



Thursday 19 May 2016



In this post we will deal with various barrier contracepive methods such as condoms for males,cervical caps,and diaphragm for females.
Male Condoms are meant for male contraception and is more safe and convenience.Unlike invasive surgical operations like vasectomy or contraceptive drugs they are not disturbing our body health or our systemic blood circulations.They are user friendly.They cause reversible contraception.
Most importantly they give more protection from infections such as venereal diseases like syphilis,gonorrhea,and AIDS while other methods are not.
Condoms are usually made out of special latex rubber silicon which are very thin and user friendly.Latex condoms are having a natural antiviral actions against AIDS viruses and hence they give 100% protection against AIDS when compared with condoms made out of other materials.This guarantee can be given to those who use the condoms regularly but not intermittently.
Laex condoms also can give protection against herpes virus;genital ulcers,STDs such as gonorrhea,syphilis;hepatitis-B and Chlamydia.
If the male is regularly using latex condoms it is greatly reducing the chances of PIDs(Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) and Pelvic Infections (PI) by their female partners.
If used in a correct manner the condoms are giving a good record of birth control and that means if used properly condoms give pregnancy about 3 to 36% only.
Latex allergy and some other medical conditions are the restrictions for the use of latex condoms.To these patients condoms made out of natural membrane like polyurethane the one branded as Avanthi are available to protect from pregnancy but not from infections. 
Female Condoms are available such as Reality condoms. diaphragm and cervical caps for those partners among whom the male partner does not want to use male condoms.

Female condoms are made of a polyurethane sheath with flexible rings at each end.It can be inserted into either the vagina like a diaphragm or into the anus to line or cover the uterus or rectum respectively.The anal insertion is mostly ment for the homosexual male partners.When inserted it provides a barrier against semen and microbes such as HIV.If used perfectly it give approximately a 95% protection from pregnancy.But an improper use may result in a 26% increased chance of pregnancy.Another drawback is it is not so  economical.In U.S a piece of the condom costs about US$ 5 to US$ 6 or may be more.It is available in US in the brand name of Reality.

The Diaphragm
Diaphragms are the common method of female contraception.As in the above picture it is looking like a small cap or dome with an outer ring like spring at the rim.It is made out of silicon latex or natural rubber.Silicon diaphragms are more convenient and last for 10 years for re use where as rubber diaphragms are lasting for 4 to 5 years.The spring forms a seal against the wall of the vagina.During the usage after the insertion the diaphragm should be left atleast 8 hours in the vagina after the last ejaculation of the male partner during the intercourse.
The above video is embedded here purely for illustrative purposes how to use a diaphragm and cervical cap.
Cervical Cap this is also a female condom similar to diaphragm and are unlike Reality these are economical.If used properly they prevent pregnancy 82% to 94%.

The following video illustrates how to insert cervical cap
As look in the above picture these are cap like female condoms to be inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix and block sperm to enter into the uterus. 

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