



Wednesday 1 May 2019



              In this article we study the effects of low-level potassium in our body.
As we know that potassium is an inhibitory ion if its level becomes low in our body then naturally the excitatory effects of other ions such as sodium and calcium may predominate but that is not always the case in practice.
If the blood level of potassium is below 3 million mol per liter then it is said to be low-level potassium or Hypokalemia.
Junk foods such as processed fast foods are low in potassium. People who diet more with processed food only as their daily routine diet may likely to get potassium deficiency.
While taking fresh fruit we must ensure maximum to consume the whole fruit unpeeled. Most of the green vegetables and fruits are enriched with potassium on their skin.
Lake of potassium in our blood may lead to many complications such as cardiac fibrillation including both atrial and ventricular, which is due to uncontrolled heartbeats tachycardia and arrhythmias may follow.
Potassium is controlling healthy muscle contracts, healthy nerve functions, and regulating fluid imbalances.
Low-level potassium will affect almost all body organs and their functions including heart, liver, kidney, and lungs.


1. Fatigue and dullness, these are the first signs of potassium deficiency. Because potassium maintains muscle contraction and low-level potassium may lead to weaker muscle contractions such as the muscles of the heart, lungs, and kidney. Weak heart contractions produce low blood circulations, low insulin production etc.etc.which leads to weakness and fatigue.
2.uncontrolled muscle contracts may lead to sudden muscle cramps.
3.Constipation and bloating because low potassium causes uncontrolled weak muscular contracts in the digestive system. Hence food movements inside the alimentary canal are very slow or almost nill.
4. Irregular and weak heart contractility leads to palpitations.
5.Muscle weakness and cramps
6.Tingling and numbness of the muscle. This condition is known as Paresthesia which usually occurs in fingers, legs, and arms.
7. Severe potassium deficiency may cause respiratory depression because of the weakened muscle contractions of the lungs.
8. Low potassium levels may also cause serious mental and mood swings.
9. The most important is potassium deficiency can cause more insulin secretions (Hyperinsulinemia)and serious hypoglycemic episodes.


1.Urine Tests:-As a general theory sodium and potassium are competitive to each other in reabsorption and excretion. That means if more sodium is reabsorbed by the body then more potassium is excreted out and vice versa.
These games are controlled by aldosterone from the adrenal cortex and thiazide diuretics at Distal Convoluted Tubules (DCT) and loop diuretics(Lasix) at the Ascending Loop of Henle (ALH) of the nephron.
Aldosterone is the hormone secreted from the adrenal cortex, the only mineralocorticoid from our body plays a role in reabsorbing sodium with the excretion of a little potassium (2%) at the DCT.
Hence if more aldosterone secreted that means more potassium will be wasted out. In other words Hyperaldosteronism may also be a cause for potassium depletion from our body.
In urine usually if the sodium level is lower than 16 mEq/L then there is a high level of potassium is excreted out due to secondary hyperaldosteronism.
Urinary potassium assessments can be made from a 24 urine collection. The normal potassium excretion should not exceed 25 to 30 mEq of potassium per day. This an accurate method. If this method is not possible then follow the spot urine test involving the ratio of potassium to creatinine can be done as an alternate. In this method, if the ratio of potassium to creatinine is greater than 12 mEq/g creatinine (1.5 mmol) then there is an apparent loss of potassium 
2. Random Urine Potassium Concentration Tests can also be used. In this test the measured results should show a figure above 15 mEq of potassium per liter.
3.Tests of Acid-Base Balances:-
After the urine diagnosis the patients of uncertain origin can be subjected to these tests for confirmations.
Diarrhea due to G.I distress or laxative abuses may lead to loss of potassium.
Metabolic acidosis or alkalosis is common during diarrhea, diuresis, or vomiting.
Metabolic acidosis means the blood is more acidic due to heavy loss of alkaline ions such as sodium or potassium and more secretion of acidic ions such as bicarbonate and chloride with hydrogen ions.
On the contrary alkalosis is the vice versa. But in both cases there may be potassium loss due to sodium, and bicarbonate reabsorption.


