



Thursday 19 May 2016



Vasectomy is an invasive method of male contraception.In his method by using a surgical operation a small incision is made at the two vasa deferentia which carries the sperm from the two epididymis of the testicles to he ejaculatory duct in anticipation to the act of ejaculation.Afer the incision the ends of the vas ducts are tied firmly to closure so that they cannot transport sperm to ejaculatory tubes.
The above picture shows the two vas ducts indicated by the two arrows from either epididymis of the testes.
In vasectomy operations the surgeon cut the tubes by incision and tie off or clamped or sealed off the tubes so that they cannot carry sperm from the testes.The operation is simple and sure.
It causes no change in hormone production and sex desires unless if he feels and depressed psychologically that he is castrated.
After vasectomy the man can carry on his usual sexual activities with his partner satisfactorily with proper erection clmax and ejaculation.But his ejaculation contains only semen the secretions of seminal vesicles and prostate without a single sperm.But this may take several months after the vasectomy because there are already produced and transported sperms are stored in the seminal vesicles which can be ejaculated with the semen and they can still make the female partner to become pregnant.Hence even after the vasectomy one should use condoms or other means of birth control until a test of ejaculate does not contains a single sperm.

The Procedure :-


1.Before the procedure started the area is shaved and cleaned
2.A sedative will be given orally so that the patient can sleep inorder to relieve from the trauma
3.A local anesthetic will be injected into the scrotum 
4.Each vas deferens can be located by touch.
5.Doctor will make two small incision at the areas on the scrotum.
6.Through the openings the two vasa deferentia are pulled out sufficiently and cut by scissors and sealed or stretched together of by heat applied by electrocution.The scars formed by the heat helps firm sealing.
7.After this the two ducts will be inserted back into the scrotum and the mouth of the incision would be stretched off.
The whole procedure would take hardly 20 to 45 minutes.
Even after the vasectomy the testes can able to produce sperm but all will be absorbed by the body.
Until recently it is beleived that vasectomy is an irreversible method of contraception and a man who underwent vasectomy is sterile for life.
But modern technologies are improved so that vasectomy can be reversed by surgical methods as the above video illustrates
The following videos also shows the vasectomy reversals



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