



Sunday 29 May 2016



Sleep is the healthy process of the body to keep it healthier. So many healthier procedures are performed during the process of sleep, such as growth, preparation of waste products like creatinine, urea, and lactic acid to be excreted in the urine. sleep maintains our body's metabolism and growth in a normal way. The digestive system is regulated. During sleeping the workloads of all our involuntary smooth muscles like heart, lungs, and visceral organs are minimized in order to boost them with fresh energy. Sleep refreshes our nervous system. Our blood is cleaned from waste and toxic products by healthy sleep.
Sleep time and quality vary among individuals. The usual range of sleep time per night is 5 to 10 hours.
Sleep requirements are changing according to the person's age. Newborns may sleep up to 18 hours. Preteens usually fall asleep within 5 to 10 minutes with deep sleep. By adulthood, 7 to 8 hours of sleep gives good rest. In the old age, six hours may suffice. In general, according to the modern theory, it is not the length of the sleep but it is the deepness of the sleep is more important.
Polysomnography includes Electro Encephalo Gram (EEG), the Electro Oculo Gram (EOG) and the Electro Myo Gram (EMG) recordings to note the changs during sleep 
By using polysomnography the scientists discovered five stages of sleep
1.One rapid eye movement (REM) stage
2.Four nonrapid eye movement (NREM) stages.
In normal sleep, REM occupies 25% by leaving the remaining 75% in the NREM stages.
In the NREM stages, the last third and fourth stages are considered as deep sleep stages or collectively known as delta sleep stages.
Most dreams occur during the REM stage and the degree of the restfulness of sleep depending on the amount of REM stage.
Most medications used to treat sleeplessness including the OTC medicines interfere with some parts of the sleep stages especially with the REM stage.
Insomnia is the interrupted sleep cycle or insufficient sleep that results in impaired daytime performances. Insomnia must be defined more with the depth of the sleep than with the length of the sleep.
Insomnia should be diagnosed with the deficiencies in the day time performances and not the number of hours  slept as the primary determinant of the diagnosis
Occasional one or two sleepless nights or with insufficient sleep is not important to be considered as insomnia. The pathologically concerning the situation with long time sleeplessness if it contains frequent microsleeps or extreme tiredness otherwise no need to worry.
Patients after a restful night sleep if they wake up in the morning with full freshness and satisfactory and feel no need to have an afternoon nap can reassure themselves that they have no insomnia. It is not necessary to have a sleep of 8 hours. Oftentimes a simple reassurance can be a cure for insomnia.
Insomnia is of three types as follows:-
In this case, if a person cannot have a night sleep in less than 7 days then it is known as transient insomnia. Causes include shift work or acute anxiety
2.Short -term
This type lasts for 1-3 weeks. Causes of short term insomnia can be usually identifiable and self-limiting such as grief, pain, noise, or a tension provoking situation.
3.Long- term  
This type of insomnia lasts for more than 3 weeks. Chronic insomnia is caused by some underlying diseases most probably such as Hyperthyroidism or Arthritis and requires a thorough diagnoses of patients' physical and mental health.

General causes of insomnia

1.Intrinsic causes 
A. Psychophysiologic insomnia is a condition in which the patient associated with increased wakefulness with the bedroom and the sleep time routine.
B. Restless legs syndrome is characterized by extremely uncomfortable sensations in the leg muscle at rest which are relieved by moving the legs up and around.
C. Sleep Apnea can be obstructive or centrally mediated. The hallmark is breathing that stops for short periods during sleep. Patients with sleep apnea should not use hypnotics or OTC medicines.
2.Extrinsic causes 
A. Adjustment sleep disorders are prompted by a stressful situation.
B. Inadequate sleep hygiene  is caused by a lifestyle that reduces the amount of quality sleep
C. Hypnotic, stimulant, or alcohol dependency is caused by dependence, tolerance, or over-reliance on a particular drug of abuse.
3.Circadian sleep disorders
A. Delayed sleep phase syndrome occurs in people whose natural sleep times are altered due to work.
e.g.If a person should be at work at 8 a.m but gets tired after 2 a.m. and wakes at 10 a.m.would be affected by this disorder.
B. The jet lag syndrome is a problem primarily for people who frequently travel across several time zones.
4. Psychiatric disorders
such as major depressive disorders result in poor sleep that usually improves on proper antidepressant treatments



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