Treatments should be based on the etiology of the condition.
Hypokalemia is of two types
The real hypokalemia is due to the actual loss of potassium due to diarrhea vomiting, diuresis by the loop, and thiazide diuretics or aldosterone hyperactivity.
In severe depletion a potassium infusion may be helpful. Otherwise potassium supplements are prescribed by the doctor.
Foods enriched with potassium such as unpeeled vegetables and fruits, potato, sweet potato etc.etc.
The other type is pseudo-hypokalemia in which even though there is no potassium loss but the blood potassium level is lower due to high potassium redistribution within the body cells as in the case of hyperthyroidism, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hyperinsulinemia.
In these cases the respective corrective treatments should be given.

Potassium Supplements:-

1.Potassium Gluconate
2.Potassium Iodide
3.Potassium Citrate
4.Magnesium and Potassium Supplements
 In all the above preparations potassium is supplied per dose not to exceed 100 mg for safety.

Sunday 28 April 2019



Heel bruises or heel cracks are the most annoying problems in our daily life.
The main causes of the bruises are crushed blood vessels in the soft heel muscle due to crashes or wearing ill-fitting and rough shoes and dry weather.
Further the problem can be escalated by jogging in ill-fated shoes.
A sudden blow to the heel such as during a fall can cause a contusion or injury to the muscle in and around the heel.
Heel bruise can some times cause bleeding under the skin even though the skin is not broken.
In some cases, the crack at the heel that looks like a bruise is actually maybe something else such as plantar fasciitis
A heel bruise can take several weeks to heal depending on their severity by its own course.
The following home remedies can be used to reduce their time course of heal and pain.
1. Apply a cold compress in the bruised area for 15 to 30 minutes daily for several times. This may help to reduce painful inflammation and healing time.
2. Some times applying heat may be helpful
3. In some cases applying heat and ice alternatively may be useful in reducing the inflammation and pain. You can choose any of the above according to your suit.
4. Elevate the foot often above your heart while you are lying on the bed in the day time and keep the foot above your heart with the help of a pillow while sleeping at night. This may help to reduce the healing time, pain, swelling, and inflammation due to free blood flow.
5. Avoid any activities such as exercises, playing on the ground, running, or walking fo a few days. Resting is very important for a quick heal.
6. Give gentle massages daily several times.
7.Apply a plaster which can give a gentle pressure if the skin is not broken
8. Use comfortable shoes
9. Avoid walking with barefoot in rough and hot surfaces
10. Severe unbearable pain can be relieved by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Brufen) and naproxen (Proxen).

When To See A Doctor:-

Even though a heel pain is a common complaint some times there may be some underlying serious causes such as injuries at the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves.
A doctor can use x-rays or MRI scans to assess the real cause.
Plantar fasciitis which is due to the inflammation of the band of tissue, known as fascia may not heal its own butt needs a surgery.
Other conditions such as heel fractures, Achilles tendinitis, muscle or bone infections, and arthritis also require a doctor's attention.
See a doctor if you have the following conditions:-
1.If the pain lasts for more than 10 days
2.Intense pain
3.Less blood circulation due to swelling
4.Difficult walk or moving foot.
5.A fever following the pain.


As a general in case of any injuries especially in the foot can affect the growth and development of the children. Hence see a doctor within a couple of days.
Home remedies are helpful only to adults.

Tuesday 23 April 2019



  The metal potassium is an alkaline light metal with a valency of one that means on ionization it will lose one electron and will be positively charged as shown above.
Our body contains potassium usually as potassium chloride. Most of our body potassium is present in an intracellular fluid whereas sodium is present in extracellular or intercellular fluid.
Both the fluids contain the negatively charged chloride ions
Hence both the fluids contain sodium, potassium, and chloride in ionic forms only.
During when a cell is to be excited it needs to be depolarized.
Although both sodium and potassium ions are positively charged, the sodium ion is comparatively stronger than potassium, calcium, and the negatively charged chloride ion in depolarizing the cell. This can be expressed as follows:-

