Female hypogonadism is a major cause for infertility.This can be a birth defect and it may be a major defect for a female baby.It will be a cause not only for female infertility but also for many physiological defects when the child grows.
In several conditions from the birth,or somewhere in a growing age by genetics or by an accident,the female parts mainly ovaries do not develop and puberty the age at which the child begins to feel as she is a woman does not occur
Turner's syndrom is a condition in which the overies not formed properly and there is a dysgenesis of ovary the growth of the child stops to make the child to appear like a dwarf.Estrogens such as estradiol orally or by injections in apporopriate preparations are used to treat the ovarian dysfunctions and to bring the puberty.
Androgens and growth hormone should be used in an appropriate manner to treat the dwarfism.
The symptoms of puberty replicates,the genital structures grow into normal,and the body assumes the normal feminine contour.
Hypopituitarism,the deficiency of anterior pituitary also cause ovarian dysfunction in the child hood.
Thyroid and adrenal cortex deficiencies,may also be a cause for ovarian underdevelopment.The treatment regimen should be the replacement therapies of the appropriate hormones of deficiency.
But in all the cases estrogens should be included to treat the sexual under development.
Administration of growth hormone will bring back the normal adult stature.
Estrogen along with androgen given at normal puberty age can induce a shorter growth.
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and dysmenorrhea has been treated in earliar days by estrogens alone or in combinations with progesterone as in oral contraceptives.
Girls suffering from unwanted pimples and acne has been treated with oral contraceptives which contains estrogen combination with progesterone.The androgens produced by the ovaries,which causes the acne would be suppressed by estrogens.Also the same treatment can be used to treat hirsutism a condition in which unwanted hair growth like mustache and beard in women.
Estrogen now clinically Used
2.Conjugated estrogens (Premarin)
3.Ethinyl estradiol (Estinyl)
Clinical Uses
1.Hypogonadism,under activities of ovaries
2.As Oralcontraceptives
3.Hormon replacement therapy.
Route of administration Transdermally,intramuscularly and orally
Side effects
1.Post menopausal bleedings
2.Endomerial hyperplasia
3.Breast cancer
5.Prolonged use may cause High Blood Pressure,Thromboembolism,liver cancer.
Estrogens should not be used in the following events:-
1.Breast cancer
3.Liver disease
4.History of thrombophlebities.