

It is proved that alcohol is present in the breast milk as long as its presence in the blood. When it leaves from the blood automatically it would leave from the milk, hence it is not necessary to pump the milk from the breast to clear alcohol.

Long term effects of Drinking

Heavy drunkards may have the following risks
1.Cancer of the mouth, throat, and breast
3.Heart problems
4.Liver damage
5.Nervous and brain damages


Alcohol becomes a social drink in parties and in recreation clubs.
Frequent social drinking habit is risky. If anyone feels he drinks alcohol frequently to become a stage of heavy drink without control should speak with their doctor.


Saturday 14 October 2017


This article is dedicated to giving full study regarding aplastic anemia.
Aplastic anemia is a rare syndrome but is a serious one
Usually anemias are of many types in which there is a reduced volume of blood with its total contents or reduced count of the RBCs or Red Blood Cells.
But in aplastic anemia even if there is the correct volume of blood is present but there are reduced count of red cells,white cells and platelets
Platelets are fragments of blood cells that help the blood to clot at the site of cuts or wounds and stop to bleed further.
If there is insufficient count of platelets then internal bleeding occur which may be superficial under the skin to form red patches and blisters under the skin. This may cause scratching and itching sense which may be wrongly diagnosed as microbial or fungal infections
Aplastic anemia occurs mainly due to damaged or inactive bone marrow
Bone marrow is a spongy soft tissue that develops to form stem cells. The stem cells further mature into various blood cells and release them into the bloodstream.
Normally our blood count of platelets is from 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of the blood. The lifespan of the platelets is around ten days.
If the bone marrow does not produce sufficient platelets within this lifetime then aplastic anemia occur.


Bone Marrow can be damaged or improperly work due to many reasons as follows:
1.Radio and Chemotherapies
3.Viral diseases
5. Fanconi anemia is common inherited anemia may cause aplastic anemia by damaging bonemarrow
6. Iron deficiency anemia may oo cause itchy skin which can be wrongly diagnosed as aplastic anemia


1.Itchy skin
2.Bleeding nose and Gums
3.Blood in the stool
4. Retinal bleeding leads to vision problems.
5.Over menstrual bleedings
6.Shortness of breath
7.Irregular heartbeats
8.Pale skin
9.Unexplained or easy bruising
The following symptoms may be due to lack of RBCs in the blood:-
3.Shortness of breath
6.Cold hands and feet
7.Chest pain
Aplastic anemia can cause serious and frequent infections due to the lack of WBCs


Medical Histories 

1.Exposure to toxins, radiations or other harmful environments
2. Cancer treatments with radio and chemotherapies
3.History of certain infectious diseases or autoimmune disorders
3.Infected or inherited conditions
A doctor's diagnosis may involve internal bleedings under the skin and may examine the stomach for the enlargement of the spleen
4. Blood total count and RBC count should be a part of diagnosis as they may show the entire picture of the blood cells.
Fewer than 150000 per microliter of the platelet counts may be considered as serious.


Aplastic anemia can be classified as nonsevere, severe, and more severe determined by the blood cell count. The very low count indicates the severity of the condition.
The treatment may include,
1.Blood transfusion
2.Blood and bone marrow stem cell transplant
3.Medical therapy
Medicines may be used to attain the following stages
1.Bone marrow stimulation
2.Autoimmunity suppression
3.Prevent and treat infections


Aplastic anemia causing rashes are rare but serious
If left untreated the condition gets worsen overtime
The following medications are useful in the treatment of Aplastic anemia but subjected to the diagnostic conditions from mild to moderate and under doctor's supervisions
1.Filgrastim Injections (Brand: Neupogen)
2.Sargramostim Injections Intradermal (Brand: Liukin)
3.Antithymocyte Globulin Intravenous shots (Brand: Agam)

Wednesday 23 August 2017



When the body is unable to produce granulocytes a type of WBCs the condition is known as agranulocytosis.
The condition is very serious as WBCs are a crucial part of our body's immune system and the insufficiency in their production leads to an impairment of the body's resistance to serious infections.
Granulocytes also are known as neutrophils are the major portion of the total count of WBCs such as 80%. This forms the main part of the WBCs immune power as it contains enzymes that kill the invading bacterias.
Hence without sufficient neutrophils our body cannot fight against various infecting bacterias and remove unwanted foreign bodies that cause infections.