Na>Ca++>>K+ >  >.> Cl-
          Na+  ---- sodium ion
       Ca++ --- Calcium
       K+   ---- Potassium
       Cl--   = = Chloride ion
Hence from the above we come to know that when a cell is to be activated sodium ion should flow into the cell with the exchange of potassium ion which would effuse out. An action potential is initiated and when it reached its threshold the cell excited. After the excite the cell return to its rest by repolarization. 
During repolarization the respective ions reverse their flows.
Hence it is very clear that while sodium is considered as exciting ion potassium is to be considered as an inhibitory ion.
This is general physiology to be applied to all the voluntary and involuntary muscle actions including the heart muscles.
Now you can proceed with the following study.
When a person has higher than normal levels of potassium in the blood-the condition is medically known as HYPERKALEMIA-a dangerous life-threatening morbidity.
Generally, chronic hyperkalemia does not exhibit symptoms until to reach a critical level above 7 milliequivalents of potassium, which occurs most probably in End-Stage Kidney Disease. Hence doctors cannot do an immediate diagnosis. A milliequivalent is one-thousandth of the equivalent weight of potassium.
Usually acute hyperkalemia does exhibit symptoms seriously and immediately because the critical level is reached in a shorter period.
The normal level of potassium in our blood should be 3.2 to 5.5 mmol per liter (3 to 5 milliequivalent) of potassium.


1.Muscle Weakness
2.A general feeling of tiredness and fatigue
3.Nausea and vomiting
4.Muscle cramps
5.Breathing difficulties
6.Arrhythmias and chest pain


1.Chronic Renal Disease
2.Uncontrolled Hyperglycemia or DM
A.Pain killers such as NSAIDs like naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, and aceclofenac.
D.ACE inhibitors
F.Calcium Blockers
4.Heart diseases such as heart failure, and lower kidney functions and their treatment medications.
5. Tissue injuries can elevate the potassium level.
6. The lower level of aldosterone can elevate the blood potassium level 
Damage to the adrenal gland or genetic causes of lower adrenal function can lead to hypoaldosteronism.
7. High potassium intake by food or medication during renal insufficiency may elevate the potassium level in the blood.
8.Pseudohyperkalemia: This occurs when taking the blood using a syringe and needle or by cutting or stabbing with a knife may cause injury and hemolysis which may give a faulty reading of high-level potassium.

Foods That Contains High Potassium:-

1.Sweet Potato
2.Canned Tomato Paste, Canned Tomato Products, and Tomato Juice,
3.Beet Greens
5.Proteins such as White Beans, Clams, Halibut, Soybeans, Lima beans,
Tuna Fish and Cod Fish.
6.Unpeeled Fruits and Vegetables
8.Carrot Juice
9.Prune Juice
10.Dried Fruits such as dried prunes, apricots, and peaches.


In acute cases, doctors will usually check,
1.Kidney functions
2.Heart functions
3.Hydration Levels
In chronic cases, doctors will ask for checking,
1.blood tests, urine tests, and other routine lab tests
2. Checking medications contains a high supply of potassium 


1.In chronic cases which usually involves End-Stage Kidney Failure dialysis the choice of treatments
2. In acute cases, the following treatments may help to reduce potassium in the blood,
a)I.V. Injection of Calcium
b)I.V. Injection of Insulin (10 units) followed by I.V. Injection of 25 grams of Glucose
c)Albuterol a beta-agonist can be helpful along with other treatment options in some people. This is available as tablets.

Saturday 30 March 2019



                                                     Blood-Brain Barrier or simply abbreviated as BBB is the protective layer surrounds the brain to prevent harmful chemicals enter from the system into the brain.
The barrier is made out of thick endothelial cells that surround the microcapillaries supplied to the brain. These endothelial lining of the microcapillaries are not only protecting the brain system from harmful materials enter into it and also maintaining and regulating reliable nerve signals into the microenvironment of the CNS.
                                   There are three barriers between the blood and the CNS namely the BBB, which is the barrier between the blood and the brain interstitial fluid, the choroid plexus epithelium between the blood and ventricular CSF, and the arachnoid epithelium between the blood and the subarachnoid CSF. Of these BBB exerts the strongest control over the immediate microenvironment of the brain cells.

In simple terms the BBB is composed of 1)The endothelium of the brain capillaries;2)Extracellular base membrane of the brain;3)Adjoining pericytes:4)Astrocytes; and 5)microglial cells.

