



Sunday 18 April 2021


SSR-Serotonin Specific Reuptakereceptor
DSR-Dopamine Specific Reuptakereceptors
NSR-Noradrenaline Specific Reuptakereceptor
SSRIs specifically block the reuptake of serotonin only and make it available in the synapse while other hormones are reuptake by their receptors and disappear from the synapse as shown in the Fig-1 (3)

Serotonin is the key hormone of the central nervous system that stabilizes our mood, feeling of peace, and pleasure. In a single term, it is the 'Hormone of Peace and Pleasure'

Medical science has categorised this hormone as a CNS inhibitory hormone but this hormone bears stimulant effects also to some extend such as regulating communications between the brain cells and other nervous system cells. This hormone helps the body with sleeping, eating and digestion. 
Serotonin helps the body with sleeping is by its CNS inhibitory effects. Serotonin when compared with GABA helps the body to sleep normally with healthy and natural sleep while GABA and GABAergic drugs produce unhealthy and addictive sleep. Most of the sleeping pills belong to the GABAergic category.
Similarly, serotonin helps the mind to relieve depression is by its CNS stimulatory effects. Serotonin when compared with other CNS stimulants like noradrenaline, and dopamine helps the mind to get out of the blues with minimal side effects.
That is why S.S.R.Is are considered to be safer than other tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline, nortriptyline and protriptyline.
S.S.R.Is are the most preferred medicines to alleviate Obsessive and Compulsive Disorder (O.C.D).
There are many S.S.R.Is are available and dispensed at the pharmacy on Doctor's Prescription only. They are,
1.Fluoxetine (Prozac); 
2.Sertraline (Zoloft);
The following two drugs are newer members included in this group.
1.Citalopram (Feliz)
2.Escitalopram (Nexito)
Many more new chemicals are coming up with attractive names in this category.
It is not the purpose of this article to describe them all in detail.
One thing is very important to note that in English Medical System (Allopathy) 'minimum side effects of drugs are not yet well defined'
These drugs can be mentioned as one of the many examples of this.
Take a look at a miracle that the same Allopathy Medical Science lists below as to what effects these drugs, which are advertised as having minimal side effects, can cause when used incorrectly and over a long period of time.
The followings are the 'minimal side effects when compared ' with other antidepressants:-
1.Anticholinergic effects-blurred vision, constipation, dry mouth, urinary retention.
2.Antihistaminic effects- low B.P, elevated heartbeats, mucus thickening and airway block, difficulty urinating and constipation.
3.α-adrenergic blockade-palpitations, tremor, anxiety and hypertension.
The followings are the actual side effects of SSRIs:-
1.Nausea, diarrhoea
3.Difficult to sleep or sleeplessness
5.Impotence and decreased desire for sex
PRECAUTION:-More dangerous than all this is 'serotonin syndrome '. Very dangerous. That taking these SSRIs inadvertently with any MAOI antidepressants such as selegiline (Eldepryl, Zelepar), isocarboxazid (Marplan), Phenelzine (Nardil), tranylcypromine (Parnate).
The characters of serotonin syndrome are,
1.Hyperthermia-Elevated body temperature
2.Muscle rigidity-Paralysis
3.Myoclonic seizures
4.Disturbances of mental status.

Natural Healthyway to improve serotonin

Tryptophan is one of the nine essential amino acids
needed by the body through foods. 
Serotonin is nothing but 5-hydroxytryptophan.
Any food that is rich in tryptophan can improve the availability of sufficient serotonin at the CNS nerve synapses.
Foods that are rich in tryptophan are,
3.Dried dates
4.Milk and dairy products
5.Mutton, beef and eggs
to see further click here
But if you desire to take foods that are high in tryptophan then you should first stop taking the SSRIs, MAOIs and Tricyclic antidepressant drugs completely with your doctor's guidance
Conclusively do not go to psychiatric medication to get out of your mental blues instead go to s clinical psychologist and get good counselling from him.

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