



Thursday 12 May 2016



When secretions of estrogens are above the normal by the over activities of the ovaries the condition is known as hypergonadism of women.This condition may be natural or induced by careless administration of estrogens.In natural or provided hypergonadism the cause may be due to the active overstimulation of the ovaries by pituitary FSH and LH or passively by the hypothalamus stimulation of anterior pituitary by its hormone Gonadoropins releasing Hormones.
Either the conditions the over activities of estrogens cause so many problems in women.


1.Over secretions of estrogen will stop further secretions of FSH and LH by feed back mechanism which inturn block the development and maturity of the follicles leads to infertility.
2.Breast tenderness and cancer
3.Endomerial tenderness and cancer
4.Androgenic defeciency
5.Deep Venous Thrombosis(DVT)
6.Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
7.Changes in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism can cause or enhance hypertriglyceridemia and Diabetes Mellitus
9.Gall bladder disease
10.GI distress
12.Mood disturbances 
Over activities of estrogens are 90% by misuse of estrogen intake mostly by contraceptives or other estrogen therapies like post 
menopausal hormone replacement therapies.
Estrogens are highly carcinogenic and can cause cancers in kidney bone and male sex organs.
Intake of estrogen like Diethyl Stibestreol(DE S) by a pregnant women during the first trmester can cause viginal and cervical cancer.This is is because the fetus cannot metabolize the DES and send it back to mother through the placenta which leads to the accumulation of the drug on her parts.Hence esrogens should be discouraged to take during pregnancy.
Administration of estrogens to post menopausal women as a hormonal replacement therapy may cause endometrial cancer in uterus.But the carcinoma can be cured by discontinuation of the therapy for several years.Hence estrogens should be administered to these patients in low dosages and in cyclic manners.
Although estrogens are having some favourable effects .on lipid metabolism such as lowering LDL,and elevating HDL but they may increase triglyceride levels
On gallbladder estrogens will increase cholesterol level dangerously to cause gallstones and other defects.
Fortunately in modern technics dose deviced for the hormon replacement therapy for post menopausal women are highly safe and in these dosages the incidences of hypertension,heart disease,stroke and thrombosis like DVT and PE are minimised.
Nausea and vomiting can be minimised by taking estrogens with food just before sleep. 

Treatments By Antiestrogens

1.Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
It is a nonsteroidal anti estrogenic drug that competitively inhibit estrogens by binding to its receptors.
It is used for the treatment of breast cancers in postmenopausal women who receives hormonal replacement therapy.
Side Effects are hotflashes,nausea and vomiting
2.Chlomiphene (Clomid)
Its main action is by partially stimulating the estrogen receptors and thereby preventing the normal estrogenic feed back inhibition of anterior pituitary.There are sufficient secretions of FSH and LH by the pituitary which subsquently stimulates ovulation.
Its main use is to treat infertility.
Side effects are hot flashes,ovarian hyperplasia,Multiple simultaneous births,sight defects.

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