Hence in general the brain is well protected by BBB.
But in another sense this strongest formidable barrier poses a great hindrance to delivering a needful medication such as medications to treat brain tumors, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease to the brain. Any trial to deliver medicine through the CSF would be flushed out and drained back into the blood.
Hence on an experimental basis the scientists used long wave low-frequency UV pulse radiations to push the medicine into the brain system successfully. But this causes nervous damages and a permanent hole at the BBB. Moreover a long wave low-frequency UV sound pulse radiation needs prolonged radio exposure to the brain tissue which causes many side effects because of unnecessary large protein molecules such as albumin and microbes enters into the brain along with the drug.
A team of scientists at the Imperial College of London, lead by Dr.James Choi, have studied about the use of Short wave UV pulses in mice models and the result is published in the Journal Radiology
They found that the use of Short wave UV sound pulses is having a huge beneficiary efficacious effects over the long wave low-frequency UV pulses.
Short wave UV pulses need less time and do not give chances to the entry of extra materials other than the drugs. The drug is injected as microbubbles into the blood and when it reaches at the site of action the BBB, the short wave UV pulses causes the bubble to enlarge and pushes and open the BBB little by little and entered into it and make the BBB close immediately within 10 minutes and thereby prevent the entry of unwanted molecules. Hence there is minimum tissue damage.
These are major advantages of short wave UV sound pulses over the use of long-wave low-frequency UV sound pulses that need longer exposure.
Still the trial is on an experimental basis now it is critical to say when the system will be conducted on human models.
Since there are many modern drugs has been synthesized to cure Alzheimer's Disease, and brain cancers but still they could not be effectively used because of the forbidding construction of the BBB
CNS----Central Nervous System
BBB----Blood-Brain Barrier
UV ---- Ultra Violet
CSF----Cerebro Spinal Fluid

Tuesday 12 February 2019



New research has suggested that transplanting stools with balanced gut microbial flora from a healthy person called "super donor" to an unhealthy person can have many curative effects from Irritable Bowel Syndrome to Alzheimer's Syndrome.
In this way even diabetes can be safely cured.
The research is even though still in a Lab test level in rodents a few tests have been done with human models successfully.
Many studies are going on about the possibility of curing many diseases with balancing gut microbiome.
The studies have shown many evidenced links between cancers, diabetes, obesity, depression, allergies, IBS, cardiovascular diseases, and traumatic stress disorders with imbalanced gut bacterial flora. This imbalance is technically known as Dysbiosis.
Researches have proved that dysbiosis is in many ways linked with allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, and heart, and vascular disease.
A recent research study report revealed that there are many connections between the gut bacterial flora and age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's Syndrome.
The important highlight of these studies is there are people with healthy gut bacterial flora which contains the so-called bacterial "KETONE SPECIES" which are the microbial species that produce protective chemicals such as butyrate without which the body cannot maintain its immunity.


Recently some researches from the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, in Germany have studied the competing dominance of the left and right hemispheres of the brain to overtake the other. They concluded that the process is common in the whole animal kingdom including the insects. They have published there reports in the journal Cell Reports.
The technique is known as Lateralization of the Brain Functions
A detailed one example is the language expertise such as grammar, vocabulary, and literal meaning are typically lateralized to the left half of the brine to all right-handed people which is normal
But these experts are lateralized 50:50 to the two halves or 90% into the right half of the brine to all left-handed people.


Basophils are kind of white blood cells (WBC) produced by the bone marrow.
Basophils play an important role to keep our body immunity to function correctly.
If basophil levels are below normal that indicates allergies developed in the body.
If basophil levels are above normal then there is an over the function of the autoimmune system with some blood disorders.
Basophils are a kind of granulocytes like neutrophils and eosinophils.
The granules inside the basophils produce certain important chemicals such as histamine and heparin that cause allergies, and inflammations.
The functions of basophils are to produce allergic reactions to resist  harmful allergen invaded in our body 
Also heparin is helpful as a blood thinner to prevent clotting and ensure smooth blood circulation.
Usually granulocytes are at a low level in normal conditions. The normal blood basophil level is around 0.4 to 0.6 percent of the total WBC count.
Their level rises when the body tries to resist an invading allergen to eliminate.
Hence when doctors test for a total WBC count by which if the result showed an abnormal rise in granulocytes levels such as basophils, neutrophils, or eosinophils then it means there are some underlying chronic disorders in our body such as allergies, asthma, and other inflammatory conditions.
High levels of Basophils (Basophilia) indicates the following disorders:-
1.Rheumatoid Arthritis
3.Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Crohn's Syndrome
4.Diabetes Mellitus
5.Asthma and other inflammatory allergic conditions.