Symptoms are generally as follows
3.Drop-in B.P.
4.soreness in throat and mouth
5.Tiredness and weakness due to low B.P.
7. sweating 
8. Swollen glands
If the symptoms are left untreated they may spread throughout the body and blood leads to a condition known as sepsis
The symptoms of sepsis include rapid heartbeat, fast breathing, and a change in mental status.

Causes and Risk Factors

Agranulocytosis is usually acquired by some causatives but rarely it is provided from birth.
2.Bonemarrow transplant
3.Autoimmune disorder
4.Bone marrow disease and leukemia
5.HIV infections
6.Taking certain medicines such as Clozapine
7.Antithyroid drugs


The doctor can diagnose the disease by a simple WBC differential count and an Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) tests
If the test results yield a poor count of neutrophils then it may be agranulocytosis.
The normal count of Neutrophils (ANC) is 1500 per microliters of the blood
If it is less than 1500 and more than 100 then the conditions are known as granulocytopenia or neutropenia which also causes immunity impairment of the body.
The doctors also diagnose with by simple physical exam and a bone marrow test and a genetic test to find out the exact causes for this condition.


1.By stopping the causative medications such as antithyroid drugs such as propylthiouracil and may be advised to take alternate drugs by doctor's advice.
2. Antibiotics, Antiviral or antifungals may be prescribed to neutralize the respective infections infections
3. ByInjecting Granulocyte Colony Stimulating factor G-CSF to stimulate bone marrow to produce more WBCs.
This therapy is more useful in patients who receive anti-cancer drugs
There are three types of G-CSFs such as Filgrastim,Pegfilgrastim,and Lenograstim.
4. Immune suppressing medicines such as some steroids can be used to preserve the production of WBCs
5.Granulocyte infusion


1. Avoid crowds
2. Avoid cut flowers
3. Avoid eating fruits that cannot be peeled or cleaned
4. Avoid close contacts with pet animals
5. Do not eat undercooked or raw foods
6.Maintain personal hygiene

வெள்ளை அணு குà®±ைபாடு நோய்


நமது உடலிலுள்ள இரத்தத்தில் வெள்ளை அணுக்கள் தான் நமது நோய் எதிà®°்ப்பு சக்தியை நிà®°்ணயிக்கின்றன 
வெள்ளை அணுக்களில் பிரதானமானது நியூட்à®°ோபில் அல்லது granulocytes என்à®± அணுக்கள் தான்.இவை பொதுவாக 80% இருக்குà®®் பொதுவாக வெள்ளை அணுக்கள் என்à®±ாலே இவற்à®±ைத்தான் குà®±ிக்குà®®் இந்த அணுக்கள் குà®±ைவாக இருந்தால் அப்பத்தான் தோà®±்à®±ு நோய்க்களுக்கு நம் உடல் ஆளாக நேà®°ிடுà®®்.இந்த நிலைக்கு sepsis என்à®±ு பெயர்.


3.குà®±ை ரத்த à®…à®´ுத்தம் 
4. களைப்பு 
5.தொண்டை புகைச்சல் 
6.தலை வலி 
8.சுரப்பிகள் வீக்கம் 


2.எலுà®®்பு மஜ்ஜை à®®ாà®±்à®±ு சிகிச்சை
4.க்ளோசப்பின் மற்à®±ுà®®் தைà®°ாயிட் எதிà®°்ப்பு மருந்துகள்


1.இரத்த வெள்ளை அணுக்கள் Differantial  Count (DC )
2.தனி நியூட்à®°ோபில் அணு டெஸ்ட் (சாதாரணமாக 1500/mcL )
3.எலுà®®்பு மஜ்ஜை டெஸ்ட் 


1.காரணி மருந்துகளை நிà®±ுத்துதல் 
3.Granulocyte Coloney Stimulating Factor GCS -F ஊசி à®®ூலம் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளுதல் 


BRAIN MEANDERING PATHWAY                                                                         Maturity, the thinking goes, comes with age...