This is a kind of blood test to find out the liver function 
1.ALT or ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE is one of the vital enzymes produced in the liver. The enzyme breakdown proteins into minute small amino acid molecules to help our body to utilize them easily.
2.ALT helps the liver to produce bile in order to assimilate fat by the body.
3.ALT helps the liver to filter out toxins from the blood.
4.ALT helps our body to store nutrients and iron.
Usually most of the ALT is present in the liver. But a damaged liver releases ALT into the blood.
Hence an abnormal rise of ALT in the blood indicates there is a liver disease.
Comprehensive metabolic panel tests include glucose test, liver test, and kidney test which is a routine health test which can be done by any individual to check his overall health in a lab.
But an ALT test should be performed if the Doctor doubts about the kidney function if the patient has the following symptoms:-
2.Upper Abdominal Pain (Right Side)
3.Pain at the right shoulder
4.Easy bruising or bleeding
6.White or pale-colored stools
7.Abdominal or foot swelling
These symptoms are usually to indicate the following liver morbidities:-
2.Non-alcoholic fatty liver
3.Liver Cirrhosis
4.Celiac Disease (An immune reaction to Gluten)
5.Thyroid dysfunction
6.Infections like sepsis and mononucleosis
7.Wilson's Disease (Disorder in Copper Metabolism)
8.Polymyositis (Muscle tissue damage)
9.Liver Cancer
A healthy liver may indicate a normal range of ALT in the blood as follows:
Male     ----  8 to 60 units per liter
Females have a lower upper limit.
Age can affect the normal range.
Including the above list, the following disorders also raise the ALT
1.Liver cell damage
2.Insufficient liver blood circulation
3.Hemochromatosis or iron buildup at the liver
4.Mononucleosis (Epstein Barr viral infection)


Food additives such as emulsifiers in bakery and confectionaries are used by the manufacturers to keep the food items in well-textured and last for longer periods in other words to extend their shelf life.
Emulsifiers are very common in biscuits, chocolates, processed meats, and many more.
Now researches on additives especially emulsifiers draws fires.
Recent research on mice shown that emulsifiers destroy gut bacterial flora and cause inflammations in mice.
The research continues to show that chronic ingestion of packed food items can cause obesity, and metabolic disorders because of their added additives especially the emulsifiers.


It is surprising to note that smoking with tobacco is reducing the prevalence of Parkinson's Disease to about 40%. Thus the medical profession is shocked at the beneficial effect of smoking to reduce P.D. prevalence.
Usually pandemic diseases are infectious diseases that can spread by physical contacts or any other communications from one person to another person by the microbes.
But non-infectious diseases such as Diabetes and P.D are also pandemic because of the changes in atmosphere and lifestyle.
In 1850 only 22 people died in the U.K out of P.D.
But today according to the estimation of the National Institute Of Health (NIH) half a million people live with the disease in U.S.alone.
How and Why?
The scientists surprisingly revealed the truth that it is because tobacco smoking is considerably reduced to about 50% which has the inverse effect on the prevalence of P.D


Recent research findings published in the journal Nature Communication revealed that panic swings in some protein concentrations alert the body to prepare protection against certain diseases like cancers and diabetes.
The protein is named as Nuclear Factor-kB (NF-kB).
These proteins activate the gene by its ups and down fluctuations and thereby correcting and inhibiting the signaling pathway proteins in order to suppress the proliferation of cancer cells.


Macrophages are kind of white blood cells that are designated to eat unwanted cells such as dangerous foreign bodies bacteria and cell debris.
Cancer cells cheat this system by sending a message "don't eat me" through a special protein called CD47 to the macrophages and thereby escapes from eaten up by the WBC.
Researchers from the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, have found out a method to prevent the cheating of the tumor cells to the macrophages by the method of macrophage priming.
They found that simply inhibiting CD47 is not working. Hence they discovered the method of priming the macrophage
In this method in a mouse model they injected a short stranded synthetic DNA molecule known as CpG along with a CD47 inhibitor.
It worked well as along with CpG molecule and the CD47 inhibitor the macrophages are stimulated well to ignore the "don't eat me" signal by the cancer cells and they effectively attack the tumor cells and destroy them.


Researchers at the Netherlands Institute Of Neuroscience have found out that there are 5 sub-types of insomnia each differs with their personality traits, the risk for depression, brain activity, and response to treatments.
A study paper has been published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry
Dr.Tessa Blanken of the Department of Sleep and Cognition has told that "while we have always considered insomnia is a single disorder, it actually represents 5 subtypes of disorders"
These 5 types differ in personality traits, the risk for depression, brain activity, and response to treatments.
Still treatments for insomnia is inconsistent because these subtypes are not well recognized.


A newer hypothesis has been developed by the scientists at the University of Buffalo in Newyork by sample test conducted on a small sample group consists of 16 persons. The study has been published in The American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, and Integrative and Comparative Physiology
16 persons were subjected to run on the treadmill for about 30 minutes followed by a 15-minute labor work under a hot sun in paddy fields.
After these 45 hours of hard work in hot weather after a relax for 15 minutes some of them were given soft citrus drinks with high fructose and caffeine and soda bicarbonate and the rest were only water.
After at least one week the participants returned and performed the routine work once again and this time those who drank soft drinks were given to drink only water and wise versa.
Tests were conducted before, immediately after, and after 24 hours after the session for various parameters, such as body weight, B.P., heart rate, and core body temperature.
They found that there is an increased level of creatinine and reduced glomerular filtrate, in the recently soft drink consumed the group. These two parameters are markers of Acute Kidney Insufficiency (AKI)
AKI is normal and no harm during and immediately after physical exercise due to reduced renal blood flow to retain sodium and water in order to keep up our body temperature and B.P normally. The kidney function is reduced mildly during physical exercise with some dehydration.
But the study has shown that soft caffeinated and carbonated soda drinks actually deepen the dehydration further instead of rehydrating our body.
It is very safe to drink water only while you feel thirsty and dehydrated.

Friday 25 January 2019



1)  Risk Factors Control     
 Controlling 7 risk factors for maintaining a healthy heart can also reduce the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes.
The risk factors are 1.Smoking Factor
                                2.Physical Activities
                                5.Blood Glucose
                                7.Blood Pressure
The above risk factors mentioned above are modifiable by proper controls.
At least a man has to control any 5 of the above factors can be within the safe circle from getting heart problems and diabetes

2) Alzheimer's Disease   (AD)      
Alzheimer's Disease is the severe form of dementia caused by the damage of brain cells by an irregular build-up of a protein called beta-amyloid. A modified form of blood C-Protein known as 3K3A-APC which has been tested as brain cells protective factor in several pathological conditions like multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, traumatic brain injury in mice successfully.This modified protein which a 90% reduced anticoagulant activity from its parent protein also now under trial as blood cells protective from the amyloid build up and give some hope as a preventive or prophylactic against AD
A lack of deep sleep in the old age may sometimes be an indicator of the development of AD.
Research led by Dr.Sabrina Islamoska from the Dept.of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark has revealed that Stress has a strong link with AD and may raise the risk. 
3.Bone Broth
A recent study has shown the health benefits of Bone Broth.
Bone broth is a soup made by slow boiling of bones and connective tissues.
It has been well proved that bone broth soup is good for health.
When preparing the soup a little vinegar should be added while the bones are boiling to release all its beneficial proteins.
Borax is a naturally occurring mineral which is chemically a sodium salt of boric acid(Sodium tetraborate)
It is commonly used as a household cleaning agent
Also, it is used in cosmetics, like detergents soaps, and talc.
Some people use it as children's toys such as homemade slimes without knowing its harmful side effects. If children ingest it the following side effects can occur:-
So beware of a smile made out of borax while giving to your child as a toy.
5.The Gut Bacterial Flora
The human gut is having a surface area of approximately 300 to 400 sq.meter which is one of the largest interfaces between the human body and the environment.
Around 50 metric tons of food passing through the human G.I tract in an average life span.
This includes a huge quantity of microorganisms passing through the gut which sometimes could be life-threatening.
Healthy human babies have good gut bacterial flora which may protect them from developing allergies to various food including cow's milk.
An earlier study by Dr.Nagler has found that the presence of caccae a bacteria belongs to the family of clostridium in the gut prevents allergy to nuts.
From this, they conclude that  the metabolic products of the healthy microbiome can be used to produce drugs to relieve food allergies
6.Aging And Hydrogen Sulphide
Interesting research by scientists from the University of Exeter, in the U.K, has inched us a little closer to understand the aging process. The study has found out that the chemical Hydrogen Sulphide can retard the aging process. They discovered the mitochondrial or the organelles that supply the power to the cells to grow. The power is in the form of a minute dose of hydrogen sulfide to the mitochondria which in turn gives the power boost to the senescence cells to grow.
Aging is technically known as senescence.
Cells that are aging and with reduced growth are known as senescent cells.
Mitochondria are the rod-shaped organelles that are functioning as the powerhouse of the cell. They convert oxygen, phosphorous, and other nutrients into Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is the energy by reduction into Adenosine Di Phosphate (ADP) for the cell to grow.
On aging Mitochondria becomes less active and eventually the cells retard to grow. Almost all organs and parts of our body are made out of cells with mitochondrial
Averagely each and every cell contains about 2000 to 4000 mitochondria. Liver cells contain the maximum.
There are two proteins known as the splicing or triggering factors such as SRSF2 and HNRNPD 
Scientists have found that these proteins are linked with cellular changes during aging.
The scientists designed three compounds known as AP39, AP123, and RT01 which would deliver a trace quantity of hydrogen sulfide gas into the cell mitochondria and thereby fires up the splicing factor to boost cell growth.
For this research a small samples of cells from the inside endothelial layers of the blood vessels.
The study yielded encouraging results that have been published in the magazine AGING.
People should not be confused with the idea that hydrogen sulfide is a healthy gas for inhalation.
This is purely a Lab Experiment.
Hydrogen sulfide is a poisonous gas and not to be inhaled.
7.Breast Cancer
The latest research at the University of Basel in Switzerland has proved that in breast cancer the metastasis (spreading) of the diseased cell can be prevented by transforming them into fat cells in mice. For this process they used Rosiglitazone an anti-diabetic drug with a MEK inhibitor such as Arcitgenin.
The research that appeared in the European Heart Journal describes that regular exercise can reduce the risks of heart attack, liver failure, and many vascular problems. They also found that regular exercise can boost peripheral utilization of insulin by the tissues and thereby cure insulin resistance.
9.Dental Floss
It has been proved that regular dental flossing may lead to the regular exposure of our body to a dangerous chemical such as Poly Fluro Alkyl Substances (PFAS)
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), frequent exposure of our body to PFAS may lead to serious health problems such as high cholesterol, kidney, and testicular cancer, and thyroid defects.
Recently a group of scientists from the University of California has studied the health effects of intermittent fasting on our circadian rhythms

Wednesday 12 December 2018



                                     The concept of slow poisoning to kill a person is different from killing a person by poisoning. Killing a person by poisoning is blindfold, and involves obsessive feelings but on the contrary slow poisoning involves cleverness and waiting for the person to die normally in due course and making the death appear natural.
But an autopsy can reveal the truth in both cases.
Usually, an autopsy is performed when the death occurred in a doubtful situation. This happens in normal poisoning which brings immediate death of an otherwise healthy young or old victim.
But in slow poisoning, an autopsy is unusual as the death may not be immediate, and appears natural.
For poisoning, the killer always uses deadly poisons like cyanides, insecticides, and any other dangerous drugs.
But in the case of slow poisoning, the killer does not need any dangerous chemical or poisonous drug. A normal water and table salt can be fatal
to any kidney patient if he is overdosed by that.
Paracetamol a common pain killer used to relieve headaches and fever by common people could be fatal if overdosed and prolonged overuse. Its daily limit is 4 grams.
Every time when someone consumes paracetamol a 10% of it is converted by the liver to form a dangerous metabolite known as N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NABQI), which is a liver poison. It will damage the liver cells. But luckily this is detoxified by an antioxidant known as glutathione present in the liver. But an extra overuse of paracetamol can overact the glutathione and thereby damage the liver.
White sugar and sweets are all dangerous to a sugar patient if he is not protected by proper medications 
Allergens,  that are allergic to a person can kill that person not immediately but in due course, if he is continuously exposed to that allergen.
Now our question is can steroids be used as slow poisoning as being doubted by the Suspected Death of our Former CM Miss. Jaya Lalita Enquiry Commission by the former C.J.Mr.Arumugasamy.
The Commission has got a medical report that Ms.J.J was allegedly ingested with oral or parenteral steroids for long periods in spite of her diabetic condition. 
But another report from another doctor confused the E.Commission that the steroids were given for her back pain for about 5 days only.
The Commission cannot come to a conclusion because there are confusing statements regarding this and all of them are contradicting each other.
So the inquiry is going on 
The question is can a diabetic patient be treated with steroids for such a long period with or without a doctor's advice. The answer is No
Because there are alternative medicines such as NSAIDs are available to treat back pain or any other inflammatory or rheumatic conditions.
Before starting to blame steroids first we must know about steroids, their chemistry, and their pharmacology.
It is very easy and interesting to understand the bio-data of steroids.
Though there are thousands of compounds in this group with variable chemical and physical characters still there are many similarities among them including their molecular structures.
It is not our purpose to go deeply into the chemistry of steroids but one thing we must know that there are many steroids that are endogenous and are familiar to our human body such as corticosteroids, sex hormones, and cholesterol.
Chemically all of them are interrelated with many similarities including their structural construction with the peculiar arrangement of 17 carbon atoms.
All endogenous steroids are not harmful to otherwise healthy people. But if any of them were ingested into the body from outside then the problem arises as our body does not wish anything from outside. Even an endogenous steroid if ingested into our body it will be treated as a foreign body and will be rapidly metabolized and eliminated.
Cortisol and hydrocortisone are two important corticosteroids, endogenously secreted from adrenal glands in their cortex regions.
Both of them are concerned with the glucose metabolism of our body against insulin hence known as glucocorticoids. They elevate blood sugar powerfully in case of emergency, alertness, and stress by the action of adrenaline. The elevated sugar level is controlled by insulin in stress relief.
A diabetic patient if ingested with such glucocorticoids for a long time will certainly suffer from many complications such as 
1.Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)
2.Immunity Deficiency
3.Fluid Retention
4. Weight Gain as a fluid collection in the body and Hypertension
5.Pneumonia and other infections due to lack of immunity
6.Moon Face
7.Ulcers in the stomach.
There are many comorbidities due to elevated blood pressure and blood sugar level.
There are other steroids such as sex hormones like testosterone in males and estrogens and progestins in females. A few of them to be mentioned briefly. They are testosterone in males, progesterone, estrone, estradiol, and estriol in female.
As long as they are endogenous they do not do much harm to our health.
But they are harmful if taken into the body from outside without a reasonable cause and doctor's supervision.
Male sex hormones like testosterone if overdosed can be harmful to our health. Chronic use shall precipitate prostate cancer along with other comorbidities listed above.
Synthetic male hormones like nandrolone as decanoate(Deca-Durabolin),nandrolone phenylpropionate(Durabolin), methyltestosterone(Methyl test),and
methandrostenolone (Dianabol) and many more.
They are available in the market as bodybuilders, weight gainers, and power retainers.
But the black sides of these synthetic steroids if used carelessly and chronically are life-threatening.
Those who are involving sports and games are using any one of the above to gain victory in the sports events shall certainly encounter bad side effects later.
Methyltestosterone which is the oldest and simple synthetic form of testosterone is nothing but testosterone itself with a methyl radical at its 17th position. The drug is the most powerful anabolic steroids among all bodybuilder steroids. But due to its severe side effects of estrogenic conversion by the body the drug is less marketed. These types of steroids are used as slow poisoners in criminology and forensic science.
All steroids except the mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone are elevating blood sugar levels.
Aldosterone on the other hand is concerned with the minerals metabolism like sodium and potassium.
Aldosterone increases blood pressure by increasing blood sodium and water level by stimulating potassium excretion by the kidneys.
If this drug is overused without any care for a long time it will produce electrolyte imbalance, the elevation of sodium(hypernatremia), and a decrease in potassium level(hypokalemia) with the results of many cardiovascular complications.
Slow poisoning to kill a person is socially awkward and needs personal awareness.
It can be performed in any place, house, public places, or even in the hospital.
Sugar patients can safely consume fruits if they select fruits with a low glycemic load that does not matter how much their glycemic index.
Usually, 1 to 10 is the safer glycemic load range
Please check the glycemic load scale in the net
All creatures of God have the right to live.
Their rights should be respected.
Slow poisoning is a foolish way to solve problems.
God is the best and super planner of planners.
He is watching everywhere and everybody else.
If you plane against anyone then you will be trapped one day with the powerful plan of God.


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